HOPE reportNumber:21-014 To analyze genes related with personality or behavior of elephants and share information with researchers in foreign countries. Report:Saki YASUI Date:2009/09/20 - 2009/11/21 I joined 7th International Zoo and Wildlife Research Conference on Behavior, Physiology and Genetics and listened to presentations and watched posters about various research topics in many species. At Max Planck Institute, I listened to a presentation about phylogenic analysis with Y-chromosome sequence in gorillas and asked for the cooperation about my research at Leipzig Zoo. At National Environmental Research Institute, I gave a short presentation about my research and watched lab. I analyzed ARQ2 (Androgen receptor glutamine repeat2) and NUFIP2 (82 KD fragile X related mental retardation protein interacting protein) with the elephant samples from European zoos because these genes can be related to elephant personality. I experienced extraction from various kinds of tissues such as heart, blood tube and fat and blood which were applied on filter papers. I learned how to use the medicine to make DNA visible in electrophoresis and some analysis software. Also, I analyzed samples from wild in Thailand to compare with the results of zoo samples. I extracted their DNAs from blood on FTA papers. Additionally, I went to Usti nad Labem Zoo and Ostrava Zoo in Czech Republic with Dr Thomas Hildebrandt to watch follicle check and semen collection of Asian elephants. Through this experience, I got basic knowledge about elephant artificial insemination. I also got some corporations for my elephant research from some European zoos and a Canadian Zoo by Dr. Thomas Hildebrandt and Dr. Imke L¾çÅers.
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