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The first announcement of COE symposium 2000

An international symposium on "Phylogeny of Cognition and Language"

By Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University
Sponsored by Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan

March 2nd to 5th , 2000

At Inuyama International Sightseeing Center "Freude"
And Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Inuyama, JAPAN

/// COE symposium

Symposia & Meetings
(English / Japanese)

PRI Homepage
(English / Japanese)


     This symposium aims to illuminate the evolutionary basis of human cognition and behavior in terms of Comparative Cognitive Science. The purpose of the symposium is threefold. The first, it aims to give the comprehensive overview of the recent progress in this field. The second, it aims to exchange information among the researchers and to promote the mutual understanding between human studies and nonhuman studies (or between primate studies and nonprimate studies), between the laboratory work and the filed work, and the Western tradition and the Oriental wisdom. The third, it aims to give a rare opportunity for young scientists both in Japan and foreign countries to directly interact with the elder experts in the discipline. It might be still a bit cold in Japan in early March, but we welcome you to Inuyama, where you can enjoy bathing in a hot spring, visiting an old castle, and watching chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates.

2, March 2000 (at Freude)

1200-1300 Registration

1300-1310 Opening Remarks:

Shozo Kojima (Director of Primate Research Institute, Kyoto Univ.)

1310-1520 Plenary oral Session 1

Chair: Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Kyoto Univ.)
1310-1340 James R. Anderson (U. Stirling) Self and others in nonhuman primates: A question of perspective?
1340-1410 Shoji Itakura (Oita U. Nursing and Health Sciences) Visual attention following: From exogenously to endogenously.
1410-1500 Richard W. Byrne (U. St. Andrews) How primates learn novel complex skills: The evolutionary origins of generative planning?
1500-1520 Discussion

1520-1800 Young Oral session 1

Chair: Shoji Itakura (Oita U. N&HS)
1520-1540 Satoshi Hirata (Kyoto U.) Understanding of the others’ knowledge in chimpanzees.
1540-1600 Duncan L. Castles (U. Tokyo) Using anxiety to understand primate social relationships.
1600-1620 Tatyana Humle (U. Stirling) Tool-use in wild chimpanzees at Bossou, Guinea, West Africa and in neighbouring communities.
1620-1640 BREAK
1640-1700 Hiromi Kobayashi (Kyoto U.) Evolution of human eye as a device for communication.
1700-1720 Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi (Kyoto U.) Evolutionary foundation and development of imitation.
1720-1740 Maura Lucia Celli (Kyoto U.) Learning processes of tool use in captive chimpanzees.
1740-1800 Elsa Addessi (Inst. Psychol., CNR) Social facilitation in the acceptance of novel foods: Does what the other are eating matter? An experiment in Cebus apella.

1830- Welcome party

3, March 2000 (at Freude)

0900-0930 Registration

0930-1220 Plenary oral session 2

Chair: Testuro Matsuzawa (Kyoto U.)
0930-1000 Kazuo Okanoya (Chiba U.) Finite state syntax in Bengalese finches: From birdsong to the origin of language.
1000-1030 Shozo Kojima (Kyoto U.) Categorization of sound, onomatopoeia and name of objects: Integration of human PET and chimpanzee language studies.
1030-1120 Charles T. Snowdon (U. Wisconsin) Social influences on primate vocal development and communication.
1120-1140 Discussion

1140-1300 Lunch

1300-1510 Plenary oral session 3

Chair: Masako Jitsumori (Chiba U.)
1300-1330 Iver H. Iversen (U. North Florida) Computerized drawing, sorting, and fingermaze tasks for chimpanzees.
1330-1400 Masayuki Tanaka (Kyoto U.) Visual perception of natural objects in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
1400-1450 Edward A. Wasserman (U. Iowa) Same-different conceptualization by pigeons and baboons.
1450-1510 Discussion

1510-1800 Young oral session 2

Chair: Kazuo Fujita (Kyoto U.)
1510-1530 Akihiro Izumi (Kyoto U.) Perception of sensory consonance of chords in Japanese monkeys.
1530-1550 Satoru Ishikawa (Kyoto U.) Auditory categorization in pigeons.
1550-1610 Kazuhide Hashiya (U. Tokyo) Auditory-visual intermodal recognition of human individuals by a chimpanzee.
1610-1640 BREAK
1640-1700 Claudia Sousa (Coimbra U.) Food preference measured by tokens as exchange tools in chimpanzees.
1700-1720 Tessei Kobayashi (U. Tokyo) Rat's numerical ability explored: Identification of ordinal numbers (3rd-12th).
1720-1740 Dora Biro (Oxford U.) The use of numerical symbols and concepts by a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes).
1740-1800 Lori Markson (MIT) Rapid learning in human infants and children.

4, March 2000 (at PRI Hall)

0900-0930 Registration

0930-1220 Plenary oral session 4

Chair: Masaki Tomonaga (Kyoto U.)
0930-1000 Hideko Takeshita (Shiga Pref. U.) Development of postural reactions and object manipulation in primate infants: Interconnection between postures and manual actions.
1000-1030 Fei Xu (Northeastern U.) Number concepts: Comparative and developmental approaches.
1030-1120 Dorothy M. Fragaszy (U. Georgia) Cognitive development across primates: Ethological considerations.
1120-1140 Discussion

1140-1300 Lunch

1300-1500 PRI tour / Roundtable free discussion

1500-1820 Young oral session 3

Chair: Masaki Tomonaga (Kyoto U.)
1500-1530 Brian Hare (Harvard U.) Chimpanzees know what conspecifics can and cannot see.
1530-1600 Deborah M. Custance (U. London) Social learning of artificial fruit processing in eight species of primates.
1600-1630 Lisa A. Parr (Emory U.) Emotional awareness in the chimpanzee.
1630-1700 Nobuyuki Kawai (Kyoto U.) Short-term memory in symbol use in a chimpanzee.
1700-1730 Daisuke Kosugi (Kyoto U.) Recognition of causality in human infants.
1730-1800 Julie S. Johnson-Pynn (Berry College) The sources of skill in seriating nesting cups in children, apes, and monkeys.
1800-1820 Discussion

5, March 2000 (at PRI Hall)

0900-0930 Registration

0930-1220 Plenary oral session 5

Chair: Shigeru Watanabe (Keio U.)
0930-1000 Kazuo Fujita (Kyoto U.) Perception of partly occluded objects in pigeons and primates.
1000-1030 Masako Jitsumori (Chiba U.) Visual categorization and prototype effects in pigeons.
1030-1120 Robert G. Cook (Tufts U.) Visual structure and intelligence in pigeons.
1120-1140 Discussion

1140-1300 Lunch

1300-1620 Plenary oral session 6

Chair: Yoshio Sakurai (Kyoto U.)
1300-1350 Joël Fagot (CNRS) Visual cognition in humans and baboons.
1350-1420 Masaki Tomonaga (Kyoto U.) Visual search by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
1420-1450 Shigeru Watanabe (Keio U.) From comparative cognition to comparative cognitive science.
1450-1520 Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Kyoto U.) Chimpanzee intelligence in the laboratory and in the wild.
1520-1540 Discussion

1540-1620 General Discussion

Chair: Tetsuro Matsuzawa

1620-1630 Closing Remarks: Tetsuro Matsuzawa

1700- Farewell party

Chair of the symposium:
Tetsuro Matsuzawa (matsuzaw@pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp)

Vice-chair of the symposium:
Masaki Tomonaga (tomonaga@pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp)

Consulting Board:
Shozo Kojima
Kazuo Fujita
Masuo Koyasu
Shigeru Watanabe
Masako Jitsumori

Masayuki Tanaka
Nobuyuki Kawai
Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi