Organizer: Nobuo Masataka,P‚ˆD. (Primate Research@Institute, Kyoto@University)

@@@@Date: December 4 - 6 , 2003

@@@@Place: Hotel Fujita Kyoto, Kyoto, @Japan

Sponsored by Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture,Japan

Invited speakers
M.C. Corballis University of Auckland, New Zealand
K. Emmorey University of California, San Diego, USA
D. Falk Florida State University, USA
W. T. Fitch University of St. Andrews, UK
A. Fogel University of Utah, USA
A.A. Ghazanfar Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Germany
S. Goldin-Meadow University of Chicago, USA
S. Kita MaxPlanck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherland
P. Lieberman Brown University, USA
R. Mazuka Duke University, USA
L. J. Trainor McMaster University, Canada
X. Wang Johns Hopkins University, USA
J. Werker University of British Columbia, Canada


‘@December 4 (Thu.)

@10F00`12F30 Registration
( Lunch )
@14F00`14F30 A.Izumi
Perception of tone sequences in monkeys [Abstract]
@14F30`15F30 A.A. Ghazanfar
The neuroethology of primate vocal communication [Abstract]
@15F30`16F30 X. Wang
Neural Basis of Vocal Communication in a New World Primate, Callithrix jacchus [Abstract]
@16F30`17F30 L.J. Trainor
Relations between music and language in developmental perspective [Abstract]
@18F00` Reception

‘@December 5 (Fri.)

@9F30`10F30 R. Mazuka
What does a good "akachan-kotoba" sound like?: Japanese adults' intuitive judgments about a good Child-Directed Vocabulary [Abstract]
@10F30`11F30 J. Werker
Infant speech perception sets the stage for language acquisition [Abstract]
@11F30`12F00 S.Kajikawa
Infants' recognition of word units [Abstract]
@12F00`12F30 M.Bono and Y.Katagiri
Interaction analysis of multi-party conversation using ubiquitous sensor data [Abstract]
( Lunch )
@14F30`15F30 S. Goldin-Meadow
Gesture, speech, and language [Abstract]
@15F30`16F30 K. Emmorey
The neural systems underlying sign language [Abstract]
@16F30`17F30 N.Masataka
The Role of Brocafs Area and Mirror System for Language Learning [Abstract]
@18F00` Banquet

‘@December 6 (Sat.)

@9F30`10F30 S.Kita
What gestures in modern humans can tell us about origins of language [Abstract]
@10F30`11F30 M.C. Corballis
From hand to mouth: The origins and evolution of language [Abstract]
@11F30`12F30 T.Fith
The evolution of language: Surveying the hypotheses [Abstract]
( Lunch )
@14F30`15F30 D. Falk
Evolution of motherese in prelinguistic hominins. [Abstract]
@15F30`16F30 A. Fogel
@16F30`17F30 P. Lieberman
Motor control, memory and the evolution of human linguistic and cognitive ability [Abstract]
@18F00` Excursion




@iliaison: Izumi A.j