
著者 タイトル 掲載誌名 巻号 掲載頁番号
Y. Go and Y. Niimura Similar Numbers but Different Repertoires of Olfactory Receptor Genes in Humans and Chimpanzees. Mol. Biol. Evol. 25 1897-1907 2008
H. Sawai, Y. Go and Y. Satta Biological Implication for Loss of Function at Major Histocompatibility Complex Loci. Immunogenetics 60 295-302 2008
N. Koyama, M. Aimi, Y. Kawamoto, H. Hirai, Y. Go, S. Ichino, and Y. Takahata Body Mass of Wild Ring-Tailed Lemurs in Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, with Reference to Tick Infestation: a Preliminary Analysis. Primates 49 9-15 2008
郷 康広 感覚遺伝子の進化物語 生物の科学「遺伝」 62 88-92 2008
郷 康広 環境と会話して変化するやわらかなゲノム webジャーナル 生命誌 60 website 2009
早石周平、半谷吾郎 バーバリマカクの自然生息地と移植コロニー見聞録 霊長類研究 21 65-73 2005
半谷吾郎 モロッコ・中アトラス地域でのバーバリマカクの保全をめぐる問題と調査許可の取得 霊長類研究 23 43-49 2006
半谷吾郎、N. Menard、M. Qarro、M. Ibn Tattou、清野未恵子、D. Vallet 温帯の霊長類の生態学的適応:バーバリマカクとニホンザルの比較 霊長類研究 24 S-13 2008
M. Itoh, K. Takumi, M. Hyashi, J. Sato, G. Watanabe, K. Taya and K. Shimizu Time Course of Changes in Plasma Inhibin B Level in Male Japanese macaques (macaca fuscata) PRIMATE EYE NO.96 237 2008
M. Kagaya
N. Ogihara
M. Nakatsukasa
Morphological Study of the Anthropoid Thoracic Cage: Scaling of Thoracic Width and an Analysis of Rib Curvature Primates 49 89-99 2008
M. Kagaya
N. Ogihara
M. Nakatsukasa
Morphological Study of the Anthropoid Thoracic Cage: Rib Orientation and its Implication for Orthograde Posture International Primatological Society XXII Congress - - 2008
M. Kagaya
N. Ogihara
M. Nakatsukasa
Clavicular length of hominoids: a comparison with the thoracic cage width IPS Post-Congress Symposium on Comparative Functional Morphology in Primates - 30 2008
金森朝子, 久世濃子, H. Bernard,P. T. Malim,幸島司郎 ボルネオ島ダナムバレーに生息するオランウータンの採食行動の季節変化 霊長類学会誌 - - 2008
金森朝子, 久世濃子, H. Bernard,P. T. Malim,幸島司郎 ボルネオ島ダナムバレーに生息する野生オランウータンの調査−移動様式と空間利用− SAGA11シンポジウム要旨集 - - 2008
金森朝子, 久世濃子, H. Bernard,P. T. Malim,幸島司郎 Ecology and behavior of wild orangutans in Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia: Seasonal change of population density and fruit supply 2008 Annual Report Researh Center for the Evolving Earth and Planets - 印刷中 2008
川本 芳 野生動物との新たな関係 [24] ー外来種の排除と根絶に向けてー サル(1) ニホンザルの交雑問題 農業および園芸 83(12) 口絵 2008
川本 芳 野生動物との新たな関係 [25] ー外来種の排除と根絶に向けてー サル(2) 海外とのちがい 農業および園芸 84(1) 口絵 2008
Y. Kawamura
R. Nakagawa
Terrestrial mammal faunas in the Japanese Islands during OIS 3 and OIS 2 British Archaeological Reports - 審査中 2009
河村善也 秋吉台を中心とした西日本と近隣の大陸の第四紀哺乳動物相の関連 哺乳類科学 - 投稿中 2009
河村善也 秋吉台を中心とした西日本と近隣の大陸の第四紀哺乳動物相の関連 日本哺乳類学会2008年度大会プログラム・講演要旨集 - 62 2008
木村大治 コンゴ民主共和国ワンバにおけるティラピア養殖と小家畜飼養の試み 日本アフリカ学会第45回学術大会予稿集 - 43 2008
D. B. Koyabu
Y. Hamada
S. Malaivijitnond
Pelage Color Variation of Macaca arctoides
and Its Evolutionary Implications
International Journal of Primatology 29 531-541 2008
D. B. Koyabu
H. Endo
Craniofacial Variation and Dietary Adaptations in African colobines Journal of Human Evolution - 印刷中 2009
D. B. Koyabu
H. Endo
Craniodental Mechanics and Seed-eating Adaptations in Asian Colobines American Journal of Physical Anthropology - 審査中 2009
N. Kuze, S. Sipangkui, T.P. Malim, H. Bernard, L. N. Ambu and S. Kohshima Reproductive parameters over a 37-year period of free-ranging female Borneo Orangutans at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre. Primates - 126-134 2008
H. C. Morrogh-Bernard, M. Ancrenaz, S. J. Husson, T. Kanamori, C. D. Knott, N. Kuze, I,. Lackman-Ancrenaz, A. J. Marshall, M. van Noordwijk, C. P. van Schaik and S. A. Wich Orangutan activity budgets: a comparison between species, population and habitats. In S. A. Wich, S. S. Utami, T. M. Setia, C. P. van Schaik, editors. Orangutans: Geographical Variation in Behavioral Ecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford - 119-133 2009
A. Russon, S. Wich, M. Ancrenaz, T. Kanamori, C. Knott, N. Kuze, H. C. Morrogh-Bernard, P. Pratje, H. Ramlee, P. Rodman, K. Sidiyasa, I. Singleton and C. P. van Schaik Orangutan activity budgets: a comparison between species, population and habitats. In S. A. Wich, S. S. Utami, T. M. Setia, C. P. van Schaik, editors. Orangutans: Geographical Variation in Behavioral Ecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford - 135-156 2008
N. Kuze, A, Russon, S. Sipangkui, T. Malim, L. Ambu, H. Bernard, S. Kohshima Reproductive parameters over a 37-year period of free-ranging female Borneo orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center. Primate Eye 96 230 2008
N. Kuze, T. Kanamori Ecology and behavior of Borneo Orangutan at Danum Valley Conservation Area in Malaysia. The International Symposium on Comparative Cognitive Science 2008 Primate origins of human mind - - 2008
久世濃子 「姿はにていてもチンパンジーと違う」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
久世濃子 「赤ちゃんが最初に覚える木登り」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
久世濃子 「家族と群れずに独りぼっちで子育て」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
久世濃子 「子どもの冒険を見守るお母さん」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
久世濃子 「社交的に活動する7〜15歳の若者期」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
久世濃子 「若い雌は大人たちに「不人気」」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
久世濃子 「おれは「強い」と思うと「変身」する雄」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
久世濃子 「雄同士の命がけのけんか」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
久世濃子 「顔が白いのは子どものサイン」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
久世濃子 「オランウータン研究者への道」、『オランウータンから教わったこと』 朝日小学生新聞 - - 2008
M.Matsubara MHC-DRB Polymorphism in Captive Japanese Macaques Primate Eye 96 188 2008
M.Matsubara Utilization of Space for Playing and the Behaviors by Immature Western Lowland Gorillas in the Howletts and Port Lympne Wild Animal Park, UK Primate Research 24 S15 2008
松田一希、Augustine Tuuga、秋山吉寛、東正剛 テングザルの川渡りと泊まり場の選択性 第24回日本霊長類学会大会誌 第24回 - 2008
I. Matsuda, A. Tuuga, Y. Akiyama, S. Higashi Selection of River Crossing Location and Sleeping Site by Proboscis Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) in Sabah, Malaysia American Journal of Primatology 70 1097-1101 2008
Y. Morimoto K. Fujita Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella) Regulate
their own Behaviour
according to the Conspecific’s Emotional Expression
Primate Eye Primate Society of Great Britain The International Primatological Society XXU Congress 96 46 2008
M. Inoue-Murayama, E. Inoue, K.W. Hong, T. Nishida, S. Ito, Y. Murayama Interspecies and Intraspecies Variations in the Serotonin Transporter Gene Intron 3 VNTR in Nonhuman Primates Abstract of the International Primatological Society XXII Congress - - 2008
Y. Kawamura
R. Nakagawa
Terrestrial mammal faunas in the Japanese Islands during OIS 3 and OIS 2 British Archaeological Reports - 審査中 2009
浜松周辺の石灰洞および裂罅から産出した第四紀哺乳類化石とその古環境 日本洞窟学会第34回大会・浜松大会講演発表・ポスター発表要旨集 - - 2008
静岡県浜松市引佐町戸田の竪穴より発見されたカワウソを含む哺乳類化石群集 日本洞窟学会第34回大会・浜松大会講演発表・ポスター発表要旨集 - - 2008
M. Nakatsukasa Comparative study of Moroto vertebral specimens Journal of Human Evolution 55(4) 581-588 2008
M. Nakatsukasa Morphological study of the Moroto vertebral remains Amrican Journal of Physical Anthropology 46 160 2008
T. D. Nishimura, M Takai & E. N. Maschenko. A maxillary sinus of Paradolichopithecus sushkini (late Pliocene, southern Tajikistan ) and its phyletic implications. Journal of Human Evolution 52(6) 637-346 2007
T. Nishimura, T. Oishi, J. Suzuki, K. Matsuda & T. Takahashi. Development of the supralaryngeal vocal tract in Japanese macaques: implications for the evolution of the descent of the larynx. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135(2) 182-194 2008
M. Takai, E. N. Maschenko, T. D. Nishimura, T. Anezaki & T. Suzuki. Phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of Paradolichopithecus sushkini Trofimov 1977, a large-bodied cercopithecine monkey from the Pliocene of Eurasia. Quaternary International 179(1) 108-199 2008
Takeshi D. Nishimura, Brigitte Senut, Abel Prieur, Jacque Treil, Masanaru Takai Nasal architecture of Paradolichopithecus arvernensis (late Pliocene, Seneze, France) and its phyletic implications Journal of Human Evolution 56(2) 213-217 2009
西村剛 話しことばの起源と霊長類の音声−古人類学と生物音響学− Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) 116(1) 1-14 2006
Takeshi Nishimura Understanding the dynamics of primate vocalization and its implications for the evolution of human speech The Origin of Language (Nobuo Masataka ed.), Springer, Tokyo - 111-130 2008
西村剛 ことばの起源-進化プロセスは謎だらけ 朝日新聞大阪本社版2007年10月1日朝刊. - - 2007
西村剛 化石研究-医療電子技術との出会い 朝日新聞大阪本社版2007年9月24日朝刊. - - 2007
西村剛, 高井正成, Brigitte Senut, Abel Prieur, Jacque Treil Paradolichopithecus arvernensis(後期鮮新世、フランスSen?ze産)の鼻腔内部構造とその系統位置について 霊長類研究 24 S-8 2008
Takeshi D. Nishimura, Masanaru Takai CT examinations on the nasal architecture of Paradolichopithecus (Cercopithecinae, Papionini) Anthropological Science 116(3) 263 2008
Takeshi Nishimura, Hiroki Koda, Chisako Oyakawa, Nobuo Masataka, Toshikuni Nihonmatsu Voice physiology of the song in gibbons Anthropological Science 113(3) 251 2007
西村 剛, 高井正成, 樽創, Brigitte Senut, Jacques Treil, Arnaud Beck, Jos? Braga 神奈川県産後期鮮新世コロブス類の頭蓋骨化石のCT分析 霊長類研究 23 S-17 2008
Tsuyoshi Ito, Masanaru Takai, Takeshi Nishimura, Thomas Koppe, Brigitte Senut, Jose Braga, Arnaud Beck, Jacques Treil Morphological study of the Macaque fossil skull of Pleistocene,
North Vietnam using CT
Program and Abstracts of the 1st International Symposium of the Biodiversity Global COE Project “Formation of a strategic base for biodiversity and evolutionary research: from genime to ecosystem” - 55 2008
I. Sato, S. Nakaki, K. Murata and K. Simizu Morphological and Molecular Analysis of Mammalian Hair : A Forensic Approach 8th Conference of the European Wildlife Disease Association - 86 2008
Y. Shimooka, CJ. Campbell, A. Di Fiore, AM. Felton, K. Izawa, A. Link, A. Nishimura, G. Ramos-Fernandez, RB. Wallace Demography and group composition of Ateles Spider Monkeys -Behavior, Ecology and Evolution of the genus Ateles - 329-350 2008
下岡 ゆき子 私事白書 アマゾンに野生のサルを追う 石油学会誌 ペトロレック - 印刷中 2009
下岡 ゆき子、杉浦 秀樹、Andres Link, Anthony DiFiore, Monica A. Ramilez ニホンザルとクモザルにおける群れ内の個体の空間分布 日本霊長類学会誌 霊長類研究 24 S-31-S31 2008
Yukiko Shimooka, Andres Link, Monica A Ramirez, Anthony Di Fiore Spatial Distribution of Wild Spider Monkeys in Fission-Fusion Societies: Simultaneous Follows of Two Individuals Using GPS PRIMATE EYE primate society of great britain
311 2008
I. Sato, S. Nakaki, K. Murata and K. Simizu Morphological and Molecular Analysis of Mammalian Hair : A Forensic Approach 8th Conference of the European Wildlife Disease Association - 86 2008
M. Suzuki Visual and Auditory Monitoring of Group Members During Moving in A Group in Japanese Macaques PRIMATE EYE 96 93 2008
田代靖子 ボノボによる小動物の捕獲と肉食:プレイ・イメージと肉食の意味 日本アフリカ学会第45回学術大会研究発表要旨集 - 14 2008
S. Yamamoto
G. Yamakoshi
T. Humle
T. Matsuzawa
Invention and Modification of a New Tool Use Behavior: Ant-fishing in Trees by a Wild Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) at Bossou, Guinea American Journal of Primatology 70 699-702 2008
S. Yamamoto
M. Tanaka
How Did Altruistic Cooperation Evolve in Humans? Perspectives from Experiments on Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Interaction Studies - 印刷中 2009
S. Yamamoto
M. Tanaka
Do Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Spontaneously Take Turns in a Reciprocal Cooperation Task? Journal of Comparative Psychology - 印刷中 2009
S. Yamamoto
M. Tanaka
Development of Selfish Tactics but Not Reciprocal Cooperation in Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Mother-infant Pairs in Social Problem Situations Aminal Cognition - 投稿中 2009
S. Yamamoto
G. Yamakoshi
T. Humle
T. Matsuzawa
Ant-fishing in Trees: Invention and Modification of a New Tool Use Behavior Springer - 投稿中 2009
S. Yamamoto
M. Tanaka
Experimental Studies on Reciprocal Cooperation in Chimpanzees The 22nd Congress of the International Primatological Society 抄録 16 2008
M. Wakita Inferior Frontal Activity during Obsearvation of Music Performance. 6th Forum of European Neuroscience Programme - 137 2008

著者 タイトル 掲載誌名 巻号 掲載頁番号
H. Endo, A. Hayashida, K. Fukuta Multivariate analyses of the skull size and shape in the five geographical populations of the lesser false vampire. Mammal Study 32(1) 23-32 2007
T. Oshida, H. Torii, L-K. Lin, J-K. Lee, Y-J. Chen, H. Endo, M. Sasaki A preliminary study on origin of Callosciurus squirrels introduced into Japan. Mammal Study 32(2) 75-82 2007
H. Endo, N. Hama, N. Niizawa, J. Kimura, T. Itou, H. Koie T. Sakai Three-dimensional analysis of the manipulation system in the lesser panda Mammal Study 32(2) 99-103 2007
T. Sato, T. Itou, G. Sato, Y. Kobayashi, H. Endo, T. Sakai Sequencing of cDNA and proximal promoter of equine hexokinase II gene. DNS Sequence 18(3) 203-208 2007
H. Endo, N. Niizawa, T. Komiya, S. Kawada, J. Kimura, T. Itou, H. Koie, T. Sakai Three-dimensional CT examinations of the mastication system in the giant anteater. Zool. Sci. 24(10) 1005-1011 2007
H. Endo, M. Oishi, T. Yonezawa, F. Rakotondraparany, M. Hasegawa The semifossorial function of the forelimb in the common rice tenrec (Oryzorictes hova) and the streaked tenrec (Hemicentetes hemispinosus) Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 36 413-418 2007
K. Fukuta, T. Orui, K. Tanaka, M. Sasaki, H. Endo, D. bin Ismail, M. Kudo, J. Kimura Novel erythrocyte pits in the small tropical ruminant, lesser mouse deer Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 36 424-427 2007
A. Fukuchi, B. Ratanasthien, W. Songtham, H. Nakaya, S. Suzuki Expansion of grassland in the early Late Miocene in northern Thailand Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(3) 78 2007
A. Fukuchi, B. Ratanasthien, H. Nakaya, Y. Kunimatsu, M. Kaneko, S. Nagaoka, S. Tanaka, S, Suzuki Middle to Late Miocene paleoenvironmental changes in northern Thailand Pacific Neogene studies: Neogene events and stratigraphy, Abstract Volume 13 2007
A. Fukuchi, R. Hanta, B. Ratanasthien Sedimentation in the late Early to Middle Miocene mammalian fossil locality Mae Soi (Chiang Mai, Thailand) Science Asia 投稿中
藤田和生 動物たちのゆたかな心 京都大学学術出版会 181. 2007
K. Fujita, S. Tsutsumi, Y. Morimoto, C. G. Coelho, T. Fal?tico, E. B. Ottoni Substrate choice in nut-cracking behavior of semi-wild tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) Abstracts of the XXXth International Ethological Conference 187 2007
濱田 穣 なぜヒトの脳だけが大きくなったのか?人類進化最大の謎に挑む 講談社ブルーバックス 254 2007
N. Urasopon, Y. Hamada , K. Asaoka, W. Wichai Cherdshewasart, S. Malaivijitnond Pueraria mirifica, a phytoestrogen-rich herb, prevents bone loss in orchidectomized rats Maturitus 56 322-331 2007
Y. Mori, K. Shimoda, H. Kobayashi, I. Hayasaka, Y. Hamada Development of the sexual skin with pubertal maturation in female chimpanzees Primates 48(2) 97-101 2007
S. Malaivijitnond, O. Takenaka, Y. Kawamtoo, N. Urasopon, I. Hadi, Y. Hamada Anthropogenic macaque hybridization and genetic pollution of a threatened population. Nat. Hist. J. Chula Univ., 7(1) 11-23 2007
Y. Hamada, B. Suryobroto, S. Goto, S. Malaivijitnond Are northern long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis) hybrids with southern rhesus macaques (M. mulatta) Morphological and body color variation in Thai long-tailed macaques distributed to the north and south of the Isthmus of Kra  印刷中
S. Malaivijitnond, W. Sae-Low, Y. Hamada The human-ABO blood groups of free-ranging long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and parapatric rhesus macaques (M. mulatta) in Thailand J. Med. Primatol doi: 10.1111/
M. Feeroz, K. Hasan, Y. Hamada,Y. Kawamoto STR polymorphism of mtDNA D-Loop in rhesus macaques of Bangladesh. Primates 49(1) 69-72 2008
D. Koyabu, S. Malaivijitnond, Y. Hamada Pelage Color Variation of Stumptail Macaques (Macaca arctoides) and Its Evolutionary Implications Int. J. Primatol. in press 2008
Y. Hamada, S. Malaivijitnond , P. Kingsada, P. Bounnam Distribution and Present Status of Primates in the Northern Region of Lao PDR Nat. Hist. J. Chula Univ., 161-191 2007
Y. Hamada, S. Goto, Y. Morimitsu, F. Samouth, Min NWW, San AM, Gyi MM, T. Nwe, S. Malaivijitnond Are Indochina rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) hybrids? 印刷中
K.Ohira,N.Funatsu,K.J.Homma, Y.Sahara, M.Hayashi, T.Kaneko, and S.Nakamura Truncated TrkB-T1 regulates the morphology of neocortical layer I astrocytes in adult rat brain slices. Europian Journal of Neuroscience 25 406-416 2007
Y.Murata, N.Higo, T.Oishi,A.Yamashita, K.Matsuda, M.Hayashi, and S.Yamane Effects of motor training on the recovery of manual dexterity after primary motor cortex lesion in macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology 印刷中
S.Higaki,K.Takumi,K.Shimizu,and M.Hayashi Menopause-related changes in the ERbeta in the hippocampal formation and entorhinal cortex of aged female Japanese macaques. Society for Neuroscience Program 694.7 2007
林基治、山下晶子,泰羅雅登、Eberhard Fuchs 成熟期と老齢期のツパイ海馬体におけBDNFとTrkBの免疫陽性構造 霊長類研究 23 23 2007
託見健、伊藤真理子、清水慶子、林基治 メスニホンザルにおける血中IGF-1の季節変動 霊長類研究 23 29 2007
檜垣佐百合、託見健、清水慶子、林基治 閉経ニホンザルの海馬体におけるエストロゲン受容体ERbetaの発現変化 霊長類研究 23 29 2007
A.Yamashita,K.Shimizu,E. Fuchs, M.Hayashi, and M.Taira Somatostatin-immunoreactive degenerating structures in prefrontal cortex of aged tre shrew(Tupaia) and macaque monkeys. Neuroscience Research 58 S117 2007
N.Karasawa,M.Hayashi,T.Mori, K.Shimizu, K.Yamada, and M.Onozuka Immunohistochemical analysis of GABA neurons in the brain of the common marmoset. Neuroscience Research 58 s137 2007
Y.Murata, N.Higo, T.Oishi,A.Yamashita, K.Matsuda, and M.Hayashi Effects of motor training on the recovery of hand movement after lesion of primary motor cortex:what can be recovered and what cannot be recovered. Society for Neuroscience Program 262.12 2007
T.Oishi, N.Higo, A.Yamashita,Y.Murata, K. Matsuda, and M.Hayashi Characterization of GAP-43 immunoreactive structures from the viewpoint of neurotransmitters in the anterior horn of the monkey spinal cord. Society for Neuroscience Program 789.5 2007
S. Hirata A note on the responses of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) to live self-images on television monitors Behavioral Processes 75 85-90 2007
S. Hirata Competitive and cooperative aspects of social intelligence in chimpanzees Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology 57 29-40 2007
T. Imura
M. Tomonaga
Visual Search on the Ground-like Surface Defined by Texture Gradients in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Humans (Homo sapiens). Journal of Vision 7 284 2007
金森朝子, 久世濃子, H. Bernard,P. T. Malim,幸島司郎 ボルネオ島ダナムバレー森林保護地域における野生オランウータン調査 SAGA10シンポジウム要旨集 2007
金森朝子, 久世濃子, H. Bernard,P. T. Malim,幸島司郎 Ecology and behavior of wild orangutans in Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia: population density, food supply and foraging behavior 2007 Annual Report Researh Center for the Evolving Earth and Planets 印刷中 2008
T. Kawashima
H. Sasaki
Morphological Conparison of the Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System Between Normal and Abonormal Great Arterial Branching Pattern with Bref Review of the Literature. Autonomic Neuroscience 132 37-43 2007
T. Kawashima K. Akita K. Sato H. Sasaki Evulutionary and Comparative Anatomical Investigations of the Autonomic Cardiac Nervous System in the African Cercopithecidae. Jounral of Morphology 268 771-790 2007
T. Kawashima H. Takeishi S. YoshitomiM. ItoH. Sasaki Anatomical Study of the Fabella, Fabella Complex, and Its Clinical Implication. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 29 611-616 2007
T. Kawashima R.W. ThoringtonY. Kunimatsu J.F. Whatton Systematic Morphology and Evolutionary anatomy of the Autonomic Caridac Nervous System in the Lessor Apes, Gibbons (Hylobatidae). Anatomical Record 印刷中
Y. Kunimatsu, M. Nakatsukasa, Y. Sawada, T. Sakai, M. Hyodo, H. Hyodo, T. Itaya, Hideo Nakaya, H. Saegusa, A. Mazurier, M. Saneyoshi, H. Tsujikawa, A. Yamamoto, and E. Mbua A new Late Miocene great ape from Kenya and its implications for the origins of African great apes and humans Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 104(49) 19220-19225 2007
久世濃子 オランウータンは何を食べているの? 世界通信 教材学習ニュース 1879(1) 2007
久世濃子,金森朝子,H. Bernard,P. T. Malim,幸島司郎
A. Simon
低地混交フタバガキ林に生息するボルネオ・オランウータンの食性−フタバガキ科の利用を中心に− 第6回日本熱帯生態学会 14 2007
久世濃子,金森朝子, H. Bernard,P. T. Malim,幸島司郎 野生ボルネオ・オランウータンの空間利用〜オトナ雄は非常に低い場所を利用する〜 日本霊長類学会第23回大会 5 2007
N. Kuze, S. Sipangkui, P. T. Malim, H. Bernard, L. N. Ambu, S. Kohshima Reproductive Parameters over a 37-year Period of Free-Ranging Female Borneo Orangutans at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre. Primates Primates 印刷中 DOI 10.1007
H. C. Morrogh-Bernard, M. Ancrenaz, S. J. Husson, T. Kanamori, C. D. Knott, N. Kuze, I. Lackman-Ancrenaz, A. J. Marshall, M. van Noordwijk, C. P. van Schaik, and S. A. Wich Orangutan Activity Budgets: A Comparison Between Species, Population and Habitats In S. A. Wich, S. S. Utami, T. M. Setia, C. P. van Schaik editors. Orangutans: Geographic Variation in Behavioral Ecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford 印刷中 2008
A. Russon, S. A. Wich, M. Ancrenaz, T. Kanamori, C. D. Knott, N. Kuze, H. C. Morrogh-Bernard, P. Pratje, H. Ramlee, P. Rodman, K. Sidiyasa, I. Singleton, C. P. van Schaik Geographic Variation in Orangutan Diets In S. A. Wich, S. S. Utami, T. M. Setia, C. P. van Schaik editors. Orangutans: Geographical Variation in Behavioral Ecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford 印刷中 2008
幸島司郎,小林洋美,久世濃子,関口雄祐,荒井一利,酒井麻衣,岩崎真里,松林尚志,喜安薫 飼育個体の観察から何がわかるか?:サル、,イルカ、,マメジカ、,サイの事例から 哺乳類科学 印刷中 2008
Y. Moriguchi, M. Tanaka, & S. Itakura Executive Function and Theory of Mind: Evidence from a Comparative Study Proceedings of The 13th European Conference on Developmental Psychology CD-R 2007
M. Nakamura Ubiquity of Culture and a Possibility of Social Inheritance of Sociality among Wild Chimpanzees The Mind of the Chimpanzee: Ecological and Experimental Perspectives, Lonsdorf EV, Ross SR, Matsuzawa T (eds), University of Chicago Press. 印刷準備中
T. Nishida M. Nakamura Long-Term Research and Conservation in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania. Science and Conservation in African Forests: How Long-Term Research Promotes Habitat Protection, Wrangham RW, Ross E (eds), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 印刷準備中
中村美知夫 霊長類の文化 霊長類研究 印刷準備中
S. Hanamura M. Kiyono M. Lukasik-Braum M. Mlengeya M. Nakamura T. Nishida Chimpanzee Deaths at Mahale Caused by a Flu-like Disease. Primates 49(1) 77-80 2008
T. Sakamaki M. Nakamura T. Nishida Evidence of Cultural Differences in Diet between Two Neighboring Unit Groups of Chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Pan Africa News 14(1) 3-5 2007
M. Nakatsukasa, Y. Kunimatsu, Y. Nakano, N. Egi, H. Ishida Postcranial bones of Infant Nacholapithecus: Ontogeny and Positional Behavioral Adaptation Anthropological Science 115 (2) 201-215 2007
M. Nakatsukasa, M. Pickford, N. Egi, B. Senut Femoral Length, Body Mass, and Stature Estimates of Orrorin tugenensis, a 6 Ma Hominid from Kenya Primates 48(3) 171-178 2007
M. Nakatsukasa, Y. Kunimatsu, Y. Nakano, H. Ishida Vertebral Morphology of Nacholapithecus Kerioi Based on KNM-BG 35250 Journal of Human Evolution 52 (3) 347-369 2007
M. Oishi, N. Ogihara, H. Endo and M. Asari Muscle architecture of the upper limb in the orangutan Primates 印刷中
T. Oshida, H. Torii, L-K. Lin, J-K. Lee, Y-J. Chen, H. Endo, M. Sasaki A preliminary study on origin of Callosciurus squirrels introduced into Japan. Mammal Study 32(2) 75-82. 2007
押田龍夫 日本に持ち込まれた外来リス類の分子系統学的研究 生物化学 58<4> 229-232 2007
M, Shimada Social Object Play among Young Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata) in Arashiyama, Japan XXX International Ethological Conference Abstracts 1 93 2007
M. Shimada Regional difference of social object play among three troops of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) XXX International Ethological Conference Abstracts 1 207 2007
G.Ramos-Fernandez, R.Wallace
Demography and Group Composition of Ateles. Spider Monkeys: Behavior, Ecology
and Evolution of the Genus Ateles. Cambridge, Cambridge University
  ー 印刷中  ー
Y. Tashiro, G. Idani, D. Kimura, L. Bongori Habitat changes and decreases in the bonobo population in Wamba, Democratic Republic of the Congo African Study Monographs 28(2) 99-106 2007
G. Idani, N. Mwanza, H. Ihobe, C. Hashimoto, Y. Tashiro, T. Furuichi Changes in the status of bonobos, their habitat, and the situation of humans at Wamba, in the Luo Scientific Reserve, Democratic Republic of the Congo. In: T. Furuichi, J. Thompson (eds.) The Bonobos: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Springer.   ー 291-302 2008
T. Furuichi, M. Mulavwa, K. Yangozene, M. Yamba-Yamba, B. Motema-Salo, G. Idani, H. Ihobe, C. Hashimoto, Y. Tashiro, N. Mwanza Relationships among Ranging Speed, Party Size and Composition, and Fruit Abundance for bonobos at Wamba. In: T. Furuichi, J. Thompson (eds.) The Bonobos: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Springer.   ー 135-150 2008
C. Hashimoto, Y. Tashiro, E. Hibino, M. Mulavwa, K. Yangozene, T. Furuichi, G. Idani, O. Takenaka Longitudinal Structure of a Unit-group of Bonobos: Male Philopatry and Possible Fusion of Unit-groups. In: T. Furuichi, J. Thompson (eds.) The Bonobos: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Springer.   ー 107-120 2008
M. Mulavwa, T. Furuichi, K. Yangozene, M. Yamba-Yamba, B. Moteme-Salo, G. Idani, H. Ihobe, C. Hashimoto, Y. Tashiro, N. Mwanza Seasonal Changes in Fruit Production and Party Size of Bonobos at Wamba. In: T. Furuichi, J. Thompson (eds.) The Bonobos: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Springer.   ー 121-134 2008
辻川寛 ケニア北部ナチョラ地域から産出した中期中新世サイ化石 日本解剖学会第53回東北・北海道連合支部学術集会プログラム予稿集   ー 47-47 2007
辻川寛,中野良彦,石田英實 ケニア北部ナチョラ地域のサイ化石 第61回日本人類学会大会【プログラム・抄録集】   ー 83-83 2007
Do Chimpanzees Spontaneously Take Turns in a Reciprocal Cooperation Task?: Solicitation and Punishment Targeted at Free-rider. The 30th International Ethological Conference Abstracts   ー 117 2007
G.Uenishi, S.Fujita, G.Ohashi, A.Kato, S.Yamauchi, T.Matsuzawa, K.Ushida . Molecular Analyses of the Intestinal Microbiota of Chimpanzees in the Wild and in Captivity. Am J Primatol. 69(4) 367-376. 2007
K. Ushida Intestinal Bacteria of Chimpanzees in the Wild and in Captivity-An Application of Molecular Ecological Methodologies- “Primate Parasite Ecology”.(Huffman M and Colin Chapman eds.) Cambridge University Press   ー in press 2008
Peng Zhang, Kunio Watanabe Husbandry and Welfare of Captive Non-human Primates Zoological Research 28 448 - 456 2007
Peng Zhang, Kunio Watanabe Preliminary study on eye colour of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) in their nature habitats. Primates 48 122 -129 2007
Peng Zhang, Kunio Watanabe, Tokida Eishi
Habitual hot spring bathing by a group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in their natural habitat. American Journal of Primatology 69 224 - 296 2008
Peng Zhang, Kunio Watanabe, Tokida Eishi
Habitual hot spring bathing by a group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in their natural habitat. American Journal of Primatology 69 224-296 2008
Peng Zhang, Kunio Watanabe, Bao-guo Li, Xiao-guang Qi Dominance relationships among one-male units in a provisioned free-ranging band of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains, China. American Journal of Primatology   ー in press 2008
Peng Zhang, Kunio Watanabe, Bao-guo Li Female Social Dynamics in a Provisioned Free-ranging Band of the Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains, China American Journal of Primatology   ー in press   ー

著者 タイトル 掲載誌名 巻号 掲載頁番号
D. Biro, C. Sousa and T. Matsuzawa Ontogeny and Cultural Propagation of Tool Use by Wild Chimpanzees at Bossou, Guinea: Case Studies in Nut Cracking and Leaf Folding "Cognitive Development
in himpanzees
"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"
 476-508 2006
H. Endo, T.Yonezawa,, F. Rakotondraparany, M. Sasaki, M. Hasegawa The adaptational strategies of the hindlimb muscles in the Tenrecidae
species including the aquatic web-footed tenrec (Limnogale mergulus).
Annals of Anatomy.
188 383-390 2006
Endo, H. and Tsuchiya, K.      A new species of Ryukyu spiny rat, Tokudaia (Muridae: Rodentia), from Tokunoshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Mammal Study 31 47-57 2006
Endo, H., Sasaki, M., Kimura, J. and Fukuta, K. Functional strategies of the hindlimb muscles in the mouse deer Mammal Study 31 73-78 2006
Kawada, S., Kobayashi, S., Endo, H., Rerkamnuaychoke, W. and Oda, S. Karyological study on Kloss's mole Euroscaptor klossi (Insectivora, Talpidae) collected in Chieng Rai Province, Thailand. Mammal Study 31 105-109 2006
Kimura, J., Budipitojo, T., Sasaki, M., Kitamura, N., Yamada, J., Endo H. and Fukuta, K. Immunolocalization of Gastrin-releasing Peptide (GRP) in the uteroplacenta of the mouse deer Anatomia Histologia and Embryologia 35 217-220 2006
Fukuta K., Kudo, H., Sasaki, M., Kimura, J., Ismail, D. B. and Endo, H. Absence of carotid rete mirabile in small tropical ruminants: Implications for the evoluton of the arterial system in artiodactyls Journak of Anatomy 210 112-116 2007
Hayashida, A., Endo, H., Sasaki, M., Oshida, T., Kimura, J., Weangsothorn, S., Kitamura, N. and Yamada, J. Geographical variation in skull morphology of gray-bellied squirrel Callosciurus caniceps. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 69(2) 149-157 2007
Endo, H., Hayashida, A. and Fukuta, K. Multivariate analyses of the skull size and shape in the five geographical populations of the lesser false vampire. Mammal Study 32 23-32 2007
半谷吾郎 モロッコ・中アトラス地域でのバーバリマカクの保全をめぐる問題と調査許可の取得 霊長類研究 22(1) 43-49 2006
M. Hayashi, H. Takeshita and M. Matsuzawa Cognitive Development in Apes and Humans Assessed by Object Manipulation ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"  ― 395-410 2006
S. Hirata An Experimental Study of Cooperation in a Chimpanzee Paired with a Human Partner Folia Primatologica 75(S1) 275 2006
S. Hirata Chimpanzee Learning and Transmission of Tool Use to Fish for Honey ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"  ― 201-213 2006
S. Hirata Tactical Deception and Understanding of Others in Chimpanzees ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"  ― 265-276 2006
K. J. Hockings, J. R. Anderson, and T. Matsuzawa
Road crossing in chimpanzees: A risky business Current Biology 16 668-670 2006
T. Imura, M. Yamaguchi, N. Shirai, Y. Otsuka, M. Tomonaga and A. Yagi Perception of Motion Trajectory of Objects from the Moving Cast Shadow in Infants Vision Research 46 652-657 2006
M. Inoue-Murayama, E. Hibino, T. Matsuzawa, S. Hirata, O. Takenaka, I. Hayasaka, S. Ito and Y. Murayama The Application of a Human Personality Test to Chimpanzees and Survey of Polymorphism in Genes Relating to Neurotransmitters and Hormones ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"  ― 113-124 2006
金森朝子 久世濃子 ボルネオ島ダナムバレー森林保護地域における野生オランウータン調査地 霊長類研究 22 51-56 2006
T. Kanamori
N. Kuze
T.P. Malim
H. Bernard
S. Kohshima
A New Field Research Site for Wild Orangutan studies in Danum Valley, Malaysia International Journal of Primatology 29 suppl. 1 153 2006
金森朝子 久世濃子 野生ボルネオ・オラウータンの社会交渉(短報) 第24回日本霊長類学会講演要旨集 22 S-1 2006
T.Kawashima and H. Sasaki Morphological comparison of the cardiac autonomic nervous system between normal and abnormal arterial branching patterns with a brief review of the literature. Auton. Neuroscience 132 37-43 2007
N. Kuze
T. Kanamori
T.P. Malim
H. Bernard
S. Kohshima
Ethological Study of Orangutan in Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve and Danum Valley Conservation Area 10th Sabah Inter-Agency Tropical Ecosystem (SITE) Research Seminar  ―    ― 2006
久世濃子 森の人オランウータン・顔は大事な目印 世界通信 教材学習ニュース 1851(1)    ― 2006
N. Kuze
T. Kanamori
T.P. Malim
H. Bernard
S. Kohshima
Sexual Difference in Social Behavior Between Free-Ranging Rehabilitated Orangutans and Wild Orangutans International Journal of Primatology 29 suppl. 1 268 2006
N. Kuze
T. Kanamori
T.P. Malim
H. Bernard
S. Kohshima
Intoroduction of a Newly Established Study Area of Wild Orangutan in Malaysia. International Journal of Primatology 29 suppl. 1 450 2006
T. Matsuzawa, M. Tomonaga and M. Tanaka (Eds.) Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees Springer-Verlag Tokyo pp.548    ― 2006
T. Matsuzawa Sociocognitive Development in Chimpanzees: A synthesis of Laboratory Work and Fieldwork ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"   ― 3-33 2006
T. Matsuzawa Evolutionary Origins of the Human Mother-Infant Relationship ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"   ― 127-141 2006
Y. Mizuno, H. Takeshita and T. Matsuzawa Behavior of Infant Chimpanzees during the Night in the First 4months of Life: Smiling and Suckling in Relation to Behavioral State Infancy 9(2) 215-234 2006
M. Nakatsukasa, Y. Kunimatsu, Y. Nakano, H. Ishida Vertebral Morphology of Nacholapithecus kerioi Based on KNM-BG 35250 Journal of Human Evolution 52(4) 347-69. 2006
T. Nishimura
A. Mikami
J. Suzuki
T. Matsuzawa
Descent of the Hyoid in Chimpanzees: Evolution of Facial Flattening and Speech Journal of Human Evolution 51(3) 244-254 2006
T. Nishimura
A. Mikami
J. Suzuki
T. Matsuzawa
Development of the Laryngeal Air Sac in Chimpanzees International Journal of Primatology 28(2)    ― 2007
N. Ogihara, E. Hirasaki, M. Nakatsukasa Energy efficient bipedal locomotor strategy in bipedally-trained Japanese macaques 3rd International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines CD-ROM     ― 2006
T. Oshida Is there an evolutionary relict of the Japanese giant flying squirrel Petaurista leucogenys on the Asian Continent?
Mammal Study 31(1) 69-72 2006
T. Oshida, H. Endo, J. Kimura, M. Sasaki, S. Kawada, W. Rerkamnuaychoke, N.T. Son, A. Hayashida, A. Takano and Y. Hayashi Phylogeography of Squirrels in the Indochina Peninsula: Do Rivers Influence the Phylogeography of Small Forest Mammals? Abstracts: 4th International Tree Squirrel Colloquium & 1st International Flying Squirrel Colloquium    ― 49 2006
C. Sousa and T. Matsuzawa Token Use by Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Choice, Metatool, and Cost ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"    ― 411-438 2006
K. Ushida, S. Fujita and G. Ohashi Nutritional Significance of the Selective Ingestion of Albizia Zygia Gum Exudate by Wild Chimpanzees in Bossou, Guinea American Journal of Primatology 68(2) 143-151 2006

著者 タイトル 掲載誌名 巻号 掲載頁番号
K.Bard, M.Myowa-Yamakoshi, M.Tomonaga, M.Tanaka, A.Costal and T.Matsuzawa Group Differences in the Mutual Gaze of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Developmental Psychology 41 616-624 2005
D.Biro, C.Sousa and T.Matsuzawa Ontogeny and Cultural Propagation of Tool Use by Wild Chimpanzees at Bossou, Guinea: Case Studies in Nut Cracking and Leaf Folding ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo    ― 476-508 2006
Endo, H., T. Sakai, T. Itou, H. Koie and J. Kimura. Macroscopic observation and CT examination of the heart ventricular walls
in the Asian elephant.
Mammal Study 30(2) 125-130 2005
Endo, H., Yonexawa, T., Rakotondraparany, F., Sasaki, M., Hasegawa, M. The adaptational strategies of the hindlimb muscles in the Tenrecidae
species including the aquatic web-footed tenrec (Limnogale mergulus).
Ann. Anat.           ―   188 2006
Endo, H., Y. Watanabe, J. Kimura and J. Yamada. Osteological Characteristics of the Northern Smooth-tailed Tree Shrew
(Dendrogale murina) among Species of Scandentia.
Mystreious Arboreal
Tupai; the Northern smooth-tailed tree shrew (Dendrogale murina)(Eds. H.
Endo and J. Yamada.) Kyoto University, Aichi
          ―   1-20. 2005
Endo, H., Y. Watanabe, J. Kimura, J. Yamada. Functional Morphology of the Masticatory and Locomotor Muscle Systems and
the Related Occurrence of the Thoracic Muscles in the Northern
Smooth-tailed Tree Shrew (Dendrogale murina).
Mystreious Arboreal
Tupai; the Northern smooth-tailed tree shrew (Dendrogale murina)(Eds. H.
Endo and J. Yamada.) Kyoto University, Aichi.
          ― 21-30. 2005
R. Fukuhara and T. Kageyama Structure, Gene Expression, and Evolution of Primate Glutathione Peroxidases Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 141 428-436 2005
半谷吾郎 モロッコ・中アトラス地域でのバーバリマカクの保全をめぐる問題と調査許可の取得 霊長類研究    ―    ― 2005
早石周平、半谷吾郎 バーバリマカクの自然生息地と移植コロニー見聞録 霊長類研究 21 65-73 2005
M.Hayashi, Y.Mizuno and T.Matsuzawa How does Stone -Tool Use Emerge? Introduction of Stones and Nuts to Na?ve Chimpanzees in Captivity Primates 46(2) 91-102 2005
M.Hayashi, H.Takeshita and M.Matsuzawa Cognitive Development in Apes and Humans Assessed by Object Manipulation ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"   ― 395-410 2006
S. Hirata An Experimental Study of Cooperation in a Chimpanzee Paired with a Human Partner Folia Primatologica 75(S1) 275  ―
S. Hirata Chimpanzee Learning and Transmission of Tool Use to Fish for Honey Cognitive development in chimpanzees (T. Matsuzawa, M. Toimonaga, M. Tanaka (eds.), Tokyo: Springer-Verlag) 75(S1) 201-213 2006
S. Hirata Tactical Deception and Understanding of Others in Chimpanzees Cognitive development in chimpanzees (T. Matsuzawa, M. Toimonaga, M. Tanaka (eds.), Tokyo: Springer-Verlag,)   ― 265-276 2006
T.Imura, M.Yamaguchi, N. Shirai, Y.Otsuka, M.Tomonaga and A.Yagi Perception of Motion Trajectory of Objects from the Moving Cast Shadow in Infants Vision Research 46 652-657 2006
M.Inoue-Murayama, E.Hibino, T.Matsuzawa, S.Hirata, O.Takenaka, I.Hayasaka, S.Ito and Y.Murayama The Application of a Human Personality Test to Chimpanzees and Survey of Polymorphism in Genes Relating to Neurotransmitters and Hormones ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"    ― 113-124 2006
井上-村山美穂,鵜殿俊史,中井映里,岩月裕美,Kyung-Won Hong,松沢哲郎,竹中修,早坂郁夫,伊藤愼一,村山裕一 飼育チンパンジーの遺伝子多型と行動特性評価との関連性(2) 霊長類研究 21 Supplement S-28 2005
M. Inoue-Murayama, T. Udono, E. Nakai, H. Iwatsuki, K.-W. Hong, T. Matsuzawa, O. Takenaka, I. Hayasaka, S. Ito, Y. Murayama Analysis of relationship between genetic polymorphism and personality in captive chimpanzees. SAGA 8 Symposium: Arts & Apes    ― 31 2005
M. Inoue-Murayama, E. Hibino, T. Matsuzawa, S. Hirata, O.Takenaka, I. Hayasaka, S. Ito, Y. Murayama The application of a human personality test to chimpanzees and survey of polymorphism in genes relating to neurotransmitters and hormones. Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees    ― 113-124 2006
T. Kageyama Role of S'1 Loop Residues in the Substrate Specificities of Pepsin A and Chymosin Biochemistry 43 15122    -15130 2004
金森朝子 久世濃子 ボルネオ島ダヌム・バレー森林保護地域における野生オランウータンの調査 SAGA8シンポジウム要旨集    ― 11 2005
金森朝子 久世濃子 ボルネオ島ダヌムバレー森林保護地域における野生オランウータン調査 SAGA8シンポジウム要旨集    ― 25 2005
金森朝子 久世濃子 ボルネオ島ダナムバレー森林保護地域における野生オランウータン調査地 霊長類研究    ― 2006
金森朝子 久世濃子 ボルネオ島ダヌムバレーにおける野生オランウータンの社会行動における研究 第24回日本動物行動学会講演要旨集 11 2005
金森朝子 久世濃子 ボルネオ島ダナムバレー森林保護地域における野生オランウータン調査地 霊長類研究 22(1)  ― 2006
T. Kawashima, S. Yoshitomi, and H. Sasaki Nerve Fiber Tracing of the Branches to the Coracobrachialis in an Adult Male Orangutan Anat. Histol. Embryol. Accepted 2006
T. Kawashima, R. Frey, and H. Sasaki Detailed Anatomy of the Fatty Cheek Pad and its Nerve Supply in an Adult Male Orangutan with Osteological Analysis of Sexual Differences of Skulls Abstracts of the
Plenary, Symposium, Poster and Oral Papers at IMC9
 ― 330 2005
Kondo O, Ishida H, Hanihara T, Wakebe T, Dodo Y and Akazawa T Cranial ontogeny in Neandertal children: evidence from neurocranium, face and mandible. Current Trends in Dental Morphology Research 183-195 2005
Y. Kunimatsu, M. Nakatsukasa , Y. Sawada , T. Sakai , M. Hyodo , H. Hyodo , T. Itaya , H. Nakaya , H. Saegusa , M. Saneyoshi , H. Tsujikawa , A. Yamamoto , E. Mbua A new Late Miocene great ape from Kenya and its implications for the origins of African great apes and humans Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA. 2006
Y. Kunimatsu, B. Ratanasthien, H. Nakaya, H. Saegusa, S. Nagaoka, P. Jintasakul Primate evolution in the Neogene Southeast Asia: Recent discoveries of hominoid fossils in Thailand The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University Suppl. 1 21-27 2005
N. Kuze
T. Kanamori
T.P. Malim
H. Bernard
S. Kohshima
Ethological Study of Orangutan in Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve and Danum Valley Conservation Area 10th Sabah Inter-Agency Tropical Ecosystem (SITE) Research Seminar 10 2006
久世濃子 森の人オランウータン・顔は大事な目印 世界通信 教材学習ニュース 1851(1) 2006
M. Matsuzawa Book review of The Cultured Chimpanzee: Reflections on Cultural Primatology Nature 434 21-22 2005
T.Matsuzawa, M.Tomonaga and M.Tanaka (Eds.) Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees Springer-Verlag Tokyo 548 2006
T.Matsuzawa Sociocognitive Development in Chimpanzees: A synthesis of Laboratory Work and Fieldwork ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"  ― 3-33 2006
T.Matsuzawa Evolutionary Origins of the Human Mother-Infant Relationship ""Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees"Springer-Verlag Tokyo"  ― 127-141 2006
Y.Mizuno, H.Takeshita and T.Matsuzawa Behavior of Infant Chimpanzees during the Night in the First 4months of Life: Smiling and Suckling in Relation to Behavioral State Infancy 9(2) 215-234 2006
C.Murai, D.Kosugi, M.Tomonaga, M.Tanaka, T.Matsuzawa and S.Itakura Can Chimpanzee Infants (Pan troglodytes) Form Categorical Representations in the Same Manner as Human Infants (Homo sapiens) Developmental Science 8 240-254 2005
M. Myowa-Yamakoshi, M. Yamaguchi, M. Tomonaga, M. Tanaka and T. Matsuzawa Development of Face Recognition in Infant Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Cognitive Development 20 49-63 2005
T. D. Nishimura
M. Takai
T. Tsubamoto
N. Egi
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