Shimizu / Poster
Assessment of reproductive status by using urinary hormone evaluation in
great apes
Keiko Shimizu, Toshifumi Udono*, Fusako Mitsunaga and Motoharu Hayashi
Primate research Institute, Kyoto University;
*Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho, Kumamoto Primate Center;
Assessing reproductive status is important to the effective
management of captive and free-ranging wildlife species. Ovarian function in great apes
can be evaluated by estimating the concentrations of hormones in circulation. However, the
monitoring of the hormonal changes requires daily blood sampling, a procedure that, in the
case of great apes, necessitates anesthesia. The limitations have been alleviated by use
of daily urine samples and the direct measurement of urinary estrone conjugates (E1C) and
pregnandiol-3-glucuronide (PdG) for monitoring ovarian function by enzyme immuno assay
The present study was undertaken to 1) ascertain the usefulness
of these methods in evaluating reproductive function in great apes and 2) assess the
effects of Norprant implants for contraception on ovarian hormone secretion and genital
swelling patterns in female chimpanzee by EIA.
1) Urine samples were collected daily from the cage floor during
ovarian cycles in captive female chimpanzees, orangutan and gorilla. Urine was analyzed
for concentrations of E1C and PdG by EIA. A typical preovulatory urinary E1C peak and
postovulatory increase in urinary PdG were seen during the menstrual cycles in regularly
menstruating chimpanzees and orangutan. However, gorilla, her menstrual cycles had been
irregular, showed consistently low E1C and PdG concentrations with no cyclic variation,
indicating anovulation.
Daily urinary E1C and PdG measurements together with observation
and reagent strip tests for blood in the urine were found to be useful in assessing the
reproductive status of great apes.
2) Urine samples were collected during one natural cycle before
and two cycles following insertion of Norplant implants. Genital swelling data were
recorded daily. During Norplant treatment, one female exhibited minimal ovarian activity
consistent with anovulation. Hormone data from two females indicated both follicular and
luteal activity, suggesting that ovulation may have occurred during Norplant treatment.