Presentation Award at PSJ34
Four graduate students/researcher of PRI were awarded
at the 34th Annual Congress of Primate Society of Japan on 14th July 2018.
Presentation Award at PSJ34
Four graduate students/researcher of PRI were awarded at the 34th Annual
Congress of Primate Society of Japan on 14th July 2018.

(Awardee, from left to right: Akihiro ITOIGAWA, Mao ASAMI, Aru TOYODA, Hikaru
WAKAMORI, photo by Dr, Maruhashi.)
The Excellent Award of Oral Presentation
Akihiro ITOIGAWA et al. (Molecular Biology Section)
A strepsirrhine-specific mutation causes functional conversion in bitter
taste receptor TAS2R16 in lemurs
The Excellent Award of Poster Presentation
Hikaru WAKAMORI et al. (Evolutionary Morphology Section)
Is your TAIL in shape as a balancer? -Tail function in macaques from
comparison of caudal vertebral morphology -
The Great Award of Oral Presentation
Aru TOYODA et al. (Social Systems Evolution Section)
Mating strategy and reproductive success of male Stump-tailed macaques in
Khao Krapuk Khao Taomor Non-Hunting Area, Thailand.
The Great Award of Poster Presentation
Mao ASAMI et al. (Systematics and Phylogeny Section)
3D shape analysis of lower third molars of extant macaques and species
identification of fossil isolated teeth.