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Japanese Pharmacokinetics and effects on clinical and physiological parameters following a single bolus dose of propofol in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
Kanako Muta, Takako Miyabe-Nishiwaki, Kenichi Masui, Isao Yajima, Tomoya Iizuka, Akihisa Kaneko, Ryohei Nishimura
The objectives of this study were (a) to establish a population pharmacokinetic model and (b) to investigate the clinical and physiological effects of a single bolus dose of propofol in common marmosets. In Study 1, pharmacokinetic analysis was performed in six marmosets under sevoflurane anaesthesia. 8 mg/kg of propofol was administrated at a rate of 4 mg kg-1 min-1. Blood samples were collected 2, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 or 180 min after starting propofol administration. Plasma concentration was measured, and population pharmacokinetic modelling was performed. A two-compartment model was selected as the final model. The population pharmacokinetic parameters were as follows: V1 = 1.14 L, V2 = 77.6 L, CL1 = 0.00182 L/min, CL2 = 0.0461 L/min. In Study 2, clinical and physiological parameters were assessed and recorded every 2 min after 12 mg/kg of propofol was administrated at a rate of 4 mg kg-1 min-1. Immobilization was sustained for 5 min following propofol administration without apparent bradycardia. While combination of propofol and sevoflurane caused apnoea in Study 1, apnoea was not observed following single administration of propofol in Study 2. These data provide bases for further investigation on intravenous anaesthesia using propofol in common marmosets. Bibliographic information
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics First published: 02 September 2020 2020/09/03 Primate Research Institute