
A list of papers and books written by members of Wamba Committee for Bonobo Research

Asato L, Takeda J, Sato H, Idani G, Kano T 1995: Vitamin C content of representative plant food used by horticulturalists in the Zaire basin and its evaluation. 人と自然(Humans and Nature) 5: 13-24.

Enomoto T 1990: Social play and sexual behavior of the bonobo (Pan paniscus) with special reference to flexibility. Primates 31: 469-480.

Enomoto T 1991: Flexibility in activities of solicitations for heterosexual intercourse in the bonobo (Pan paniscus). In: Ehara A, Kimura T, Takenaka O, Iwamoto M eds. Primatology Today: Proceedings of the XIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 241-242.

Furuichi T 1987: Sexual swelling, receptivity and grouping of wild pygmy chimpanzee females at Wamba, Zaire. Primates 20: 309-318.

Furuichi T 1989: Social interactions and the life history of female Pan paniscus in Wamba, Zaire. International Journal of Primatology 10: 173-197.

Furuichi T 1992: The prologed esturs of females and factors influencing mating in a wild group of bonobos (Pan paniscus) in Wamba, Zaire. In: Itoigawa N, Sugiyama Y, Sackett GP, Thompson RKR eds. Topics in Primatology Vol. 2: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, pp. 179-199.

Furuichi T 1997: Agonistic interactions and matrifocal dominance rank of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba. Int. J. Primatol. 18: 855-875.

Furuichi T 2003: Introduction: Toward the resumption of bonobo study and conservation. Pan Africa News 10: 20-21.

Furuichi T (in press): Evolution of the social structure of hominoids: reconsideration of food distribution and the estrus sex ratio. In Ishida, H., Tuttle, R., Pickford, M., Nakatsukasa, M., Ogihara, N. (eds.), Human Origins and Environmental Backgrounds, Kluwer Academic, New York

Furuichi T, Hashimoto C 2002:.Why female bonobos have a lower copulation rate during estrus than chimpanzees. In Boesch, C., Hohmann, G., Marchant, L. (eds.), Behavioral Diversity of Chimpanzees and Bonobos, Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 156-167.

Furuichi T, Hashimoto C 2004: Sex differences in copulation attempts in wild bonobos at Wamba. Primates 45: 59-62.

Furuichi T, Idani G, Ihobe H, Kuroda S, Kitamura K, Mori A, Enomoto T, Okayasu N, Hashimoto C, Kano T 1998: Population dynamics of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba. Int. J. Primatol. 19: 1029-1043.

Furuichi T, Ihobe H 1995: Variation in male relationships in bonobos and chimpanzees. Behavior 130: 211-228.

Furuichi, T., Mwanza, N. 2003. Resumption of bonobo studies at Wamba, the Luo Researve for Scientific Research. Pan Africa News 10: 31-32.

Hasegawa H, Kano T, Mulabwa M 1983: A parasitological survey on the feces of pygmy chimpanzees, Pan paniscus, at Wamba, Zaire" Primates 24:419-423.

Hashimoto C, Furuichi T, Takenaka O 1996: Matrilineal kin relationships and social behavior of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus): Sequencing the D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA. Primates 37: 305-318.

Hashimoto C 1997: Context and development of sexual behavior of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba, Zaire. Int. J. Primatol. 18: 1-21.

Hashimoto C, Furuichi T 1994: Social role and development of non-copulatory sexual behavior of wild bonobos. In Wrangham RW, McGrew WC, Waal FBM, Heltne PG eds., Chimpanzee Culture, Harvard Univ. Press, pp. 155-168.

Hashimoto C, Furuichi T (in press): Current situation of bonobos in the Luo Reserve, Equateur, D.R. Congo. In Shapiro G ed. Great Apes at the Crossroads- Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas and Orangutans, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Great Apes of the World, Plenum.

Hashimoto C, Tashiro Y, Kimura D, Enomoto T, Ingmanson EJ, Idani G, Furuichi T 1998: Habitat use and ranging of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba. Int. J. Primatol. 19: 1045-1060.

Idani G 1986: Seed dispersal by pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus): A preliminary report. Primates 27: 441-447.

Idani G 1990: Relations between unit-groups of bonobos at Wamba, Zaire: Encounters and temporary fusions. African Study Monogr. 11: 153-186.

Idani G 1991a: Cases of inter-unit-group encounters in pygmy chimpanzees at Wamba, Zaire. In: Ehara A, Kimura T, Takenaka O Iwamoto M eds. Primatology Today: Proceedings of the XIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 235-238.

Idani G 1991b: Social relationships between immigrant and resident bonobo (Pan paniscus) females at Wamba. Folia Primatol. 57: 83-95.

Idani G 1995: Function of peering behavior among bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba, Zaire. Primates 36: 377-383.

Idani G, Kuroda S, Kano T, Asato R 1994: Flora and vegetation of Wamba forest, central Zaire with reference to bonobo (Pan paniscus) foods. Tropics 3 (3/4): 309-332.

Ihobe H 1990: Interspecific interactions between wild pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) and red colobus (Colobus badius). Primates 31: 109-112.

Ihobe H 1991: Male relationships of pygmy chimpanzees of Wamba, Republic of Zaire. In Ehara A, Kimura T, Takenaka O Iwamoto M (eds.): Primatology Today: Proceedings of the XIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 231-234.

Ihobe H 1992a: Observations of meat-eating behavior of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba, Republic of Zaire. Primates 33:247-250.

Ihobe H 1992b: Male-male relationships amonbg wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba, Republic of Zaire. Primates 33:163-179.

Ihobe H 1997: Non-antagonistic relations between wild bonobos and two species of guenons. Primates 38: 351-357.

Ingmanson E 1989: Branch dragging by pygmy chimpanxees at Wamba, Zaire. (Abstract) Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 78: 244.

Ingmanson E 1990: Male care of infants in Pan paniscus at Wamba, Zaire. (Abstract) Am. J. Primatol. 20: 200-201.

Ingmanson E, Kano T 1993: Waging peace. International Wildlife 23 (6): 29-37.

Ingmanson E, Ihobe H 1992: Predation and meat eating by Pan paniscus at Wamba, Zaire. (Abstract) Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. Suppl. 14: 93.

Ingmanson EJ 1993: Object manipulation, play, and social goals in infant Pan paniscus at Wamba, Zaire. Am.J. Phys. Anthropol 34 (1):113 (Abstract).

Kano T 1979a: A pilot study on the ecology of the pygmy chimpanzees, Pan paniscus. In: Hamburg D. A, McCown ER eds. The Great Apes, Benjamin/Cimmings, Menlo Park, pp. 123-135.

Kano T 1979b: A pilot study of the ecology of the pygmy chimpanzees, (Pan paniscus). Kyoto University African Studies 7: 97-139.

Kano T 1980: Social behavior of wild pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) of Wamba. Journal of Human Evolution 9: 243-260.

Kano T 1982a: The use of leafy twigs for rain cover by the pygmy chimpanzees of Wamba. Primates 23: 453-457.

Kano T 1982b: The social group of pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) of Wamba. Primates 23 (2):171-183

Kano T 1983: An ecological study of the pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) of Yalosidi, Republic of Zaire. Int. J. Primatol.4: 1-31.

Kano T 1984a: Distribution of pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) in the central Zaire basin. Folia Primatologica 43: 36-52.

Kano T 1984b: Observations of physical abnormalities among the wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) of Wamba, Zaire. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 63 (1):1-11.

Kano T 1987a: Social organization of pygmy chimpanzee and common chimpanzee: similarities and differences. In: Kawano S, Connell JH, Hidaka T eds. Evolution and Coadaptation in Biotic Communities, University of Tokyo Press, pp. 53-64.

Kano T 1987b: Social regulation for individual co-existence of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus). In: McGuinness D ed. Dominance, Aggression and War, Paragon House Press, New York, pp. 105-118.

Kano T 1987c: A population study of a unit group of chimpanzees of Wamba with a special reference to the possible lack of intraspecific killing. In: Ito Y, Brown JL, Kikkawa J eds. Animal societies: Theories and Facts, Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo, pp. 159-172.

Kano T 1989: The sexual behavior of pygmy chimpanzees. In: Heltne PG , Marqardt LA eds. Understanding Chimpanzees, Harvard University Press, pp. 176-183.

Kano T 1990: The bonobos' peaceful kingdom. Natural History 11: 62-71.

Kano T 1992: The Last Ape: Behavior and Ecology of Pygmy Chimpanzees, Stanford University Press

Kano T 1996: Male rank order and copulation rate in a unit-group of bonobos at Wamba,Zaire.1996 July. In McGrew W, Nishida T (eds.): Great Ape Societies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.135-145.

Kano T 1997a: Leaf-dropping sexual display exhibited by a male bonobo at Wamba. Pan Africa News, 4(1):3-4

Kano T 1997b: The bonobos' peaceable kingdom. In Russell L. Ciochon and Richard A. Nisbett (eds.): The Primate Anthology: Essays on Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation from Natural History, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, pp.66-73

Kano T, Asato R. 1994: Hunting pressure on chimpanzees and gorillas in the Motaba river area, northeastern Congo. African Study Monographs, 14(3):1-20

Kano T, Bongoli L, Idani, G, Hashimoto C. 1996. The challenge of Wamba. In Cavalier P ed. Great Ape Project, Ecta & Animali 96/8, Milano. pp. 68-74.

Kano T, Lingomo B, Idani G, Hashimoto C 1996: The challenge of Wamba. In Paola Cavalieri (ed.): The Great Ape Project, Ecta & Animali 96/8, Milano pp.68-74

Kano T, Mulavwa M 1984: Feeding ecology of the pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) of Wamba. In: Susman, RL ed. The Pygmy Chimpanzee: Its Evolutionary Biology and Behavior, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 233-274.

Kitamura K 1983: Pygmy chimpanzee association patterns in ranging. Primates 24: 1-12.

Kitamura K 1989: Genito-genital contacts in the pygmy chimpanzee (Pan paniscus). African Study Monogr. 10: 49-67.

Kuroda S 1980a: Social behavior of the pygmy chimpanzees. Primates 21: 181-197.

Kuroda S 1980b: Grouping of the pygmy chimpanzees. Primates 20: 161-183.

Kuroda S 1984a: Rocking gesture as communicative behavior in the wild pygmy chimpanzees in Wamba, central Zaire. Journal of Ethnology 2 (2): 127-137.

Kuroda S 1984b: Interaction over food among pygmy chimpanzees. In: Susman RL ed. The Pygmy Chimpanzee: Its Evolutionary Biology and Behavior, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 301-324.

Kuroda S 1989: Developmental retardation and behavioral characteristics of pygmy chimpanzees. In: Heltne P, Marquandt L eds. Understanding Chimpanzees, Harvard University Press, pp. 184-193.

Kuroda S 1992a: Comparative feeding ecology of bonobos, gorillas, and chimpanzees. Bull. of Chicago Academy of Sciences 15 (1): 6.

Kuroda S 1992b: Bonobo conservation in the wild. Bull. of Chicago Academy of Sciences 15(1): 32.

Kuroda S, Kano T 1985: Further observations on the new monkey species Cercopithecus salongo van den Audenarde. Primates 26 (3): 325-333.

Linden E 1992: Chimpanzee with a difference: Bonobos. National Geographic. 181(3): 46-53.

Mori A 1983: Comparison of communicative vocalization and behaviors of group ranging in Eastern gorillas, chimpanzees and pygmy chimpanzees. Primates 24: 486-500.

Mori A 1984: An ethological study of pygmy chimpanzees in Wamba, Zaire: A comparison with chimpanzees. Primates 25: 255-278.

Nishida T 1972: Preliminary information of the pygmy chimpanzee (Pan paniscus) of the Congo Basin. Primates 13: 415-425.

Nishida T, Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M 1987: Chimpanzees and bonobos: Cooperative relationships among males. In: Smuts BB, Cheney DL, Seyforth RM, Wrangham RW, Struhsaker TT eds. Primate Societies, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 165-177.

Okayasu N 1991: Vocal communication and its sociological interpretation of wild bonobos in Wamba, Zaire. In: Ehara A, Kimura T, Takenaka O, Iwamoto M eds. Primatology Today: Proceedings of the XIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 239-242.

Savage-Rumbaugh ES, Williams S, Furuichi T, Kano T 1996: Language perceived: Paniscus branches out. In McGrew WC, Marchant LF, Nishida T eds. Great Ape Societies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 173-184.

Takahata Y, Ihobe H, Idani G 1996: Comparing copulations of chimpanzees and bonobos: Do females exhibit proceptivity or receptivity? In McGrew WC, Marchant LF, Nishida T eds. Great Ape Societies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 146-155.

Tashiro Y 1995: Economic difficulties in Zaire and the disappearing taboo against hunting bonobos in the Wamba area. Pan Africa News 2(2): 8-9.

Uehara S 1988: Grouping patterns of wild pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) observed at a marsh grassland amidst the tropical rain forest of Yalosidi, Republic of Zaire. Primates 29: 41-52.

Uehara S 1990: Utilization patterns of a marsh grassland within the tropical rain forest by the Bonobos (Pan paniscus) of Yalosidi, republic of Zaire. Primates 31: 331-322.

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