KUPURI > Cooperation Research Symposium 2008 > Field Research of Primates in South-eastern Asian Tropical Forest・Top Page Update:January 23rd, 2009

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Field Research of Primates in South-eastern Asian Tropical Forest


Multiple research projects on primates and other large mammals are ongoing in Sabah, Malaysia. So far, those projects have been conducted separately; however, now we need to strengthen the collaboration among the projects, as each project is now obtaining the results. In and around this state, there are two established long-term ecological study sites: Kinabalu Park and Lambir Hills Nation Park, run mainly by the Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University (CER). However, primate projects have rarely collaborated with these ecology-based projects. These ecology-based teams recently started researches on large mammals, including primates, in viewpoint of conservation of biodiversity. Now is the best time launch collaboration among various teams, both primatology and ecology. At this symposium, all the related researchers, including the research projects on gibbons by the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University (KUPRI) and those from the newly-established Borneo Primate Research Centre in Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, University Malaysia Sabah, gather together, introduce their up-to-date research results to have opportunity to develop future collaboration both domestic (among Japanese researchers) and international (between Malaysia and Japan) levels.

Member:Goro Hanya, Hiroki Kouda, Hirohisa Hirai, Takeshi Furuichi (KUPRI)



KUPURI  > Cooperation Research Symposium 2008  > Field Research of Primates in South-eastern Asian Tropical Forest・Top Page

このページの問い合わせ先:Hanya Goro KUPRI
