TOPICS BONOBO Chimpanzee "Ai" Crania photos Itani Jun'ichiro archives Open datasets for behavioral analysis Guidelines for Care and Use of Nonhuman Primates(pdf) Study material catalogue/database Guideline for field research of non-human primates 2019(pdf) Primate Genome DB ![]()
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University Copyright (c) |
From: Dr. Takakazu YUMOTO
Director, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University Job Vacancy AnnouncementInstitution: Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University (KUPRI)
1. Job description
2. Application procedure Three copies of CD or DVD containing all documents in the PDF format, as well as paper handout of all documents, must arrive by the deadline (17:00 in Japanese Standard Time on Friday, September 29, 2017), and should be sent by registered postal mail to:
The addressee on the envelop should be followed by "Cellular and Molecular Biology Professor" written in red.
3. Selection procedure and feedback to candidates 4. Gender equality KUPRI is composed of the following research units: Department of Evolution and Phylogeny, Department of Ecology and Social Behavior, Department of Cognitive Science, Department of Neuroscience, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Center for Human Evolution Modeling Research, Center for International Collaboration and Advanced Studies in Primatology, Endowed Research Section [Department of Chimpanzee Research (Hayashibara)], and Endowed Research Section [Department of Wildlife Science Research (Nagoya Railroad Co., Ltd)]. Graduate level education is conducted within the Division of Biological Science in the Graduate School of Science. Detailed information is available at the following web site: For inquiries, please contact Munehiro OKAMOTO, e-mail: