HOPE reportNumber:22-008 The study for climatic influences on cranial morphology of macaques Report:ITO TSUYOSHI Date:2010/05/23 - 2010/07/24 Macaques occupy a wider range of habitat and climates than any other nonhuman primate genus. This study aims to reveal climatic influences on cranial morphology of macaques, by using geometric morphometrics and multivariate analysis. I visited British Museum of Natural History (London), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris), Zoologische Staatssammlung München (Munich), Royal Museum of Natural Sciences (Brussel), and Museum für Naturkunde (Berlin) and collected metric and three-dimensional coordinates of anatomical landmarks from about 500 skeletal specimens of Macaques. At Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, I examined the type specimen of Macaca anderssoni (China, Middle Pleistocene), and talked about a plan for CT scanning of the specimen with a corresponding researcher. I also visited the laboratory of Dr Thomas Koppe Who is Professor of Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie of Ernst Moritz Arndt University, and talked about our recent studies and future plans.
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