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$B!JNc!K(BDepartment of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
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$B!JNc!K(BInuyama, Aichi 484-8506, Japan
$B#4!KI.F,Cx$B!JI,?\!K(B $B!'(B
$B!JNc!K(BTEL: +81-568-63-0570, FAX: +81-568-63-0570
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Gene expression of Somatostatin and BDNF mRNA in the prefrontal cortex of aged macaque monkeys.
Hayashi, M.1, Shimizu, K.1, and Kojima, S.2 1Dept. of Celllar and Molecular Biology, 2Dept. of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Primate Res. Inst., Kyoto University, Japan.
We examined ...



COE International Symposium, "Development and aging of primates"
Grants in aid for Center-of-excellence research
sponsored by Ministry of Education, Science,Sports and Culture

Nov.30 (Thur)-Dec.2(Sat)
Inuyama International Sightseeing Center (Freude)

Chair of the symposium: Motoharu Hayashi
Board: Hideyuki Ohsawa, Shozo Kojima, Keiko Shimizu, Hideki Sugiura, Yuzuru
Hamada, Micael A. Huffman, Katsuki Nakamura

Speakers:Edgar D(UK), Goldman-Rakic P.S.(U.S.A), Hamada Y.(Japan), Hayashi
M.(Japan), Hof P.R.(U.S.A), Keuker J. I.H.(Germany), Kimura T.(Japan),
Kojima S.(Japan), Kubota K.(Japan), Nakamichi M.(Japan), Nakamura E.(Japan),
Newell-Morris L.(U.S.A), Oishi T.(Japan), Pavelka M.S.M.(Canada), Rakic
P.(U.S.A), Rapp P.R.(U.S.A), Roth G.(U.S.A), Shea B. T.(U.S.A), Shideler
S.E.(U.S.A), Sugiyama Y.(Japan),Terasawa-Grilley E.(U.S.A), Urbanski H.F.(
U.S.A), Watanabe G.(Japan)


Inuyama Symposium
Development and aging of primates(IS(B

November 30 (Thu)

9:00 $B!!(BRegistration
13:00-14:00 $B!!(BPlenary Lecture Kubota K.
Development of prefrontal excitatory and inhibitory functions in macaque monkeys.

Session I Nervous System (I)
14:00-14:40 Hayashi M.
Development and aging of neuroactive molecules in macaque monkey.
14:40-15:20 Edgar D.
Molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating the development of the enteric nervous system .
15:20-16:00 Rakic P.
Mechanism of cortical expansion in primates.
16:00-16:10 Coffee Break
16:10-16:50 Oishi T.
Development of growth-associated proteins in macaque monkey.
16:50-17:30 Goldman-Rakic P.S.
Cellular basis of executive function in the nonhuman primate.
18:00-20:00 Party

December 1 (Fri)

Session 2 Endocrine System
9:10-9:50 Watanabe G.
Inhibin secretion in chimpanzees.
9:50-10:30 Urbanski H.F.
Development and aging of the neuroendocrine reproductive axis of the rhesus macaque.
10:40-11:20 Shideler S.
Estrogen and progesterone metabolites, and follicle stimulating hormone in the aged macaque female.
11:20-12:00 Terasawa E.
The hypothalamic mechanism of the onset of puberty in non-human primates.
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Poster

Session 3 Nutrition
14:00-14:40 Roth G.
Can calorie restriction slow aging in primates? The NIA Study.
14:40-15:20 Nakamura E.
Longitudinal evaluation of potential biomarkers of aging in nonhuman and human primates.

15:20-15:30 Coffee Break

Session 4 Nervous system (II)
15:30-16:10 Keuker J.I.H.
Experience- and age-related alternations in the rhesus monkey brain.
16:10-16:50 Hof P.R.
Age-related morphologic changes in the cerebral cortex: quantitative studies of macaque monkeys, great apes and humans.
16:50-17:30 Rapp P.R.
Nonhuman primate models of cognitive and neurobiological aging.
17:30-18:10 Kojima S.
Discrimination learning in aged Japanese monkeys.

December 2 (Sat)

Session 5 Morphology
9:00-9:50 Newell-Morris L.
The question of biological age equivalency in comparative studies of primate senescence.
9:50-10:30 Hamada Y.
Comparison of life-cycle stages in catarrhines.
10:30-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:20 Shea B.T.
Developmental allometry and heterochronic patterning in high primate evolution.
11:20-12:00 Kimura T.
Locomotor development in infant primates.
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Poster

Session 6 Behavior and Ecology
14:00-14:40 Nakamichi M.
Reproductive performance, sociability and learning ability of old female Japanese monkeys.
14:40-15:20 Pavelka M.S.M.
Reproductive termination in female Japanese monkeys: A comparative life history perspective and test of the grandmother hypothesis.
15:20-16:00 Sugiyama Y.
Comparison of life-history of wild chimpanzees.

