COE2/SAGA5 International Symposium
"Evolution of the Apes and the Origin of the Human Beings"
Time: 14-17 November, 2002
Place: Freude International Center
Inuyama, Japan
The Organizing Committee invites abstracts for posters to be presented at the
above symposium.
The meeting will be open to all researchers and members of the public.
Poster abstracts must contain the following:
1. Name of first author
2. Affiliation of first author
3. Address of affiliation of first author
4. Tel/Fax number of affiliation of first author
5. E-mail address of first author
6. Title of presentation
7. Names of all authors including first author
8. Affiliations of all authors
9. Abstract with maximum of 500 words.
Posters should be 90 cm (width) x 180 cm (height) (please note that
posters in the reverse orientation cannot be accommodated).
Abstracts and enquiries should be addressed to:
Please send abstracts as email attachments, preferably as MS Word files.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 20 October 2002.