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Inuyama International Sightseeing Center Freude
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The joint international symposium

of COE2/SAGA5 in 2002

"Evolution of the apes and the origins of the human beings"

14th to 17th November 2002

at Inuyama International Sightseeing Center "Freude", Inuyama, Japan




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SAGA5 (Japanese session)

The great apes are our evolutionary neighbors, and they are in danger. The purpose of this symposium is threefold. The first is to exchange information from recent studies of the great apes and the origins of human beings. The second is direct interaction among different kinds of researchers: those focusing on field work and those on laboratory work, established researchers and those early in their careers, and scholars from the West and the East. The third is to promote wildlife conservation and animal welfare of the Great Apes by promoting international collaboration. This symposium is the follow-up of one held in 1999 (COE/SAGA2 meeting).
Please visit the following website for information about the previous meeting.

The meeting in 2002 will have the same sort of quality and magnitude. However, we are aiming for a little more of a shift toward the younger generation and toward focusing on more current topics and data, especially those accumulated since the 1999 meeting.

There will be three optional post-congress tours starting on November 18. Participants have the choice to join one of the three tours at their own expense, although all arrangements for travel and accommodation will be made by the Symposium organizers.
1) Koshima: See the sweet potato washing monkeys, as the year 2002 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the start of this cultural behavior by a female named Imo.
Time: 18-19 Nov, return in time to catch flights from major airports on the morning of 20 Nov. Cost: 60,000 yen.
2) Yakushima: See the wild monkeys at the World Natural Heritage site in the southern island.
Time: 18-20 Nov, return in time to catch flights from major airports from around noon on 21 Nov. Cost: 90,000 yen.
3) Kyoto: Visit some of the city's 3000 temples and shrines and see its beautiful autumn leaves.
Time: 18-19 Nov, leave Kyoto any time on 20 Nov. Cost: 35,000 yen.

COE stands for "Center of Excellence", a program promoted by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture, Japan. SAGA stands for the "Support for African/Asian Great Apes", a general assembly of researchers, zoo people, NPO volunteers, and media people who are concerned with the conservation and welfare of the Great Apes, our evolutionary neighbors.

Chair: Osamu Takenaka
General Secretary: Tetsuro Matsuzawa
Secretaries: Juichi Yamagiwa, Yuzuru Hamada

The following is the list of participants (confirmed)

Japanese participants: Osamu Takenaka, Yukimaru Sugiyama, Takayoshi Kano, Toshisada Nishida, Hidemi Ishida, Nobuo Shigehara, Shigeo Uehara, Shozo Kojima, Akio Mori, Akichika Mikami, Tetsuro Matsuzawa, Juichi Yamagiwa, Hirohisa Hirai, Yoshi Kawamoto, Takeshi Furuichi, Yuzuru Hamada, Gen Suwa, Shigenaru Takai, Yutaka Kunimatsu, Masato Nakatsukasa, Shigeru Suzuki, Shuichi Matsumura, Masaki Tomonaga, Masayuki Tanaka, Kazuhide Hashiya, Gen Yamakoshi, Y. Sakaki, Michio Nakamura.

Foreign invited speakers:
Jane Goodall, JGI, UK
Confirmed <General>

Svante Paabo, Max Plank Institute, Germany
Confirmed <Apes, genomics>

Josep Call, Max Plank Institute, Germany
Confirmed <Apes, Cognitive science>

Martha Robbins, Max Plank Institute, Germany
Confirmed <Gorilla, field>

Linda Vigilant, Max Plank Institute, Germany
Confirmed <Apes, genomics and field>

Richard Wrangham, Harvard University, USA
Confirmed <Chimpanzee, field>

Brigitte Senut, National Museum of Natural History in Paris, France
Confirmed <Fossil hominids>

Katerina Semendeferi, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, UCSD,
Confirmed <Chimpanzee, Neuroscience>

Cheryl Knott, Harvard University, USA
Confirmed < Orangutan, field>

John Mitani, University of Michigan
Confirmed <Behavior, apes>

Steven R. Leigh, University of Illinois
Confirmed <Morphology>

David Shepherdson, Oregon Zoo
Confirmed <Apes, enrichment>

Joe Erwin, University of Maryland
Confirmed <Apes, ageing>

Claudine Andre, A.A.C. (Les Amis des Animaux au Congo)
Confirmed <Bonobo, field>

Emma Stokes, Nouabale-Ndoki Project, Republic of Congo
Confirmed <Gorilla, field>

Brian Hare, Harvard University
Confirmed <Chimpanzee, cognition>

Elizabeth Lonsdorf, University of Minnesota
Confirmed <Chimpanzee, field>

David Morgan, Goualougo Triangle Chimpanzee Project, The Nouabale-Ndoki National Park
Confirmed < chimp, ecology>

Jochen Barth, Max Plank Institute, Germany
Confirmed <Apes, cognition>

Sri Suci Atmoko
Confirmed < Orangutan, field>

Andrew Marshall, Harvard University
Confirmed <Apes, field>

Mike Wilson, University of Minnesota

Copyright (C) 2002 SAGA
