日時: 2009 年 |
12 月19 日(土) 13:00〜18:15 |
12 月20 日(日) 9:00〜16:00 |
場所: 京都大学霊長類研究所大会議室

プログラム ポスターセッション
オーラルセッション 上記をダウンロード
Christoph Dahl
Pier P. Ferrari (パルマ大学)
藤井直敬 (理研BSI)
J. Kiley Hamlin (イエール大学)
板垣俊 (東京大学)
兼子峰明 (京都大学霊長類研究所)
狩野文浩 (京都大学霊長類研究所)
小林春美 (東京電機大学)
倉岡康治 (京都大学霊長類研究所)
楠本ひろみ (九州大学)
森口佑介 (上越教育大学)
森本陽 (京都大学)
直井望 (京都大学)
大嶋百合子 (マギル大学)
Jeniffer J. Pokorny (エモリー大学)
Hyun-Joo Song (延世大学)
時本楠緒子 (理研BSI)
山本真也 (東京大学/林原類人猿研究センター)
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Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University,
Symposium of Coopertaive Research Program 2009:
5th International Inuyama Comparative Social Cognition Symposium
Saturday, December 19 . Sunday, December 20, 2009
Large Conference Room, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University,
Inuyama, Aichi, Japan
Organizers (Kyoto University): Masaki Tomonaga, Misato Hayashi,
Ikuma Adachi, Tomoko Matsui
(Primate Research Institute), Shoji Itakura
(Graduate School of Letters), Masayuki Tanaka
(Wildlife Research Center), Masako Myowa
(Graduate School of Education)
Collaborators: Kazuo Hiraki (University of Tokyo),
Motoaki Sugiura (Tohoku University), Atsushi
Sato (University of Toyama)
Hosted by Primate Research Institute, Kyoto
University and Kyoto University Global COE Program:
Revitalizing Education for Dynamic Hearts and
Saturday, December 19
12:00.13:00 Registration
13:00.13:05 Opening remarks
Session 1(Chair: Masaki Tomonaga)
13:05.13:40 O1 Psychological reasoning in infancy
Hyun-joo Song (Yonsei University)
13:40.14:05 O2 Young children’s social learning from a robot
Yusuke Moriguchi (Joetsu University of Education)
14:05.14:40 O3 The enemy of my enemy is my friend: Infants interpret
social behaviors in context
Jane Kiley Hamlin (Yale University)
14:40.15:05 O4 Relative contributions of kinematical information and
goal representation for perception of self‐agency in
humans and
Takaaki Kaneko, Masaki Tomonaga (Kyoto
15:05.15:30 O5 Chimpanzees’ flexible helping upon request
Shinya Yamamoto (University of Tokyo)
15:30.16:55 Tea break and poster session
Session 2(Chair: Ikuma Adachi)
16:55.17:30 O6 Social cognition in capuchin
monkeys: Individual recognition from
Jennifer J. Pokorny (Yerkes National Primate
Research Center)
17:30.18:15 O7 Mirroring other minds. New insights from neuroscience
understand monkey cognitive development
Pier Francesco Ferrari (University of Parma)
18:30 Banquet
Sunday, December 20
8:30.9:00 Registration
Session 3(Chair: Tomoko Matsui)
9:00.9:35 O8 Language acquisition from a social
cognitive perspective: How
children learn word meanings with non‐linguistic cues
Harumi Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki University)
9:35.10:00 O9 Communicative behavior reflecting the perception of
others’ cognitive environment in infancy
Hiromi Kusumoto (Kyushu University)
10:00.10:25 O10 Assessing cortical response to infant‐directed
speech in high‐risk
Nozomi Naoi (JST; Kyoto University)
10:25.11:00 O11 Early word learning in young children
Yuriko Oshima-Takane (McGill University)
11:00.11:10 Tea break
Session 4(Chair: Ikuma Adachi)
11:10.11:35 O12 Object manipulation by a social
rodent, degu (Octodon degus)
Naoko Tokimoto (RIKEN BSI)
11:35.12:00 O13 Do capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) understand
meanings in conspecifics expression?
Yo Morimoto (Kyoto University)
12:00.13:15 Lunch and poster session
Session 5(Chair: Masaki Tomonaga)
13:15.13:50 O14 Body scheme and social rule
Naotaka Fujii (RIKEN BSI)
13:50.14:15 O15 The comparative eye‐tracking study in chimpanzees
and humans
Fumihiro Kano, Masaki Tomonaga (Kyoto University)
14:15.14:40 O16 Human error processing interacts with social
information: Evidence from ERP studies
Shun Itagaki (University of Tokyo)
14:40.15:05 O17 Autonomic reaction and neuronal response to facial
expression and
Koji Kuraoka (Kyoto University)
15:05.15:40 O18 The behavioral hallmarks of face processing in man
and monkey
Christoph D. Dahl (Max Planck Institute for
Biological Cybernetics)
15:40.16:00 General discussion
16:00.16:10 Closing remarks
Poster session
P1 Cross‐modal representations of familiar
conspecifics in rhesus monkeys
Ikuma Adachi1, Robert R. Hampton2 (1 Primate Research Institute,
Kyoto University; 2
Department of Psychology, Emory University)
P2 Visual search for emergent features in
Kazuhiro Goto1, Masaki Tomonaga2, & Tomoko Imura2 (1 Kokoro
Research Center, Kyoto
University; 2 Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
P3 Scannig others’ social cues in chimpanzees
and humans
Yuko Hattori1,2, Fumihiro Kano1,2, Masaki Tomonaga1 (1 Primate
Research Institute, Kyoto University; 2 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
P4 The change of power in a chimpanzee: The
investigation of relations between
Mari Hirosawa1, Naomi Suzuki2, Ikuma Adachi1 (1 Primate Research
Institute, Kyoto
University; 2 Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu
P5 Double tactile sensations evoked by a single
visual stimulus on a rubber hand
Motoyasu Honma1, Shinichi Koyama2, Yoshihisa Osada1 (1 College of
Psychology, Rikkyo University; 2 Graduate School of Engineering,
Chiba University)
P6 Effect of optic‐flow on navigating virtual
Tomoko Imura1, Nobu Shirai2 (1 Primate Research Institute, Kyoto
University; 2 Department of
Psychology, Niigata University)
P7 Social relationships and interactions in a
captive group of brown capuchin monkeys
Yuta Ishiguro1, Hiroe Kamanaru2, Mitsunori Nagao2, Hiroki Yamamoto,
Masayuki Tanaka1 (1
Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University; 2 Kyoto City Zoo)
P8 Estimation of anxiety using eye movement at
photograph appreciation
Tadanobu Kamijo1, Maho Oki2, Hideyuki Takahashi3 (1 Graduate School
of Engineering,
Tamagawa University; 2 Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences ,Ochanomizu
3 Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute)
P9 The correspondent link between action
prediction and motor ability in early
Yasuhiro Kanakogi, Shoji Itakura (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto
P10 Inter‐institutional transfer in captive
chimpanzees: A case study of relationships
among behavior, personality, and “Quality of Life”
Akitsugu Konno1, Naruki Morimura2,3, Masayuki Tanaka2,4, Toshifumi
Udono3, Kaname
Okahashi4, Yuki Yamamoto4, Masayuki Matsunaga4, Fumio Ito4, Mihi
Toshikazu Hasegawa1, Masaki Tomonaga5 (1 Graduate School of Arts and
Science, University
of Tokyo; 2 Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University; 3 The
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Uto; 4
Kyoto City Zoo; 5 Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
P11 Online processing of speech prosody in
children with autism spectrum disorders:
An eye‐tracking study
Yui Miura1,2, Tomoko Matsui1, Yoshikuni Tojo3, Hiroo Osanai4 (1
Primate Research Institute,
Kyoto University; 2 Japan Society for the Promotion of Scicence; 3
Department of Education,
Ibaraki University; 4 Musashino Higashi Education Center)
P12 EEG revealed two phases in visual
self‐recognition: Sharpening and facilitation
Makoto Miyakoshi, Noriaki Kanayama, Tetsuya Iidaka, Toshiharu Nakai,
Hideki Ohira
(Functional Brain Imaging Lab, Department of Gerontechnology,
National Center for Geriatrics
and Gerontology)
P13 Do monkeys recognize when others care about
Chizuko Murai (Brain Science Institute of Tamagawa)
P14 Bilingual advantage of conversational
understanding: A comparison between
English‐Japanese bilingual children and Japanese monolingual
Yuko Okumura1, Michael Siegal2,3, Shoji Itakura1 (1 Graduate School
of Letters, Kyoto
University; 2 Department of Psychology, University of Trieste; 3
Department of Psychology,
University of Sheffield)
P15 Brain development in chimpanzees: A
longitudinal MRI study
Tomoko Sakai1, Akichika Mikami2, Daichi Hirai3, Takeshi Nishimura3,
Juri Suzuki3, Yuzuru
Hamada3, Masaki Tomonaga3, Masayuki Tanaka4, Takako Miyabe3, Masato
Tetsuro Matsuzawa3 (1 Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University;
2 Faculty of Human
Well-Being, Chubu Gakuin University; 3 Primate Research Institute,
Kyoto University; 4
Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University)
P16 Manual laterality in object manipulation in
substrate use by captive capuchin
monkeys (Cebus sp.)
Yoshiaki Sato1,2, Yui Fujimori3, Misato Hayashi1 (1 Primate Research
Institute, Kyoto
University; 2 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; 3 Faculty
of Applied Biological
Sciences, Gifu University)
P17 Cerebral dominance for self information in
handwritten shapes: An ERP study
Reiko Sawada1,2, Yui Miura1,2, Nobuo Masataka1 (1 Primate Research
Institute, Kyoto
University; 2 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
P18 What we know about the left holding newborn
Celine Scola (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University)
P19 Mother’s mind‐mindedness could foster
child’s mentalising abilities? False belief
and emotion understanding
Ikuko Shinohara (Shiraume Gakuen College)
P20 Asymmetric perception of radial
expansion/contraction in Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) infants
Nobu Shirai1, Tomoko Imura2, Yuko Hattori2, Ikuma Adachi2, Shigeru
Ichihara3, So Kanazawa4,
Masami K. Yamaguchi5, Masaki Tomonaga2 (1 Department of Psychology,
Niigata University;
2 Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University; 3 Graduate School of
Humanities, Tokyo
Metropolitan University; 4 Graduate School of Integrated Arts and
Social Sciences, Japan
Women’s University; 5 Department of Psychology, Chuo University)
P21 Group learning of a computer‐based task in
zoo chimpanzees
Masayuki Tanaka1, Masayuki Matsunaga2, Fumio Ito2, Yuki Yamamoto2,
Sachiko Kunimoto1 (1
Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University; 2 Kyoto City Zoo)
P22 Why so difficult to discriminate human gaze
directions for chimpanzees?
Masaki Tomonaga1 and Takaaki Kaneko1,2 (1 Primate Research
Institute, Kyoto University; 2
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
P23 Motion judgment in infant macaque monkeys (Macaca
Sota Watanabe1,2, Masaki Tomonaga3, & Kazuo Fujita1 (1 Graduate
School of Letters, Kyoto
University; 2 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; 3 Primate
Research Institute, Kyoto
O1 Psychological reasoning in infancy
Hyun-joo Song
Department of Psychology, Yonsei University
A series of my experiments have revealed some evidence for
infants’ ability to reason
about others’ psychological processes. First, by 9.5 months,
infants can reason about others’
dispositions to do a particular action. Second, by 12 months,
infants can use verbal information when
inferring others’ goals. Third, 14.5 months, infants understand
that others can be misled by false
perceptions. Fourth, by 18.5 months, infants can understand that
others’ false beliefs can be
corrected by appropriate communications. These findings add to
emerging evidence on infants’
sensitivity to others’ internal states.
O2 Young children’s social learning from a robot
Yusuke Moriguchi
Graduate School of Education, Joetsu University
of Education
It is generally assumed that young children learn new actions and
language from another
person. Recent research, however, has shown that children can learn
new actions and skills from
nonhuman agents. This study builds upon previous research and seeks
to examine whether children
could learn actions and words from a robot. In study 1, we examined
whether children automatically
imitated a robot’s actions. The results revealed that children did
not automatically imitate the robot’s
actions, but they did imitate when prompted to do so. Study 2
examined whether children can learn
words from a robot. Children were shown a video in which either a
woman (a human condition) or a
mechanical robot (a robot condition) labeled novel objects. After
viewing the video, children were
asked to select the target objects that had been identified on the
tape. The results revealed that
children in the robot condition performed significantly above chance
level although children tested
with the human condition performed better than those tested with the
robot condition. The results of
two studies suggested that children have the potential to learn
actions and words from a robot, but
the way they learn from a robot is different from the way from a
human. In the further research, we
will examine the neural basis of the learning from a robot.
O3 The enemy of my enemy is my friend: Infants
interpret social behaviors in
Jane Kiley Hamlin
Department of Psychology, Yale University
Recent research suggests that young infants prefer prosocial to
antisocial individuals
(Hamlin, Wynn, & Bloom, 2007). While a preference for those who
help others is certainly adaptive,
there are potentially situations in which unhelpful behavior is more
appropriate (e.g. punishing
others for their wrongdoing) or more socially diagnostic (e.g.
“The enemy of my enemy is my
friend” Aronson & Cope, 1968; Gawronski et al, 2005; Heider,
1958). This talk examines whether
infants always prefer those who are prosocial, in contexts in which
antisocial behavior could be seen
as punishment, or in which an individual’s antisocial behavior may
be an indication that he or she
shares a negative opinion toward a disfavored other.
O4 Relative contributions of kinematical
information and goal representation for perception of self‐agency in humans and
Takaaki Kaneko1,2, Masaki Tomonaga2
1 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; 2
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Humans distinctly recognize an event which caused by the self from
other events, namely
the perception of self-agency which allow us to establish the
concept of self as a being independent
agent. Previous our study showed chimpanzees share similar cognitive
function. In this study, we
aimed to reveal species unique features of this cognitive function
by comparing humans and
chimpanzees. In particular, we investigated the relative
contributions of kinematical information or
goal representation as a cue for the self/other differentiation. It
is known that chimpanzees and
humans employ different strategies for a coding of other’s action
in a context of imitation, that is
chimpanzees have difficulties in copying of other’s motor action
but they could do reproduce other’s
goals. These difference may reflect the difference in the perception
of own voluntary action,
however, none of study have addressed this matter before. Here we
show that the chimpanzees have
difficulty in discrimination of agency when goal representation was
insufficient cue of the
discrimination but the humans do not.
In our experiments, two of cursors were shown on the monitor and one
of which were
moved by the computer and the other could be controlled by the
participants using the trackball
device. The participants were required to detect the cursor which
they could move and hit either
target shown on the monitor. The time to detect the self cursor was
increased as the percentage of a
case in which the target the distracter cursor moved toward was
accidentally correspond with the
target the participant aimed to hit was increased, and this was only
observed in chimpanzees but not
in humans.
O5 Chimpanzees’ flexible helping upon request
Shinya Yamamoto
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science;
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of
Tokyo; Great Ape Research Institute, Hayashibara
Biochemical Laboratories, Inc.
The evolution of altruism has been explained mainly from ultimate
perspectives. However,
it remains to be investigated from a proximate point of view how and
in which situations such social
propensity is achieved. We investigated chimpanzees’ helping
behavior in a tool-transfer paradigm,
and discuss the similarities and differences in altruism between
humans and chimpanzees.
Previously it has been suggested that chimpanzees help human
experimenters by retrieving an object
which the experimenter is trying to reach. In the present study, we
investigated the importance of
communicative interactions between chimpanzees themselves and the
influence of conspecific
partner’s request on chimpanzees’ altruism. We presented two
tool-use situations (a stick-use
situation and a straw-use situation) in two adjacent booths, and
supplied non-corresponding tools to
paired chimpanzees in the two booths. For example, a chimpanzee in
the stick-use situation was
supplied with a straw, and the partner in the straw-use situation
possessed a stick. Spontaneous tool
transfer was observed between paired chimpanzees. The tool giving
events occurred predominantly
following recipients’ request. Even without any hope of
reciprocation from the partner, the
chimpanzees continued to help the partner as long as the partner
required. We also found that the
giver chose an appropriate tool from a selection of seven objects
for transfer to their partner to obtain
an otherwise inaccessible food reward. These results indicate that
chimpanzees altruistically help
others upon request without pursuing personal benefits. It is also
suggested that chimpanzees have
an ability to understand others’ request and needs. This is the
first experimental study reporting
chimpanzees’ flexible helping behavior. Thus the implication for
the differences between
chimpanzees and humans is that voluntary altruism with highly
accurate understanding and
knowledge of others’ desires is a unique human trait.
O6 Social cognition in capuchin monkeys:
Individual recognition from faces
Jennifer J. Pokorny
Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory
Nonhuman primates live in socially complex groups that require
recognition of individuals
with whom they interact. Humans typically use faces to extract
information such as the identity of an
individual, whom we can then determine is either familiar or
unfamiliar. We examined the ability of
capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to discriminate and recognize
conspecific faces using a
computerized oddity task. We demonstrated that capuchins not only
recognize familiar and
unfamiliar conspecific faces, but that they can also identify
familiar individuals depicted in the
images. This was done by having subjects select the one in-group
member as odd among three
out-group members and vice versa. The monkeys correctly determined
which faces were in-group
versus out-group members, corresponding to their real-life
experience. This indicates that capuchins
recognize the identity of individuals whom they see in a picture and
understand the representational
nature of two-dimensional images.
O7 Mirroring other minds. New insights from
neuroscience to understand monkey cognitive development
Pier Francesco Ferrari
Department of Evolutionary and Functional
Biology; Department of Neuroscience, University of Parma
The discovery of the mirror neuron system in both monkeys and humans
challenged the
view that action and perception belong to different domains. This
finding also had a large impact on
several scientific disciplines and raised important questions about
their possible functions in social
cognition and development.
Here I will first describe the basic properties of mirror neurons in
the ventral premotor
cortex and the inferior parietal lobule in the macaque monkey and
subsequently the mirror neuron
system in humans. Secondly, I will present hypotheses about their
possible functions in action
understanding and imitation, both during infancy and adulthood.
Recent neurophysiological data on
infant macaques suggest that they are provided at birth with a
mirror mechanism probably serving
communicative functions. The capacity to match own and others’
behavior now documented in
infancy (e.g. neonatal imitation) and so well developed in
adulthood, probably reflects the need and
ability of monkeys to stay in tune with each others and to
synchronize behavioral activities. An
empathic connection resulting from behavior matching may have
important consequences on social
relations and could be at the basis of the development of prosocial
The foundations of complex forms of communication and imitation that
are so well
expressed by apes and humans can be tracked in macaques and probably
rely on an
action-perception core mechanism that is present at birth and
subserves early intersubjective
O8 Language acquisition from a social cognitive
perspective: How children learn
word meanings with non‐linguistic cues
Harumi Kobayashi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo
Denki University
Studying origins of language from an ontogenetic, developmental
perspective is specially
unique and advantageous. The reason is that we can observe at first
hand how language appears and
changes as time passes. It has been suggested that the most
important ability of human children to
acquire language is establishing joint attention with other people.
Joint attention refers to specifying
a certain part of the environment and paying attention to it with
other people to share information
and emotion about it. Joint attention entails basic structure of
language that first specifies what one
wants to talk (theme) and what one wants to talk about it
(description). Children start activities of
triadic interaction that involves child, adult, and object around
nine to twelve months of age. The
child confirms adult’s line of regard and actively tries to
establish joint attention about the interesting
aspect of the environment. Emergence of ability of estimating
others’ intentions follows the
emergence of joint attention at around eighteen months. Because
their ability to use linguistic
information is limited, they must be able to use non-linguistic
social cues. Our laboratory has studied
how young children recognize adults’ referential intentions from
non-linguistic cues such as gesture,
eye gaze, and timing of utterances. We found that young children are
sensitive to a variety of
non-linguistic cues adults provide and use these cues to know word
O9 Communicative behavior reflecting the
perception of others’ cognitive
environment in infancy
Hiromi Kusumoto
Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies,
Kyushu University
Humans change their way of communication adapting to the
addressees’ conditions of
perception, almost automatically, which is assumed to be on the
basis of understanding of mutual
cognitive environment (Sperber & Wilson, 1995). To clarify the
developmental origin of this ability,
we investigated whether infants properly modify their communicative
behaviors reflecting the
partner’s cognitive environment. Previous researches have shown
that infants produce more pointing gestures or vocalizations when
the recipient’s visual attention was on them than when it was not
(e.g.,Liszkowski, Carpenter, & Tomasello, 2007; Liszkowski,
Albrecht, Carpenter, & Tomasello, 2008).
However, it is still unclear to what extent infants change their
modalities of communication flexibly
in naturalistic settings. In the present research, 12 and
14-month-olds (N = 16) and their mothers
participated and we set up a situation of mother-infant interaction.
We inserted two conditions of test trials (where mother did not
respond adequately to the infant’s communicative action), into the
baseline trials (where mother responded adequately). Results showed
that infants vocalized more
frequently in the test trials than in the baseline trials, and the
frequency of pointing reduced
significantly as trials proceeded in the unavailable condition but
not in the other trials. These
supported the view that 12- and 14-month-olds modify their
communicative behaviors reflecting a
recipient’s cognitive environment and somehow understand the
effectiveness of each modality of
O10 Assessing cortical response to
infant‐directed speech in high‐risk neonates
Nozomi Naoi
JST/ERATO; Graduate School of Education, Kyoto
A number of behavioral studies suggest young infants are more likely
to attend to
infant-directed speech than to adult-directed speech. To evaluate
the effects of prenatal and postnatal
experience on neonates’ speech processing, we examined cerebral
responses to infant-directed
speech in neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) using
near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).
O11 Early word learning in young children
Yuriko Oshima-Takane
Department of Psychology, McGill University
A growing body of research has shown that young infants are able to
use morphosyntactic
information in input to categorize new words into grammatical
categories such as nouns and verbs (Mintz, et al., 2002). Furthermore, recent research has demonstrated
that children under 2 years of
age are able to use morphosyntactic cues to map new words onto their
referents after only minimal
exposure to the word-event pairings without contextual or social
support (Echols & Marti, 2004;
Oshima-Takane et al., 2008). However, whether young children’s
representations of morphosyntactic
information are abstract enough to guide early word learning is
under debate (Dittmar, et al., 2008;
Gertner et al., 2005; Gleitman, 1990; Tomasello, 2003). In this
talk, I will examine this issue by
presenting two types of habituation data. From one, I will show
evidence that children under 2 years
of age are able to use both noun and verb morphosyntactic cues in a
word learning task in which the
novel words have more than one possible interpretation (i.e. agents
or actions) and when
morphosyntactic cues are not consistent with perceptual cues. From
the other, I will provide
evidence for an early capability to generalize new verbs to
previously unseen instances with a new
agent. Based on these findings, I will argue that children’s
representations of both noun and verb
morphosyntactic information are abstract enough to guide early word
learning. However, children’s
cognitive resources such as memory, attention, etc. are still
limited at early stages of language
development (Dapretto & Bjork, 2000; Werker & Fennell,
2004). Hence, young children may fail to
access their morphosyntactic knowledge when word learning tasks are
too demanding and consume
too much of their cognitive resources.
O12 Object manipulation by a social rodent, degu (Octodon
Naoko Tokimoto
Labratory for Biolinguisutics, RIKEN Brain
Science Institute
It is believed that tool-use is impossible without a cognitive
module specific to it. Only a
limited number of species, mostly primates and corvids, develop the
skills. However, we found that a
rodent, degus spontaneously constructed nesting cups by a procedure
similar to that of primates. The
degu is a highly social and curious animal native to Chile that
demonstrates the manual dexterity and
forelimb-eye coordination requisite for tool-use. To examine the
object manipulation ability of the degus, we trained them to manipulate a rake-like tool with their
forelimbs to retrieve a distant food
To train and test the degus, we used a conditioning approach similar
to one traditionally
used for non-human primates. As a result, degus learned to use the
rake as a tool after fifty-seven
sessions on average. Furthermore, the trained degus adapted to tools
of different sizes, shapes and
colors, and they ignored fake-tools that did not work. These results
showed that they understand the
function of rake-like tools to get a food in a distance. Our
findings suggested that the cognitive
system necessary for the tool-use was gradually constructed in the
environments in which it is
indispensable. The tool-use should be recalibrated as the result of
a combination of general cognitive
faculties rather than a single higher cognitive function. We will
discuss the complexity of the object
manipulation of the degus.
O13 Do capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) understand
emotional meanings in
conspecifics expression?
Yo Morimoto
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
Primates are characterized by a variety of facial and vocal
expressions and complex social
interactions. In their social behaviors such as coalitions or
postconflict affiliations, primates may use
other’s emotional expression to predict the individual’s
subsequent behavior. Among primates, apes
have been shown to understand emotional meanings in others’
expressions. In this study, we asked to
what extent a New world monkey species, tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus
apella) understand
other’s emotion. In Experiment 1, we showed that capuchin monkeys
in fact modify their behavior
according to conspecifics’ emotional expression. However, whether
they did it by understanding
emotional meanings or by other simpler processes is still unknown.
In Experiment 2, we investigated
whether capuchin monkeys identify an object which is responsible for
other’s expression. Subject
monkeys witnessed a stimulus monkey reacting either positively or
negatively toward one of two
containers. The other container was not shown to the stimulus
monkey. Then they were allowed to
choose one of the two containers. They preferred the container that
had evoked positive expression
and avoided the container that had evoked negative expression on the
stimulus monkey; that is, the
subject monkeys changed their preference toward the containers
depending on the partner’s
expression. The results are consistent with the view that the
monkeys estimated emotional valence of the relevant objects and
suggest that representing other’s emotion is not unique to humans
and apes.
O14 Body scheme and social rule
Naotaka Fujii
Laboratory for Adaptive Intelligence, RIKEN Brain
Science Institute
Human beings are social animal. We have developed extremely complex
social systems
compared to any other species on the earth. What is the most
essential behavioral requirement in
human being to be a social animal? That is an ability to follow
rules that constrain our behavior.
Although there are many studies aimed to reveal neural mechanism of
rule dependent social
behavior, we still don’t know how the rules emerge in brain and in
society, and how such rules are
operated. Here, we tried to observe monkeys’ social behavior and
neural activity under restrain free
social environment to learn mechanism of rule emergence and
maintenance in brain. Through the
observation of monkeys’ social adaptive behavior under several
different social settings, we would
like to propose body scheme based social rule representation in
monkeys. It could be modified
subjectively depending on how monkey recognize context at the moment
and applicable to any
social environment regardless of contextual variation as a universal
mechanism of rule
representation. In that sense, parietal cortex seemed to be playing
important role in representing
social rule as an effective constraint on body scheme. We believe
tool use that modulates body
scheme might also work as a leverage to make us bring up from
monkey’s social brain to higher
human level cognition, since it might allow us to have a concept of
“mind” that linked the subject
and the object of manipulation including the body itself.
O15 The comparative eye‐tracking study in
chimpanzees and humans
Fumihiro Kano1,2, Masaki Tomonaga1
1 Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University; 2
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
We will introduce the exciting and novel approach ― the
comparative eye-tracking study
in chimpanzees and humans. The eye-tracking methodology enables us
to compare the eye
movements of two species directly (i.e. both qualitatively and
quantitatively). First, we will discuss
why we are interested in the eye movements of humans and the closest
species to humans,
chimpanzees. Second, we will show the methods of measuring and
analyzing the eye movements of
chimpanzees and humans. Third, we will show the accuracy of
measurement and discuss how the
direct comparisons between species were validated. Fourth, we will
show a recent study which
clarified how chimpanzees and humans look at faces. Both subjects of
chimpanzees and humans
viewed a set of scene photographs that contained whole bodies,
faces, facial expressions, and so on.
Both species showed highly similar patterns of scanning for faces.
For example, both species
actively search for faces when presented with whole-body
photographs. In addition, both species
scanned eyes and mouth in that order when presented with facial
photographs. However, the
differences between species were also identified. For example,
humans more actively searched for
the eyes, and chimpanzees more quickly scanned each facial feature,
compared to each other. Finally,
we discuss how the comparative eye-tracking study contributes to our
understandings of
chimpanzee/human mind.
O16 Human error processing interacts with social
information: Evidence from ERP
Shun Itagaki
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University
of Tokyo
The ability to monitor our own action and to evaluate external
information is necessary for
us to behave adaptively in socially complex world. We can
investigate human cognitive functions by
recording electroencephalogram (EEG), and take a glance at
underlying neural processing. There
exist event-related brain potential (ERP) components that deeply
relate to such cognitive function,
which are called error-related negativity (ERN) or feedback-related
negativity (FRN). These
components reflect general error processing originated from the
anterior cingulate cortex activation.
In this presentation, I propose that human error processing is
flexible according to the
situation, focusing on how this function is modulated by social
knowledge or context, on the basis of
the ERN or FRN deflections.
At first, I will talk about methodology of ERP and representative
example of previous
studies briefly, introducing the key points of the ERN and FRN
component. After that, recent some
of the experimental data will be shared with you and discussed. Each
experimental data indicated
that error processing was modulated by the relationship between self
and other, the congruency with
social knowledge in gambling task, and the interaction with facial
expressions in choice reaction task.
It is concluded that the human error processing has flexibility
interacted with social information.
O17 Autonomic reaction and neuronal response to
facial expression and
Koji Kuraoka
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Facial expressions and vocalizations convey emotional information in
primates. Although
the receiver of facial expressions and vocalization cues can
perceive the internal state of the sender,
the emotional information can affect the mental state of the
receiver. In this talk, I report autonomic
physiological reactions and neuronal responses to facial expression
and vocalizations. I measured
skin temperature around the nasal region as an indicator of the
emotional states of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). The nasal skin temperature is known to decrease in
the state of negative emotion.
I found the temperature decreased after presentation of specific
facial expressions and vocalizations.
I also recorded the neuronal responses in the monkey amygdala to
facial expressions and
vocalizations. The amygdala has been implicated in emotional
processing. Many amygdala neurons
showed different responses to different types of emotional
expressions, and some neurons responded
to both facial expressions and vocalizations conveying the same
meanings. These data suggest that
facial expression and vocalization of monkeys evoke emotional
reactions in the receiver.
O18 The behavioral hallmarks of face processing in
man and monkey
Christoph D. Dahl
Physiology of Cognitive Processes, Max Planck
Institute for Biological Cybernetics
The face is at the heart of social communication and identification
of social status. In the
life of primates the object class face receives greater attention
than any other object class. Thus it
should not come as a surprise that faces are processed differently
than objects and that special neural
correlates are dedicated to the processing of faces. The question to
what extent faces are processed
differently when compared with non-face objects has been a major
focus of research in humans for
the past several decades. Both the behavioral hallmarks of face
perception (i.e. holistic processing
and subordinate-level entry point) as well as the underlying neural
mechanisms have been explored
extensively in human studies. While the neural signal derived from
single cell recordings has taught
us much about the various aspects of face selectivity in the monkey
brain, relatively little is known
so far about the behavioral abilities with respect to face
perception in the monkey.
Here, we employ critical experimental paradigms which were developed
for research with
humans in combination with eye tracking methods to investigate face
processing abilities in
monkeys (Macaca mulatta or rhesus macaque) and directly compare them
with the abilities of
human subjects. With this comparative approach we demonstrate that
monkeys and humans employ
similar face processing capabilities. Thus, the social importance of
faces triggered the development
of an extra-processing system for faces that evolved early during
primate evolution.