HOPE reportNumber:20-045 To participate in the 22nd congress of International Primatological Society Report:Soma Takayo Date:2008/08/03 - 2008/08/12 I participated in the 22th congress of International Primatological Society in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
I have conducted feeding ecological study of ring-tailed lemur since 2000.
Around 2001, alopecia of ring tailed lemur have been discussed.
In last congress of this IPS, 2 hypothesis were discussed by Dr.
Crawford, 1) Leucaena leucocephala feeding hypothesis, 2) Malnutrition hypothesis.
I already found that the possible cause of this alopecia was this Leucaena feeding, and this species had been eliminated since 2007.
However, Leucaena contains much protein and less fiber, thus the possibility of malnutrition by this elimination had been discussed.
In addition to this concern, the number of individuals in Leucaena elimination area decreased.
I compared nutritional data between 2005-before elimination- and 2008-after elimination-, obtained the result that the nutritional condition was not statistically changed.
Ring-tailed lemur may cope with this top-ranking item elimination via prolonging feeding time or changing feeding patch.
I did presentation of this result as the title "The influence Leucaena leucocephala on ring-tailed lemur(Lemur catta)
I also had the opportunity to discuss with other researchers who are studying in Berenty reserve.
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