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Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Inuyama, Aichi 484-8506, JAPAN
TEL. +81-568-63-0567
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FAX. +81-568-63-0085

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Primate Research Institute,
Kyoto University All rights reserved.


Asula International Seminar

Date: Friday, February 7th 2014
Time: 16:00-18:00
Place: Large Conference Room, Primate Research Institute, Inuyama

Speaker: David Hill
Professor, CICASP
Title: Listening and talking to bats in the dark: sensory excursions in ultrasound

Speaker: Andrew JJ MacIntosh
Assistant professor, CICASP
Title: The complex animal: ecological constraints and the emergence of behavioral organization

Speaker: Yuko Hattori
Reserach fellow, Section of Language and Intelligence
Title: Rhythmic entrainment in human and non-human primates
-A comparative cognitive approach to evolutionary origins of human bonding mechanism-