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BONOBO Chimpanzee "Ai" Crania photos Itani Jun'ichiro archives Open datasets for behavioral analysis Guidelines for Care and Use of Nonhuman Primates(pdf) Study material catalogue/database Guideline for field research of non-human primates 2019(pdf) Primate Genome DB

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Primate Research Institute,
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Section List      Japanese
Systems Neuroscience Section
"This section aims at elucidating how a variety of nerve cells in the primate brain construct neural networks to achieve higher functions, such as motor control and cognitive behavior, and what mechanisms underlie these functions, by means of multidisciplinary approaches (anatomy, physiology, molecular biology etc.) in combination with the cutting-edge ""in vivo gene transfer"" technique. " Photo: Japanese monkey learning and performing a cognitive task
Photo: Japanese monkey learning and performing a cognitive task
TAKADA, MasahikoProfessortakada.masahiko.7x[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp
OISHI, TakaoAssociate Professoroishi.takao.5e[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp
INOUE, Ken-ichiAssistant Professorinoue.kenichi.6z[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp