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Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Inuyama, Aichi 484-8506, JAPAN
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Primate Research Institute,
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Imanishi-Itani Memorial Lecture for Primatology
"The Silent Invasion of Japanese Primatology
and the Rise of Social Cognition Studies"

Imanishi-Itani Memorial Lecture for Primatology
 "The Silent Invasion of Japanese Primatology and the Rise of Social Cognition Studies"
 by Frans de Waal (Living Links, Emory University, USA)

presented by Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University and The 2nd International Symposium on Comparative Cognitive Science (SCCS2002) financially supported by Kyoto University Foundation

On February 17th (Sunday) from 13:30 to 17:00
Shiran-kaikan (Higashi-ichijo, Kyoto, Tel: 075-771-0958

Dr. Frans de Waal is one of the most famous ethologist and primatologist. He is a pioneer of the study of social cognition in chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates. He has published numerous books including "Chimpanzee Politics", "Peacemaking Among Primates", "Good Natured: The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals", and "Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape". His recent book titled "The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist" talked about the culture in nonhuman animals and also mentioned a lot about the pioneering studies done by Japanese primatologists such as Kinji Imanishi and Jun'ichiro Itani. His talk is scheduled at 15:00. Prior to the talk, there will be two introductory talks given by Toshisada Nishida and Tetsuro Matsuzawa, starting at 13:30.
This meeting is free and open to the public. No registration is necessary. The meeting place, Shiran-kaikan, is located only 5 min away from Kyoto University Museum, where a special exhibition on "Centinary of the birth of Imanishi" is held.
You are recommended to see the exhibition.

Further correspondence should be:
Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Home page of PRI: http://www.pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
e-mail: matsuzaw@pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
tel: 0568-63-0547