日 時 |
2008年11月19日(水) 霊長類研究所大会議室
演 者 |
Dr.Melissa Emery Thompson (University of New Mexico, USA) |
タイトル |
Reproductive Aging in Chimpanzees
要 旨 |
Studies of senescence in apes are valuable in providing clues as to how the human life history has evolved. However, the available data on reproductive aging in apes is confusing, in part because researchers disagree on definitions of “menopause” or its diagnostic criteria. In particular, few studies have adequately addressed whether the rate of reproductive senescence in apes exceeds that which would be expected from the general aging process. I will explore the available evidence for and against the existence of menopause in apes, highlighting a recent examination of fertility rates in multiple wild chimpanzee populations. This and other recent studies of chimpanzees and other apes suggest that, while reproductive function declines with age in a similar way to humans, post-reproductive life is rare and unlikely to be of functional significance. I will also discuss other age-related processes in wild female chimpanzees, such as changes in female social rank, sexual attractiveness, and physiological stress.
日 時 |
2008年11月19日(水) 霊長類研究所大会議室
演 者 |
Dr. Crickette Sanz (Max Planck Inst. for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany)
タイトル |
Behavioral Ecology of Pan troglodytes troglodytes in northern Republic of Congo
要 旨 |
Several long-term chimpanzee studies have taken place in East and West Africa, but there is little information available about the central subspecies of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) residing the Congo Basin. First, I will present an overview of the density and habitat utilization of chimpanzees in the Goualougo Triangle. This information will be placed in a regional context and related to current conservation threats for great apes in Western Equatorial Africa. Although the Goualougo Triangle study site was only recently established, we have been able to make detailed observations of several chimpanzee communities. I will present some preliminary findings on the social structure and ranging patterns of these chimpanzees. Finally, I will discuss the tool using behaviors of these chimpanzees and how they are different from those observed in other chimpanzee study sites. Information from this wild chimpanzee population will expand our understanding of behavioral diversity in wild chimpanzees.
日 時
2008年6月9日(月) 16:00〜 霊長類研究所大会議室 |
演 者
Dr. Keith Jensen ( Department of Developmental and Comparative
Psychology, Max Plank Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany) |
タイトル |
Other-regarding preferences in chimpanzees |
要 旨 |
Other-regarding preferences may be one of the most important features of
uniquely human cooperation. To cooperate on a large scale with unrelated
individuals seems to require more than a tendency to reciprocate acts of
altruism with others. It requires a willingness to cooperate and a motivation
to punish those who fail to do so. These two characters form the basis
of what has been called strong reciprocity. There is currently a debate
among evolutionary biologists, anthropologists and economists whether strong
reciprocity is a real phenomenon, and if so, how it could have evolved.
As well, there is a great deal of interest into the mechanisms underlying
altruistic and punitive sentiments. My contribution to the discussion is
to examine how chimpanzees attend, and react, to unfair outcomes and intentions.
In this thesis, I present a series of experimental studies in three chapters
that address altruistic and spiteful motives in chimpanzees. Understanding
something about the other-regarding preferences of one of our closest living
relatives will help inform discourse into the evolutionary antecedents
of human sociality.
日 時 |
2007年10月22日(月) 17:00〜 Cafeteria in Kanrin campus |
演 者 |
Dr. Nicholas Humphery (Univ. London) |
(テーマ) |
The necessity of consciousness. Why human zombies would be an evolutionary
dead end. |
日 時 |
2007年10月18日(木) 17:00〜 Cafeteria in Kanrin campus |
演 者 |
ニコラス・トローエ (Dr. Nikolaus Troje)
Canada Research Chair in Vision and Behavioural Sciences
Professor in Psychology and in Computer Science at Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ontario. |
タイトル |
生き物の運動を視覚的に検出する |
要 旨 |
もし生物運動(biological motion)の光点表示が倒立して提示されるとその知覚は非常に難しくなる。相貌認知における倒立効果を思わせる話であるが、これは、生物運動における倒立効果も相貌認知同様、高度に訓練され熟達化したシステムによるconfiguralな(全体的な)処理が関わっているためであると考えられる。ただし、本発表で私はこの見解とは矛盾するような結果を紹介したい。特に、観察者がでたらめに並べ替えられた光点表示によるヒトや動物の運動からも方向に関する情報を容易に引き出すことができることを示したい。このようなことを可能にするメカニズムが視覚的環境の中で他の動物をそのかたちからは独立に検出し注意を向けるように機能しているのだろう。本発表では、この考えを支持する実験結果についても紹介するとともに、どのような特徴がこのメカニズムを起動するのかについて議論し、これらの結果を生物運動知覚のための多層的な処理システムという考えに沿って議論した。 |
の聴衆が集まった |
(マックスプランク進化人類学研究所) |
平成19年5月10日 霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
Dora Biro (Section of Language and Intelligence)
Collective decision-making in animal groups: the homing pigeon as and experimental
Animals that live in groups must make joint decisions about many aspects
of their lives. How are such group decisions made? How do group members
with conflicting knowledge or preferences resolve their differences? Do
individuals rely on one or a small number of leaders to make decisions
for them, or is there a "democratic" averaging of group members'
preferences? Such questions have generated a great deal of theoretical
interest in recent years, but have not been resolved empirically. I have
been investigating these issues using navigation by homing pigeons as a
model experimental paradigm, hoping to gain a better understanding of the
mechanisms of collective decision-making by animal groups.
2007年4月18日 霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
影山龍一郎(京大ウイルス研究所・所長) |
Ryuichiro KAGEYAMA, Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University The
transcription factor networks that regulate morphogenesis. |
哺乳動物の発生過程(developmental process of mammals):1個の受精卵か
転写因子(transcription factor):遺伝子の発現をコントロールする因子。
発現させない、また発現させる場合はどの程度発現させるのかを調節するの が、転写因子です。本セミナーでは、発生過程を制御する転写因子についての
お話をいたします。これらの転写因子は、組織再生への応用が期待されています。 |
2007年2月28日(水) 霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
遠藤秀紀 (形態進化) |
The three-dimensional digitalized database of all skull specimens of the
and the plan of the DICOM file installation to the PRI server
The specimen database of PRI will be soon opened in web-sites. We are
making the three-dimensional morphological database of skull specimens
stored in PRI by CT scanners and have already prepared the DICOM files
of the skulls of chimpanzees and leaf monkeys. Today we will have discussions
on possibilities and problems of the collection database.
2006年12月20日(水) 霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
九後太一 (基礎物理学研究所長)
題 |
湯川の宿題 |
旨 |
1935 年に提出された湯川秀樹の中間子論は、素粒子論という新たな学問分野を創出した。自然界の相互作用の起源を探る「素」粒子論は、40
時 |
2006年11月15日(水) 霊長類研究所大会議室 |
者 |
大串隆之 (生態学研究センター長)
題 |
個体群生態学から生物多様性科学へ |
旨 |
それに も関わらず、生態現象の多様さと個々の現象の階層性を反映して、「個
野を早々と作り上げ た。この学問的枠組みは、各階層に特有の生態現象を解明
にしてしまった。このため、今 や、形質の進化を扱う「行動生態学」と物質循
環を扱う「生態系生態学」に共有する 世界はない。21世紀のわれわれの課題と
なった生物多様性の理解には、階層縦断的な アプローチが求められている。そ
れは、そもそも生物多様性が生物の進化から生態系 機能に至る現象に深く関わ
っているからである。このため、生物多様性科学を創成す るためには、過去 1世紀に渡って生態学が営々と築き上げてきた学問的枠組みの大き
な見直しが 必要である。これまでの生物現象の階層性に依存した生態学の理論をいかに越
ーチの意義を明らかにしたい。 |
時 |
2006年11月9日(木) 霊長類研究所大会議室 |
者 |
Eberhard Fuchs (ゲッチンゲン大学 医学部神経学 教授 ) |
題 |
Introduction of German Primate Center |
ドイツ霊長類センターにおけるストレスと海馬の関係についての研究について。及び、マーモセットやツパイの飼育等についての紹介 |
時 |
11月9日(木) 霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
者 |
Hatta Ramlee (University of Malaysia Sarawak) |
題 |
Activity Patterns and Food Perference of Orang-utan in Captivity and Semi-Wild State |
旨 |
First Study: Dietary manipulation to
increase the orangutan’s foraging time by changing the amount of most preferred
and least preferred food items given. After dietary manipulation, foraging time
increased from 25.5 to 68.2 min. (social group) and from 44 minutes to 55.3
min. (individual animal). There were positive correlations between the food
selection and preference sequences, showing that the juvenile orangutans
consistently maintained their diet ranking throughout the experiments. The
greater increase in foraging time by a group compared to an individual animal
was attributed to social interaction during feeding.
Second Study: Observation on a group of
juvenile orangutans released in Matang forest. 60 hrs. of observation time
accumulated. 38% used on foraging, 21% traveling and 20% playing. They also
spent 33% of the time for ground-use and 14% on social interaction with animal
keepers. 138 different food types were used as food sources within the area.
Fruit eating accounted for 53.8% of total foraging time. Other type of foods eaten: leaves, bark,
insects, honey, earth and rotten wood. The foraging time was shorter and
playing time was longer if compared to wild orangutans observed by other
researchers. Matang forest and its surrounding area are suitable for the
release of rehabilitated orangutans with regular food provisioning because
these areas have substantial amount of food resources to support orangutans.
Third Study: To increase the foraging time
of captive orangutans using specially designed food tubes. Before using any
food tube, the foraging time was 30.6 minutes. After using two, three and four
feeding tubes in three separate experiments, the foraging time increased
significantly (p<0.05) to 56.9 minutes, 46.4 minutes and 49.4 minutes
respectively. It was observed that using two feeding tubes gave the most
benefits to the three captive orangutans, because not only that the foraging
time was the longest when using two feeding tubes, it was also observed that
using two feeding tubes enhances social interaction among the orangutans.
Two of the studies show that environmental
enrichment like dietary manipulation and feeding enrichment using novel feeding
devices can be used as methods to increase the foraging time of captive and
semi-captive orangutans. By increasing the foraging time, we can reduce the
incidence of abnormal behaviours and improve the psychological well-being of
captive and semi-captive orangutans.
時 |
2006年10月26日(木) 霊長類研究所大会議室
者 |
Alexander D. Hernandez
(2006-2008 JSPS Fellow, Section of Ecology Primate Research Institute
PhD 2006 Graduate Program in Ecology & Evolution Rutgers - The State
of New Jersey
題 |
Parasitism, food webs and biomass patterns in natural ecosystems |
旨 |
There is no clear understanding of how parasites fit into food webs,
even though parasitism is the most common trophic interaction in nature.
Food webs are abstract representations of trophic interactions useful for
studying how animal communities are structured, and how energy is transferred
between different species populations within communities. A pattern commonly
observed from studying food webs is that animals, across trophic levels,
form biomass pyramids because thermodynamic principles limit how much energy
can transfer between trophic levels. However, the biomass of parasites
in ecosystems is rarely measured, and food web studies frequently omit
parasites. My research tries to determine how parasites fit into the structure
of food webs, and whether parasites are constrained by the same thermodynamic
principles that apply to all other organisms. I focus on metazoan (helminth)
parasites with obligate vertebrate and invertebrate hosts that are intimately
tied to trophic interactions in food webs from natural ecosystems. I examine
biomass data for parasites and their hosts, and group parasites with developmental
stages in hosts from separate trophic levels into a single distinct level
despite their omnivorous feeding habits, primarily because all stages of
the parasite are part of the same genotype. I argue that parasitism is
a fundamental and significant ecological and evolutionary feature of all
natural systems, and parasites should be subject to the same thermodynamic
principles that govern all participants in a food web. The flow of energy
from hosts to parasites is predicted to be small, but not insignificant,
and incorporating parasites into the energetic perspective of food webs
will be important to our understanding of food web structure and ecosystem
2006年10月26日(木) 霊長類研究所大会議室
者 |
Cecile Garcia
(2006-2007 Postdoctoral Fellow
Ecology Section, Primate Research Institute.2005 PhD in Anthropology
Aix-Marseille II University, France. )
題 |
Energetics and regulation of reproductive function in a group of captive
female olive baboons (Papio anubis) |
旨 |
The aim of this study was to assess energetic and social parameters of
lactating female baboons, and to test the possible role of these factors
on different reproductive variables such as postpartum amenorrhea duration
or interbirth intervals. A 2-year follow-up was carried out for a sample
of 23 multiparous and semi-free living lactating female baboons.
There were no rank-related differences in mean energy intakes among the females. All females were in good body condition and had positive energy balance. Energetic costs of lactation were primarily covered by 2 behavioral adaptations: moderate energy intakes increase, particularly during the second and third quarter of lactation, and physical activity decrease. Compared with free-living female baboons, reduced energetic constraints (adequate energy intakes and moderate energetic expenditure) explained short postpartum amenorrhea durations (145 days) and interbirth intervals (451 days) in our sample. Fertility was strongly influenced by dominance rank, low-ranking females having longer delays before conception and interbirth intervals. Moreover, mothers of infants who were heavy for age resumed cycling more quickly and had fewer cycles before a subsequent conception. High-ranking females or being in good body condition seemed liable to support a relatively rapidly infant growth independently of infant sex, and had therefore higher reproductive rates. The relationship between dominance status and fertility did not seem to be mediated by energetic mechanisms and our results rather suggested that social stresses were important suppressors of the hormonal and lactational competence of subordinate females.
時 |
2006年9月28日(木) 霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
者 |
二階堂雅人 (東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科)
題 |
DNAが解き明かした鯨類進化の全貌 - その起源と内部系統 - |
旨 |
1.鯨類の起源 2.歯鯨類の単系統性 3.カワイルカ類の多系統性 4.ヒゲ鯨類内部の系統 5.新種ツノシマクジラの系統
1. Shimamura et al. (1997) Nature 388:666-670. (鯨の起源:SINE)
2. Nikaido et al. (1999) PNAS 96:10261-10266.(鯨の起源:SINE)
3. Nikaido et al. (2001) PNAS 98:7384-7389.(歯鯨単系統、カワイルカ多系統:SINE)
4. Sasaki et al. (2005) Syst. Biol. 54:77-90.(ヒゲ鯨系統:ミトコンドリア)
5. Nikaido et al. (2006) Mol. Biol. Evol. 23:866-873.(ヒゲ鯨系統:SINE)
6. Sasaki et al. (2006) Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 41:40-52(ツノシマ鯨:SINE&ミトコンドリア)
7. Nikaido et al. (2006) Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. (in press)(歯鯨単系再確認:SINE) |
時 |
2006年9月28日(木) 霊長類研究所 大会議室
者 |
Mohammed Mostafa Feeroz, Ph.D
(Professor and Chairman Department of Zoology Jahangirnagar University) |
Status, Distribution and Ecology of Primates of Bangladesh: An Overview |
Ten species of primates are found in Bangladesh viz. Nycticebus bengalensis, Macaca fascicularis, M. mulatta, M. leonina, M. assamensis, M. arctoides, Semnopithecus entellus, Trachypithecus phayrei, Trachypithecus pileatus and Bunopethicus hoolock. Among these, 8 species are found only in the eastern side of the river Brahmaputra while one species of langur (Semnopithecus entellus) is found on the western side. Only rhesus macaque is found in both side of this river. To the northeast and southeast parts of Bangladesh, the hilly evergreen and semi-evergreen forests are the hotspot for primates of the country which support all species except Semnopithecus entellus. Rhesus macaques is the only species found throughout the country occupying all types of natural forest including Sundarbans as well as in the tea garden, planted forest and even inside human settlement in urban areas. Coat colour variation has been observed in different populations of rhesus macaques. Recently nine haplotypes are identified in the D-loop region of mtDNA of rhesus macaques of Bangladesh. Among the primates of Bangladesh, 6 species are recorded as Critically Endangered in the country by IUCN.
Nycticebus bengalensis is solitary. B. hoolock is monogamous. M. mulatta live in multi-male multi-female society while M. leonina lived in a single male group. Both Semnopithecus entellus and Trachypithecus pileatus lived in one male group but all male groups are also observed in the population. Group size and composition varies within and between the species.
All these species are forest dweller except Semnopithecus entellus and some population of M. mulatta. Habitat use pattern varied among these species. Time spent at different forest height and use of substrate by these species varied significantly. M. leonina, T. phayrei and T. pileatus mostly use middle canopy, B. hoolock use upper canopy while M. mulata, M. fascicularis and M. assamensis spent most of their time on the ground. Considering diet composition, all langurs are folivorous (57.8 to 70% foliage) while B. hoolock and M. leonine are frugivorous (above 70% fruits). Nycticebus bengalensis depend mostly on animal matter. Rest of the species considered as omnivorous. All these primates use 139 plant species for food. Among the plant species they eat, 90% are shared by more than one species. Although they shared the same food species, they chose different food items from the same tree. Home range, day range and pattern of range use also varied among these species which allow them to use the same tree at a different time of the day or different trees at the same time of the day. The primate community compete with each other for food resources but they successfully avoid major conflict by partitioning the resources using their food preferences, use of different forest strata, ranging pattern and allocating time differently in different activities. |
時 |
2006年8月29日 霊長類研究所 大会議室
者 |
Dr. Alan C. Kamil(University of Nebraska at Lincoln)
Natural History and Cognition: Social and Spatial Abilities in Corvids |
旨 |
Development and maintenance of brain tissue is very expensive. This implies
that cognitive functioning must be of great selective value, yet we know
little about the specific selective pressures that favor the evolution
of cognition in animals. One approach to investigating this issue is to
compare closely related species that differ in their ecology and natural
history to test specific hypotheses about factors that favor the evolution
of specific cognitive abilities. We have applied this approach to spatial
and to social cognition in North American birds of the corvid family. In
the case of spatial cognition, we have tested the hypothesis that dependence
on stored (scatter-hoarded) food will select for improved spatial memory
abilities. We have found that birds that are heavily dependent on such
food, especially Clark's nutcrackers, perform better than less dependent
species on tests of spatial memory in a variety of settings including cache
recovery, open-room mazes and operant delayed nonmatching-to-sample. This
clearly supports the hypothesis. In the case of social cognition, we are
concentrating on the relationship between the complexity of the social
groups in which birds live and socially relevant cognitive tasks, taking
advantage of the high degree of sociality of pinyon jays. We have found
that pinyon jays can draw inferences about transitive relationships from
observations of real-life social encounters. They also perform well on
operant tests of transitive inference. Although much work remains to be
done, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that living in highly
social, structured groups can provide a setting in which specific cognitive
abilities are favored by natural selection. These results suggest a dynamic
view of cognitive evolution, one consistent with morphological evolution
and with the emerging view of the sophistication and complexity of avian
brain and cognition. |
時 |
2006年8月29日 霊長研究所 大会議室 |
者 |
Dr. Philippe Pinel (Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, INSERM, France)
Stanislas Dehaene博士のもとで研究。
主たる研究テーマは数の認知の神経基盤。 |
Numerical representation in human parietal cortex and interaction with
non-numerical dimensions.
旨 |
Many neuroimaging studies succeeded to isolate areas that sustain number processing
in the human parietal lobe. This actual anatomo-functional framework fits
well with data from neurological patients and shows interesting homologies
with the brain of non-human primates. In the same time, other works showed
that parietal cortex is involved in a large amount of non-numerical tasks
(saccade, grasping, attention, visuo-spatial processing). It is also
well known that numbers may interfere with non numerical parameters in
various tasks (size, space) or may be commonly impaired in neurological
cases (Gertsman: finger, orientation). Considering the cerebral bases
of these interferences may be highly pertinent to understand the deep
structure and roots of numerical knowledge in the human brain. For such
a purpose, we will examine some recent results concerning evidences of
shared territories, and perhaps functional mechanisms, between number
and visuo-spatial features. |
時 |
7月11日 京大霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
者 |
Kang Lee (Professor, Institute of Child Study, Tronto University) |
題 |
Cheating and Lying in Children |
旨 |
た。これらの知見を「心の理論」などの他者理解の能力と関連づけて議論した。 |
時 |
2006年6月27日 京大霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
者 |
Hannes Rakoczy (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) |
共同意図性の初期個体発生 |
旨 |
コミュニケーションや協力行動、遊びの場面において、幼児は「共同意図」(他者と共有された意図)を理解することができることがわかりつつある。たとえば、だれかとふり遊びをするには、ふりをする(バナナを電話に見立てる、など)という意図を参加者どうしが共有しているということを理解する必要があるが、2歳児にもそのような理解ができることが実験によって明らかになった。「共同意図」が反映されていると考えられる社会的慣習についての理解も早くから発達する。今回の実験により、2歳児は道具の使用法を学ぶと、それを慣習として認知し、別の使い方を受容することに強い抵抗を示すことが明らかとなった。 |
6月27日 京大霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
者 |
Tanya Behne (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) |
幼児期におけるコミュニケーションと模倣、協力行動 |
旨 |
1−2歳という早い時期に、子供は他者による行動の結果が、意図されたものなのか、別の意図がありながら誤ってそうなったのかを判断することができる。このような判断力は、たとえば模倣行為を指標として観察することができる。他者の意図的な行為は模倣するが、意に反してしてしまったことは模倣しない、といった具合である。また、今回新しい実験により、1歳児は他者との一連の共同作業において、誰とどのような意図を共有していたか、ということをそれぞれの文脈で理解し、記憶することができるということがわかってきた。 |
時 |
2006年6月26日 京大霊長類研究所 大会議室 |
Ribin Panneton (Director, Developmental and Biological Psychology, Virginia Tech) |
Investigating Infants' Attention to Speech within an Ecological Framework |
旨 |
乳幼児の音声知覚が成長につれて母語の音声に限定されていくという報告は数多くなされているが、視覚的な刺激が母語や非母語の音声知覚に及ぼす影響を検討する研究は少ない。この新しい研究では、心拍数の計測を用いて乳幼児の注意をはかり、音声に映像が伴って提示された場合、また静止画よりも動画での提示の場合のほうが、敏感に音韻区別を行うことが明らかになり、視覚刺激が音声認識に及ぼす効果を示唆した。 |
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