£Ó£Á£Ç£Á (Support for African/Asian
Great Apes)
African Great Apes
- Research, Keeping in Captivity, Wildlife Conservation
Place¡§Inuyama International Sightseeing Center ("Freude"),
Inuyama, Aichi, Japan
Admission Free!
Invited Speakers¡§
J. Anderson (UK), J. Goodall (UK), Y. Hamada (Japan), A. Harcourt
(USA), Y. Hayashi (Japan), J. van Hoof (Holland), M. Huffman (USA),
J. Itani (Japan), T. Kano (Japan), M. Kawai (Japan), K. Kikuchi
(Japan), T. Nishida (Japan), Y. Sugiyama (Japan)
Chimpanzees in Japan Need Help
(Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
e-mail: matsuzaw@pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
For over a decade now, there have been no invasive studies
of chimpanzees in Japan. However, it has come to our attention
that a medical company has recently set out to subject the chimpanzees
in its care to invasive studies of the hepatitis C virus as well
as certain types of gene therapy. The number of biomedical subjects
in invasive studies will increase in the nearest future unless
we attempt and succeed in finding an acceptable solution. As a
first step, I asked Japanese scientists to organize SAGA (Support
for African/ Asian Great Apes) symposium in November 1998 that
have decided to put forward an agenda calling for the cessation
of invasive studies in captive chimpanzees.
Japan is at present home to 388 chimpanzees, 37 gorillas, and
57 orangutans. There are currently no bonobos in the country.
All gorillas and orangutans are housed in zoos. Of the 388 chimpanzees,
a group of 11 is kept at the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto
University, participating in noninvasive studies such as cognitive
and behavioral research. A further 237 chimpanzees are distributed
over 50 zoos, and 4 belong to circuses or commercial productions.
The remaining 136 chimpanzees, one third of the total population
in Japan, are kept in the facilities of three medical companies.
They have 107, 16, and 13 chimpanzees, respectively. All of these
are either chimpanzees who had been used in hepatitis B research,
or the descendants of the latter.
A total of 151 chimpanzees served as hepatitis B research subjects
during the period between 1975 and 1986 in Japan. Of this group,
83 chimpanzees had been imported directly from Sierra Leone, until
Japan ratified CITES in 1980. Biomedical researchers were supported
financially by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and played
the key part in conducting invasive research. A number of chimpanzees
were kept in the scientists' associated universities, while some
others were housed in the three medical companies. Hepatitis B
research using chimpanzees ended in Japan in 1987, thanks to the
development of a vaccine for the hepatitis B virus. By that time,
45 chimpanzees participating in the relevant studies had already
died. Researchers retired and sent the
surviving chimpanzees on to the medical companies. The chimpanzees
received in this way were subsequently bred in a medical company
and their numbers increased.
A few researchers continue to nurture an interest in hepatitis
C research using chimpanzees. They recently launched an experiment
of the infectious hepatitis C virus in healthy chimpanzees in
collaboration with the medical company. Other researchers plan
to begin gene therapy studies for diseases such as cancer and
AIDS in chimpanzees. The experiments would entail safety checks
of the vectors that carry specific genes into target organs. The
company, which has been encouraged by the biomedical use of chimpanzees
in the USA, appears in its policies to strongly favour the biomedical/
invasive use of its 107 chimpanzees. Ministry of Education, Science,
and Culture has never financially supported such a kind of invasive
study in chimpanzees in Japan, but the Ministry of Health and
Welfare has.
The researchers of chimpanzees are aware of how small the distances
are that separate chimpanzees and other great apes from humans.
All the great ape species are listed as "endangered"
in CITES. Their numbers in the wild are decreasing, and captive
populations remain small. Individuals survive 40 to 50 years,
in some cases even longer. These characteristics are not congruent
with the standards for so-called experimental animals. We believe
that there need to be serious constraints on the biomedical use
of chimpanzees and other great apes. SAGA symposium 1998 proposed
the following agenda to promote our scientific understanding of
all great apes. The agenda is approved by the following primatologists
who participated the SAGA symposium: Toshisada Nishida, Yukimaru
Sugiyama, Tasuku Kimura, Osamu Takenaka, Shozo Kojima, Takayoshi
Kano, Juichi Yamagiwa, Jun'ichiro Itani, Masao Kawai, Jane Goodall,
and Jan van Hooff.
- First, we shall undertake
action for the conservation of the great apes and their natural
- Second, we shall endeavor
to enhance the quality of life of the great apes in captivity.
- Third, we shall not use the
great apes as subjects in invasive studies, but promote our scientific
understanding through non-invasive techniques.
For our purposes, the word "invasive" refers to the
treatment that causes irreversible deficits of normal function.
In short, illegal or non- ethical treatment prohibited in the
case of human subjects is to be likewise prohibited in the great
Based on this SAGA agenda, we hope to halt current trends of
invasive biomedical use of chimpanzees in Japan. We will then
devise further plans for the scientific use of the 136 chimpanzees
currently in the care of the medical companies from a broader
perspective. Researchers, medical companies, Ministries, and the
people who are working for the great apes need to cooperate together
to develop a suitable solution, as these chimpanzees represent
unique genetic resources existing in Japan. The founding of a
national institute for the scientific and noninvasive use of captive
chimpanzees should be seen as a realistic goal.
I hope that primatologists all over the world will demonstrate
their approval and support of SAGA attempt toward a better life
for chimpanzees and other great apes in the coming century. Further
correspondence should be the following e-mail address: saga@smtp.pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
This article appeared in "PAN Africa News", Vol.5,
No.2, November 1998.
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