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Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Inuyama, Aichi 484-8506, JAPAN
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Primate Research Institute,
Kyoto University All rights reserved.


Inuyama Symposium

"Adaptation and Evolution of Cercopithecidae in Africa"

January 6 - 9, 1999

At"FREUDE" (Inuyama International Sightseeing Center)


Forty years have passed, since Kyoto University Primate Research Group started their first field study in Africa. Though great apes seem to have been the focus of interest of the Japanese field studies, our teams of Kyoto University Primate Research Institute also have studied African monkey species of Cercopithecoidea. Gelada baboons and hybrid baboons in Awash in Ethiopia were studied in the1970s, and then we conducted field surveys on mandrills and drills in the forests of Cameroon in the1980s. Some of us conducted studies on primate communities of forest monkey species beside target species. Others conducted studies on patas monkey in the dry area of Cameroon. In the1990s we resumed our studies on geladas and hybrid baboons in Ethiopia, and we have just started our studies on hamadryas baboons in Saudi Arabia. We are also interested in monkey species in Kenya. As our fields and scope of studies have expanded, it is evident that we should examine our knowledge at present, and reassess the scope of our studies.

Kyoto University Primate Research Institute has obtained a Monbusho fund for promotion of the COE Program in these years. Symposiums can be organized as a part of this COE Program. We have a good opportunity to gather and discuss the recent topics concerning the theme, "Adaptation and Evolution of Cercopithecidae in Africa", together with all international participants who have progressed in the studies along this theme.

The field studies on primates have quite changed in the past 40 years, to be interdisciplinary, involving genetics, morphology, physiology and virology besides socio-ecological studies. This symposium involves all these aspects putting baboons in the center of the topics. The systematics of baboons reveals discrepancy between morphological studies and genetical studies. We want to narrow the gap between these two sides of studies in this symposium.


January 6 (Wed)

10:00 - Registration

13:00 - 14:00 Plenary Lecture

Masao Kawai (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)

"Ecological and sociological study of gelada baboons in Ethiopian highland"

18:00 - Welcome Party

January 7 (Thu)

09:30 - 16:30 Session 1 Genetics and Speciation of Baboons (Chair: Wolfgang Scheffrahn and Gen Suwa)

Clifford Jolly: The evolution and taxonomy of baboons: New approaches to old problems

Gerald Eck: The systematics of Theropithecus and Papio: Neontological and paleontological perspectives

Jane E. Phillips-Conroy and Clifford J. Jolly: Multidisciplinary study in the Anubis-Hamadryas baboon hybrid zone in the Awash National Park, Ethiopia

Todd Disotell: Molecular Systematics of the Old World Monkeys

12:00 - 13: 00 L u n c h

Antoinette C. van der Kuyl, Rui Mang, John T. Dekker, Jolanda Maas, and Jaap Goudsmit: Endogenous retrovirus evolution and the Cercopithecoid genome

Wolfgang Scheffrahn and Sylvain Biquand: Variation of proteins in East African and Saudiarabian baboons

R.L. Hammond, S. Biquand, W. Macasero, B.Flores, A. Boug, W. Scheffrahn and M.W. Bruford: Patterns of relatedness and population structure in Saudi Arabian hamadryas baboons

Osamu Hishida, Takayoshi Shotake and Ahmed I.Y. Boug: Genetic differentiation between Arabian and Ethiopian hamadryas baboons

B r e a k

Michael W. Bruford, Michelle Bayes, David Cheesman, Susan Alberts and Jeanne Altmann: Testing the efficiency and reliability of microsatellite genotyping for examining paternity and population structure from baboon feces

Takayoshi Shotake: Species history of gelada baboon inferred from genetic variability and distribution

Jeffrey Rogers: Genetic linkage mapping in baboons: Evolutionary and biomedical applications

17:00 - 19:00 Session 2 Morphology, Reproduction and Physiology in Cercopithecidae

(Chair: Tasuku Kimura and Michael A. Huffman)

Solomon Yirga: Cercopithecid long bones from the Pliocene-Pleistocene strata of the Middle Awash, Ethiopia

Pius A. Adoyo: Comparative evaluation of semen characteristics of Gray Mangabey and De Brazza's Monkeys

Kiyoaki Matsubayashi and Takayoshi Shotake: Hematological values and plasma erythropoietin levels of wild gelada baboons?Theropithecus gelada?

Hirohisa Hirai, Yoshi Kawamoto, Jason M. Mwenda and Mbaruk A. Suleman: Cytogenetic and molecular differentiation within three subspecies of the Kenyan Sykes monkey, Cercopithecus mitis

January 8 (Fri)

09:30 - 12:00 Session 3 Evolution and Virus in Cercopithecidae

(Chair: Preston A. Marx and Masanori Hayami)

Preston A. Marx: The evolution of SIV in African primates

Masahiro Yamashita, Kentaro Ibuki, Tomoyuki Miura, Masanori Hayami: Molecular phylogeny of simian T-cell leukemia virus type I (STLV-I) and its human counterpart (HTLV-I)

Tomoyuki Miura: Molecular genetics of primate lentiviruses

Yuichi Murayama: Immune system of the African green monkeys

12:00 - 13: 00 L u n c h

13:00 - 19:00 Session 4 Socioecology of Baboons

(Chair: Hideyuki Ohsawa and Michael A. Huffman)

Ahmed I.Y. Boug: Germination of seeds extracted from baboon faeces in Al Hada, Taif, Saudi Arabia

Hiroko Kudo-Hirotani: Vocal communication of hamadryas baboons and mandrills in relation to their social structure

Isabelle Lackman-Ancrenaz: Socioecology of a commensal troop of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) in Saudi Arabia

Kazuyoshi Sugawara: Social behavior and group organization of anubis-hamadryas hybrid baboons

B r e a k

Shimelis Byene: Female mate choice in the Awash baboon hybrid zone

Jiro Hoshino: Social relationships of male gelada baboons at the Simen Mountain National Park, in Ethiopia: Rethinking about one- male unit and herd of the gelada baboons

Hideyuki Ohsawa: Strategy of male patas monkeys during group leadership changes

Toshitaka Iwamoto and Akio Mori: A hypothesis on the distribution and adaptation of Theropithecus gelada, based on ecological comparisons among three populations

Akio Mori and Toshitaka Iwamoto: The characteristics of the gelada "band"

January 9 (Sat)

09:30 - 11:00 Session 5 Conservation of Cercopithecidae

(Chair: Akio Mori and Michael A. Huffman)

Mbaruk A. Suleman and K. Mugambi: A critical review of the de Brazza monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus) survival in Kenya: ecological and conservation nightmare

Paula Kahumb: The conservation of the Angolan Colobus monkey in Kenya

Robert M. Eley: Man and monkeys conflicts in Kenya - Can GIS assist in the decision-making processes?

L u n c h

13.00-17.00 Visiting Primate Research Institute and Japan Monkey Centre

18.00- Farewell Party (Freude)


Financed by Monbusho (COE Program)

Supported by Inuyama City Administration


Organizing Committee

T. Shotake (Chairperson), K. Matsubayashi (General Secretary)

Y. Hamada, H. Hirai, M. A. Huffman, Y. Kunimatsu, A. Mori, H. Ohsawa


tel: 568-63-0526, fax: 568-62-9554,

E-Mail: genetics@smtp.pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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