TOPICS BONOBO Chimpanzee "Ai" Crania photos Itani Jun'ichiro archives Open datasets for behavioral analysis Guidelines for Care and Use of Nonhuman Primates(pdf) Study material catalogue/database Guideline for field research of non-human primates 2019(pdf) Primate Genome DB ![]()
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University Copyright (c) |
Harrison / Oral Terry Harrison, Department of Anthropology, New York University, New York, NY 10003 Proconsul, from the early and middle Miocene of East Africa,
is widely regarded as the most primitive representative of the Hominoidea. However, a
review of the historical development of this viewpoint shows that the proposed
relationship of Proconsul to extant hominoids has long been an unquestioned assumption
without adequate evidence. There appear to be relatively few characters that can be
advanced in support of such a phylogenetic link, and in many cases these features are of
limited or uncertain significance for determining relationships. Critical scrutiny of some
of the key morphological features and complexes traditionally viewed as Proconsul+hominoid
synapomorphies (i.e., relative premolar cusp height, brain size, morphology of the distal
humerus, and absence of a tail) serves to illustrate the nature and complexity of this
problem. For example, based on new estimates of cranial capacity in KNM-RU 7290, relative
brain size in Proconsul heseloni can be shown to be close to the mean value for extant
anthropoids. Also, given the range of diversity seen in modern anthropoid clades it would
appear that the degree of encephalization is of limited utility as a character in
phylogenetic analysis, and can be shown to be much more intimately correlated with
behavioral or ecological attributes, such as diet. Similarly, vertebrae associated with
the partial skeletons of Proconsul heseloni from the Kaswanga Primate Site on Rusinga
Island can be interpreted as caudal vertebrae that demonstrate that Proconsul may have had
a relatively long tail. |