TOPICS BONOBO Chimpanzee "Ai" Crania photos Itani Jun'ichiro archives Open datasets for behavioral analysis Guidelines for Care and Use of Nonhuman Primates(pdf) Study material catalogue/database Guideline for field research of non-human primates 2019(pdf) Primate Genome DB ![]()
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University Copyright (c) |
Shimada / Poster A Study plan of gene flow between Chimpanzee group at Bossou and others. Makoto K. SHIMADA The primary forest intensively used by a chimpanzee group at
Bossou, which have been studied since 1976 by a research team of KUPRI (Kyoto University,
Primate Research Institute), is rather small (about 1km2) and does not
connected with other primary forest. The home range of Bossou group is about 10 km2
and located in peripheral area of Nimba Mountain forests. About five-km distance with
savanna area separates both forests. According to the demographic record of the group
since 1976 (Sugiyama 1999), the remaining rates of infant and juvenile (64 - 80 % for both
sexes) are different from those of adolescents (14% for male, 33% for female). As a
result, most of the individuals born in Bossou group disappeared from the group before
maturation. On the contrary, the record of immigration shows only one male immigrant, two
visitor males, and no female immigration. Sugiyama (1999) discussed that the migration
pattern of Bossou group is different from those of other wild groups showing male-related
group. The habitat circumstance and the demographic record suggest a potential threat of
genetic deterioration of the wild chimpanzee group. The purpose of this study is to reveal
the degree of gene flow between Bossou group and groups in the Nimba Mountains. |