報告者:ジャマン モハマド フィロズ
期間:2008/12/04 - 2009/01/22
I traveled third time (winter field season) in Bangladesh for data collection on rhesus macaques for part of my doctoral course on 3 December, 2008. It was also an excellent opportunity to study free-ranging rhesus monkeys in my home country in winter months. I did observations on two free ranging rhesus groups, one living in the urban area (Shadhona population) located in Dhaka City and another one group living near a village (Bormi population), located in the Shripur, Gazipur District. The aim of this field trip was to collect baseline data on behavioral activity budgets and the feeding ecology of the species in terms of age-sex class differences and seasonality in rhesus macaques in that geographical region. I observed 21 days for the Shadhona population and 23 days for the Bormi population to collect behavioral and ecological data on rhesus macaques in two separate environment and locations. This time I collected 23,050-min. focal samples sessions, including over 383.3 hours of focal data, video records and pictures of the monkeys and their habitats. I sampled the vegetation to see the food availability in that area for monkeys. I also collected plant samples for nutritional analysis of monkey diets. I collected some supplementary data from the local people by the distribution of questionnaires made by me. To get advice and comments I made a discussion session about my research with my colleagues and other researchers in the Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka on 21 January, 2009. I left Dhaka, Bangladesh in the evening on 22 January, and arrived in Japan in the early morning on 24 January, 2008 by Singapore airlines.
An immature individual feeding a tropical fruit (locally called Kamranga)
Village rhesus (Bormi population) resting on the top of the house (Photo by Mr. Magba)
Village rhesus group (Bormi population) foraging near the homestead land (Photo by Mr. Farhad)
HOPE Project<>