Japanese report
AS-HOPE report
Attendance at 25th International Ornithological Congress (Poster Presentation) and visitation on the Instituto De Pesquisas Da Amazonia (INPA)
Date:2010/08/19 - 2010/09/11
I gave a presentation at 25th International Ornithological Congress entitled " VNTR polymorphism in serotonin transporter gene detected in birds and its relationto behavioral traits" and argued with participants on this topics.
I also participated in a lot of symposiums and working groups in order to obtain the information on the latest topics in avian science.
Most impressive topics were the endocrine mechanisms on song learning and the magnetic compass on sensory mechanisms in migratory birds.
After congress, I visited on INPA and observed a lot of avian species endemic to Amazon basin.
I was deeply impressed to know that these avian specimens were managed systematically and efficiently.
Moreover, I have learned that a lot of surveys based on the molecular methodology had been launched in INPA.
For instance, some scientists were involved in the project that molecular analysis of catfish among Amazon branches using microsatellite markers.
This project was especially important in the point that exact evaluation on economical important animals was indispensable for the population management.
I could also acquire the novel skills on molecular technology.
 International Ornithological Congress
 Poster session
 DNA sequencer
 DNA Extraction
AS-HOPE Project< >