HOPE Symposium 2007
Primate Origins of Human Evolution

11月18日(日) 東京大学農学部弥生講堂
11月19日(月) サピアタワー(東京駅前) 

三次元デジタル化されたチンパンジーの頭骨。原標本:京都大学霊長類研究所収蔵:No.5376 mpeg動画もごらんください





Date: November 18th, 2007
Place: University of Tokyo, Yayoi Auditorium Ichijo Hall
会場:東京大学農学部弥生講堂 地図

1 Future of hominoid study

Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Opening remarks

Hiroki Koda (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
The future directions of gibbon research - from the field to laboratory study

Takeshi Furuichi (Meiji Gakuin University)
Evolution of sex and social structure in chimpanzees and bonobos

Yoshikazu Ueno (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Life of apes: perspective from animal welfare
上野吉一(東山動植物園:Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden)

Masaki Tomonaga (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Probing into the chimpanzee mind: mid-term goals and mid-term plan

Gen Suwa (University Museum, Tokyo University)
A paleontological perspective to the origins of humans and modern apes
諏訪 元(東京大学総合研究博物館)

General discussion

2 Chimpanzee management strategies: An international perspective

Stephen Ross (Lincoln Park Zoo)
Balancing demographic, genetic and social factors in managing the North American zoo chimpanzee population

Frands Carlsen (Copenhagen Zoo)
The European management program for chimpanzees - outline and perspectives

Coffee break

Maria Finnigan (Western Plains Zoo)
An overview of the Australasian species management program for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

Etsuo Narushima (Tama Zoological Park)
The species survival project and chimpanzee studbook for the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums
成島悦雄 (多摩動物公園)

Coffee break

General discussion 


Date: November 19th, 2007
Place: Sapia Tower, Tokyo
会場:サピアタワー会議室503号室(東京駅前) 地図

Opening Remarks
Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)

Session 1: Macaques
セッション1: マカク類 

Masanaru Takai (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Evolutionary history of macaques and close relatives in Eurasian continent

Goro Hanya (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Ecological diversity of Japanese macaques

Roscoe Stanyon (Department of Animal Biology and Genetics, University of Florence)
The cytogenetics of the macaque genome: origins, marker order and neocentromeres

11:40-12:10 & 13:00-14:40
Session 2: Small Apes
セッション2: テナガザル類

Hiroki Koda (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Variability and flexibility in gibbon songs - field observations and experimental evidences

Lunch 12:10-13:00

Ulrich Reichard (Department of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University)
Social flexibility in Khao Yai gibbons

Alan Mootnick (Gibbon Conservation Center)
Gibbon (Hylobatidae) species identification, and conservation efforts through captive management

Coffee break 14:40-15:00

Session 3: Great Apes

Linda Brent (CHIMP HAVEN, Inc)
Chimp Haven and the U.S. national chimpanzee sanctuary system

Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University)
Chimpanzee Sactuary Uto and the chimpanzees in Japan

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   SAGA / HOPE シンポジウム
   2007年11月18日 東京大学農学部弥生講堂 

香田啓貴 (京都大学霊長類研究所
The Future Directions of Gibbon Research - from the Field to Laboratory Study
Hiroki Koda ( Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University )
Gibbon species living in the tropical rain forests of the Southeast Asia are one of the members of apes, while they interestingly show the remarkable biological significances from the perspectives of the ecology, biogeography sociobiology, behavioral ecology, comparative psychology, and genetics, comparing with the other great apes. The current classification system has proposed the 14 species, and all gibbon species showed the specialized social systems of monogamous. Moreover, another well-known specialization is their loud morning vocalizations. All gibbon species produce stereotyped patterns of vocalizations that are often referred to as ‘songs’, or ‘duet.’ Numerous researchers had paid their attentions on such special characters in the gibbon species, and constructed the fundamental framework of their natural histories. However, a large body of evidence that contradicts this traditional view has developed in the past decade, and the biological mechanisms of their special phenomena have not been revealed yet. Here I will present some recent topics to be revealed, and also show the future directions and possibilities for gibbon research from the field study to laboratory study, from the standpoint of “gibbon biology”, not of the hominization.

古市剛史 (明治学院大学国際学部)
Evolution of Sexual Behavior and Social Structure in Chimpanzee and Bonobo
Takeshi Furuichi ( Faculty of International Studies, Meiji-Gakuin University )
The social structure of animal species is primarily determined by the sexual relationships. Particularly the hominoid ancestors evolved sexuality and social structure that are quite unique among primates or even among all mammals.
In the middle Miocene when rain forest covered the vast area from Africa to Asia, hominoid ancestors evolved peculiar reproductive strategy. They bared a limited number of offspring and nursed them for a long period. For example, female chimpanzees nurse infants for 3 to 4 years, and they resume estrus more than 5 years after giving previous birth. Due to such a long nursing period, estrus period of females is very limited, and the estrus sex ratio (number of adult males vs. number of adult females in estrus) becomes as high as 20.
Such a high estrus sex ratio may cause various problems, and measures against it influence the social structure of the species. It may explain evolution of severe aggression among male chimpanzees and prolonged estrus of female bonobos. Furthermore, evolution of human family may be explained in this line of evolution of reproduction and sexual behavior in hominoids.

上野吉一 (東山動植物園)
Life of Apes: Discussion from Points of Animal Welfare
Yoshikazu Ueno ( Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden )
Animal welfare is inevasible problem for human society today. It is not an attitude to love animals only on the basis of emotion and/or anthropomorphism. Animal welfare ought to adopt an attitude on the basis of scientific or objective understanding of animals, and consideration of "Quality of Life" of animals. It, however, is truly affected by the difference in the value of life and/or of animals as culture. Therefore, this paper tried to review the situation of animal welfare for apes in Japan in order to rethink what attitudes are required for animal welfare. Moreover, it showed that consideration to animal welfare for apes, which have competence for complex requirements and suffering, is meaningful as initiative to establish animal welfare for other animals.

友永雅己 (京都大学霊長類研究所)
Probing into the Chimpanzee Mind: Mid-Term Goals and Mid-Term Plan
Masaki Tomonaga ( Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University )
I summarize the past and present of cognitive studies of chimpanzees from the standpoint of comparative cognitive science aiming to understand the processes and factors of cognitive evolution. I here propose the term “Hominid cognitive science” to characterize the particular stance not as “Mind-diversity sciences” nor “Panology”, as studying the minds of living hominid species as a whole. Hominid cognitive science tries to investigate the convergence and diversity of cognitive abilities within Hominidae and to understand the role of cognitive evolution in hominization processes. Then, once we set the mid-term goals as such, what research programs (mid-term plans) can be established for the coming decade? This is a quite tough mission, but I would like to try proposing my idea. In addition, I want to emphasize the importance of Hominid cognitive science for the hominid conservation and welfare. Hominid cognitive science should be for hominids.

諏訪元 (東京大学総合研究博物館)
A Paleontological Perspective to the Origins of Humans and Modern Apes
Gen Suwa ( The University Museum, The University of Tokyo )
The study of human evolution based on the fossil record developed in East Africa, from the late 1950s through the 1970s, in parallel with the development of field studies of the living great apes. This resulted in a broad understanding of human evolution going back to close to 4 million years ago. Since the 1990s, even older hominid fossils have been discovered, with three taxa extending close to or before 6 million years ago. Furthermore, recent paleontological research are starting to elucidate the African fossil record, at around or before the probable time-periods of human origins. Chororapithecus abyssinicus is one of such recent discoveries at 10 to 10.5 million years ago in Ethiopia. This fossil ape shares with the modern gorilla some subtle but key features of its dentition, suggesting that it may be a basal member of the gorilla clade. The discovery, interpretation, and significance of this new fossil ape are presented.

スティーブン・ロス (アメリカ動物園水族館協会チンパンジー種保存計画議長/リンカーンパーク動物園)
Balancing Demographic, Genetic and Social Factors
in Managing the North American Zoo Chimpanzee Population
Stephen Ross ( Chair of the Chimpanzee Species Survival Plan, AZA / Lincoln Park Zoo )
The Chimpanzee Species Survival Plan (SSP) is the cooperative program that coordinates the management of the 280 chimpanzees living in North American zoos accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). Since 1981, the Chimpanzee SSP has provided breeding and transfer recommendations with the goal of maintaining a self-sustaining population that is genetically diverse and demographically stable. In addition, the Chimpanzee SSP works to advocate for the advancement of the care and management of all captive chimpanzees and ultimately improve their wellbeing. Genetically speaking, the population is healthy (population mean kinship = 0.012, 98.78% genetic diversity retained) which provides freedom to pursue demographic and welfare objectives. Currently, the primary management objectives is to promote greater complexity of chimpanzee groups through increasing group sizes and diversity (i.e. multimale groups). Over the last 8 years, the median group size has increased by over 50% and the mean number of adult males per group has risen from 0.8 to 2.1. Despite these successes, there is much work to be done to best serve the wellbeing of the population and each individual chimpanzee. Given the increasing proportion of elderly individuals and the relative dearth in breeding success in recent years, the total population has decreased by 9% since 1999. The benefit of transferring individuals to create more productive breeding pairs and increase group complexity must always be balanced with the program goals of maintaining individuals in their natal groups for optimum durations and minimizing the potential stress of social integration.

The European Management Programme for Chimpanzees: Outline and Perspectives
Frands Carlsen ( EAZA EEP Coordinator and ESB Keeper for Chimpanzees / Copenhagen Zoo )
The European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) presently has two different levels of conservation breeding programmes, EEP - European Endangered species Programme and ESB - European Studbook. The regional collection plans of the Taxon Advisory Groups (TAGs) identify which type of programme to assign to which species of animal. Coordinated management of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in Europe was initiated at a relatively late stage and initially focus was placed on establishing a breeding programme (2003) for the western subspecies (P. t. verus). The choice of managing at subspecies level for a single subspecies was based on the exceptional taxonomic position of the western chimpanzee. Individual chimpanzees for the management programme were identified using genetic subspecies analysis. Of the 424 western chimpanzees so far identified in the European region 215 are living and 179 are available for the programme. With the current genetic diversity retained at 97.55% the genetic health of the population is good. In 2007 the ESB for the remaining group of chimpanzees in Europe was established. This studbook contains information on 2891 chimpanzees of which 780 are living. The studbooks for western chimpanzees and the larger group of other subspecies and generic chimpanzees will be important tools in the future management strategy for chimpanzees in the region. This strategy includes dealing with the fact that in most cases western and other chimpanzees are still kept in mixed groups and the fact that the population size has to be maintained at the present level or reduced without loosing genetic diversity. The strategy will be addressed in detail in this paper. Recent and ongoing efforts to develop improved methods for genetic subspecies analysis of chimpanzees will also be discussed as well as the prospect of future global cooperation between the different regional management programmes.

An Overview of the Australasian Species Management Program
for Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes)
Maria Finnigan ( ASMP Species Coordinator Chimpanzees / Western Plains Zoo )
The Australasian Species Management Program identifies Chimpanzees as a priority Great Ape species for the region. Chimpanzees have been maintained in the region since the early 1900s with the current population being 47. There is considerable investment in providing resources, including facilities and staff, to maintain this species and this paper will overview these aspects of the program. The aims of the captive management program will also be discussed and these will include the current regional planning process i.e. the ASMP Primate TAG, the annual report process and the legislative requirements; the principles guiding the husbandry/management strategies in place ; the demographic and genetic goals of the program in relation to the size of the region and it's isolation from international partners; issues and concerns within the program eg the establishment of multi-male breeding and/or bachelor units; and the future goals of the program, including the desire of the ASMP program to forge greater links with captive programs outside of Australasia. Examples of the regional efforts to advocate for the plight of the chimpanzee and it's conservation needs will also be addressed.

成島悦雄 (日本動物園水族館協会チンパンジー血統登録者/東京都多摩動物公園)
 日本動物園水族館協会は野生動物の飼育展示をとおして環境教育と種の保存に貢献することを大きな活動目的としている。現在協会に90の動物園と69の水族館が加盟している。同協会の種の保存活動は生息域外保全が主で、種保存委員会を組織し哺乳類73種、鳥類46種、は虫類10種の希少種を選び、血統登録管理を行っている。チンパンジーについては1991年から国内血統登録書の発行を開始した。当初、協会加盟園飼育個体のみの登録であったが、1992年からは、動物園以外の大学や製薬会社の研究施設等で飼育されている個体も含め、日本で飼育されているすべてのチンパンジーが登録されている。チンパンジーの亜種判定が2000年から2001年にかけておこなわれ、2001年版血統登録書から亜種についても記載された。2006年12月31日現在の血統登録では、登録総数600頭、生存個体数348頭(雄146頭、雌202頭)で、亜種内訳はPan troglodytes verus 211(87/124)、P.t.troglodytes 3(1/2)、P.t.shweinfurthii 13(3/10)、P.t.vellerosus 1(0/1)となっている。飼育個体群管理上の課題は、ここ数年、飼育個体数が漸減していることである。この原因として、出生個体数より死亡個体数が上回っていること、人口ピラミッドが樽型で繁殖年齢にある個体が少ないこと、それぞれの亜種毎の繁殖をすすめたことがあげられる。また、ペア飼育を主体とした本来の群構成とは異なる少数飼育という飼育形態も是正していく必要がある。
The Species Survival Plan and Chimpanzee Studbook
for the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Etsuo Narushima ( JAZA Regional Studbook Keeper for Chimpanzee / Tama Zoological Park )
The main mission of the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA) is to contribute to environmental education and conservation of the species through captive management and exhibition of wild animals. Currently, 90 zoos and 69 aquariums are accredited members of JAZA. The species conservation action that JAZA mostly applies is ex-situ conservation activities. As a result, Species survival committee was organized and 73 mammalian, 46 avian, and 10 reptile species have been selected as studbook keeping species. The first chimpanzee studbook was published in 1991. It used to contain only the individual records of specimens kept at JAZA accredited institutions. Yet, since publication of 1992 version, it has included all specimens which are kept at facilities in Japan. Subspecies analysis of captive chimpanzees had been done through 2000 to 2001, and the subspecies of the each specimen has been listed in the studbook since 2001. There are 600 individuals listed in the studbook; 348individuals(146/202) out of 600 are living specimens according to inquiry on 31 December, 2006. Among those living specimens, 211individuals(87/124) are identified as P.t.verus, 3 individuals (1/2) are identified as P.t.troglodytes, 13 individuals(3/10) are identified as P.t.shweinfurthii and 1 female is identified as P.t.vellerosus. The biggest issue of captive management of this species in Japan is the gradual decline of the population. The considerable causes of the population decline are the larger number of mortality versus births, the small reproductive aged population, and the subspecies management. Also, keeping chimpanzees in small groups or as a pair should be reviewed.











2007年11月19日 サピアタワー503号室


高井正成 (京都大学霊長類研究所)
 ユーラシア大陸におけるオナガザル亜科の進化史について、化石種の分布域の変遷データをもとに検討する。オナガザル亜科は中新世末に北アフリカで起源し、中新世末にユーラシアに侵入した。これまでにユーラシアで見つかっている化石種は、MacacaTheropithecusParadolichopithecusProcynocephalus の4属のみである。このうち後2者は同属にされることがあるが、その系統的位置に関しては議論が多い。今回、タジキスタン南部の後期鮮新世の地層から見つかっているParadolichopithecus の頭骨化石の内部構造と系統的位置に関する議論を報告する。また現生マカクの拡散経路に関しては、南アジアの地理的変遷との関連性から議論されてきたが、ParadolichopithecusMacaca の化石種の発見地点のパターンを解析してみると、彼らの拡散経路は従来の南方経路(南アジア地域)ではなく、より北方の中央ユーラシアを経由してきた可能性があることが示唆される。
Evolutionary History of Macaques and Close Relatives in Eurasian Continent
Masanaru Takai ( Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University )
The evolutionary history of cercopithecine monkeys in the Eurasian continent is still obscure. Cercopithecines have originated in northern Africa and appeared in Eurasia as early as the latest Miocene. To date continent there are three cercopithecine genera reported in Eurasia: Macaca, Theropithecus, Paradolichopithecus, and Procynocephalus, the latter two of which are sometimes regarded as synonymous taxa and the phylogenetic positions of these large cercopithecine monkeys have been discussed by many researchers. New findings of the inner structure of Paradolichopithecus discovered from the late Pliocene of Tajikistan provide further controversy on the phylogenetic position of this animal. On the other hand, the dispersal route of extant Macaca has so far been discussed only in the context of South Asian geographical changes, the distribution pattern of Paradolichopithecus and Macaca fossil localities may indicate a more northern dispersal route, such as via Central Eurasia rather than a southern route, such as via South Asia.

半谷吾郎 (京都大学霊長類研究所)
Ecological Diversity of Japanese Macaques
Goro Hanya ( Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University )
There are two types in the habitat of Japanese macaques: deciduous forest in the north-eastern Japan and evergreen forest in the south-western Japan. Seasonal variation is large in both of the habitats, and in response to it, macaques change their diet. They eat young leaves in spring, fruits and insects in summer and fruits and seeds in autumn. Winter is the most severe season, and their diet differs in deciduous and evergreen forest. They eat bark and buds in the deciduous forest, and mature leaves of evergreen trees in the evergreen forest. As a result, the extent of food shortage is considerable in the deciduous forest, but not so severe in the evergreen forest. They survive winter by consuming fat which was deposited during autumn, when high-quality fruits and seeds are available. Population density in the evergreen forest is 8 times as high as that in the deciduous forest, because of the difference in the food conditions in winter. Population density varies even in the same forest type. For example, in the evergreen forest of Yakushima, where habitat varies with altitude, population density varies 3 times between the coastal forest and other forests, in accordance to the variations in fruit availability. I discuss why both food conditions in winter and total annual fruit abundance affect the density of Japanese macaques.

ロスコー・スタニオン (フローレンス大学動物生物遺伝学研究室)
The Cytogenetics of the Macaque Genome: Origins, Marker Order and Neocentromeres
Roscoe Stanyon ( Department of Animal Biology and Genetics University of Florence )
The genome of the first non-human species completely mapped using comparative chromosome painting or Zoo-FISH was the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata). Chromosome painting efficiently reveals inter-chromosomal rearranngments (translocations) between species. Comparisons of over 50 primates species and outgroups from other mammalian orders now allows an accurate reconstruction of the ancestral chromosomal syntenies of all living primates. Cloned DNA probes such as BACs can reveal intra-chromosomal rearrangements (inversions), neocentromeres and define breakpoints. These molecular cytogenetic techniques can help trace the origin of both human and macaque chromosomes over the last 90 million years. Differences in marker order between humans and macaque can be accounted for by about 20 inversions. Many macaque and human centromeres are evolutionary new centromeres, which are embedded in different genomic contexts. Between humans and macaques a total of 14 neocentomeres were found: 9 in the macaque and 5 in the human lineage. All new macaque centromeres were stabilized by rapidly expanding arrays of alpha satellite DNA. Clinical neocentromeres are often found in the sites of evolutionary neocentromere or ancient inactivated centromeres showing that these phenomena are two faces of the same coin. One perspective is that the study of evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements can shed light on chromosomal rearrangements in disease.

香田啓貴 (京都大学霊長類研究所)
 野外観察研究と動物権における実験研究を通じて見出された、テナガザルの音声の柔軟性に関するわれわれの研究を紹介する。野外においては、スマトラ島に生息する野生アジルテナガザルの音声の個体性について検討した。とくに音響的な種特異性が認められメスに固有なグレートコールと呼ばれる音声に関して個体性を検討した。分析の結果、グレート コールのある特定の音声の領域に強い個体性が認められる一方、柔軟に変わりうる領域の存在も確認した。また動物園の飼育個体においては、発声の訓練を条件付けの手法を用いて行った。その結果、2ヶ月という短期間で発声の訓練がなされ、発声行動に関して高い柔軟性を確認できた。以上の結果はともにテナガザルの音声の柔軟性を示しており、従来考えられているよりも発声が柔軟に変更できる可能性を示唆している。
Variability and Flexibility in Gibbon Songs - Field Observations and Experimental Evidences -
Hiroki Koda ( Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University )
Here I present our recent findings about the flexibility or variability of gibbon vocalizations from our field observation and zoo experimental evidence. In the field work, we examined acoustic individuality in wild agile gibbon, Hylobates agilis agilis, and determined the acoustic variables that contribute to individual discrimination using multivariate analyses. Significant individual differences were found across six individual gibbons in some parts of the sequential their call of great call. Moreover, the some part contributed little to individual identification and also indicated the great flexibility. In the zoo experiment, we examined the degree of the volitional control of vocal production, using the methods of the operant conditioning. We attempted operant conditioning of the vocalizations of an immature female white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar). During the 2-month period of intensive training for conditioning, the gibbon successfully learned to produce the contingent response of vocalizations. These results directly suggest greater volitional control of vocal production in gibbons to some extents. Our studies imply the greater flexibility of the vocal control than previously considered.

アルリッチ・レイチャード  (南イリノイ大学人類学教室)
 これまでに多くの反証するような証拠が見つかっているにもかかわらず、依然としてテナガザルの社会は純粋な一夫一婦制型の頑健な社会形態を示すとされている。こうした生態学的な特性は、彼らの小さな体サイズや脳容量などの特徴と同じように、ヒトや大型類人猿から区別する生物学的な特性として取り扱われてきた。今回、テナガザルの社会構造が従来考えられてきたよりも柔軟であることを議論し、ヒトや大型類人猿の社会と比較できるほど近い存在であることを提案したい。そのために、タイ・カオヤイ国立公園で20年以上長期観察を続けている14群のテナガザル野生群に関する人口学的データを紹介する。長期観察のデータは、一般的な事由(例えば出産、個体の移出、または消失や死亡など)により社会構成が変更することを示しているが、なおかつオスの群れからの移出といった現象により社会構造の変化が頻繁に引き起こされることも示していた。オスの移出は、以下の2つの現象を結果的に引き起こすことが多い。一つは、1)オスの交代(male’s replacement)である。これは、従前の社会構造を全く変えずにペアオスのみが入替わることを意味する。もうひとつは、複雄単雌型の社会(polyandrous group)である。結局、オスの移出入にともにない、従前のペアオスは残留するものの以前のようにメスとは純粋なペアを構成せず、変わりに新しく移入したオスがメスとペアを構成しデュエットや性交渉を行うような、社会を構成するようになる。こうした複雄単雌型の社会は一時的ではなく長期にわたりペア型社会同様に安定した社会形態であることがわかった。さらに、野外観察によると、純粋に完全なペア型に振舞うメスはほとんどいないようだ。近年の報告にある複雄単雌型の社会を許容するメスの存在や、チンパンジーや他の旧世界ザルなどで確認されているメスの性皮腫脹といった現象なども、この観察結果を支持しているといえる。こうした一連の観察は、シロテテナガザルの社会構造や繁殖システムにおいて、他の類人猿の柔軟な社会構造と同様な類似性が存在することを明らかにしている。すなわち、社会構造の柔軟性は、ヒトや他のすべての類人猿の共通祖先の段階ですでに存在していた可能性を示唆している。
Social Flexibility in Khao Yai Gibbons
Ulrich H. Reichard ( Department of Anthropology,
    Southern Illinois University Carbondale )
Despite a growing body of data, gibbons are still sometimes characterized as primates with a simple, apparently inflexible, monogamous social organization. This, along with their small body and brain size, is commonly used to set them apart from the more derived great apes and humans. In this paper, I will argue that gibbon social arrangements are more flexible than commonly acknowledged, and that this potential closely allies them with other apes and humans. I will present demographic data from the longest ongoing field research of a gibbon species, spanning more than two decades and including fourteen habituated groups, at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. This data indicates that social change occurs regularly for common reasons, i.e. birth, dispersal, and disappearance/death; however in addition, group composition is also impacted by frequent male immigration. Male immigrations predominantly lead to: (i) a resident male’s replacement without altering the group’s structure, or (ii) a socio-sexually polyandrous group in which the resident male stays as the female’s secondary partner, while the incoming male becomes her primary partner who performs duets, and the majority of copulations and social interactions with the female. Some polyandrous groups are stable over many years, and most groups in the sample experience periods of socio-sexual polyandry as well as pair-living. Investigations of sexual relationships have found that few females are monogamous, which is in agreement with recent descriptions of female sexual polyandry and genital swellings that functionally resemble the exaggerated swellings of chimpanzees and some Old World Monkeys. These observations reveal important similarities in the social organization and mating system of white-handed gibbons when compared to the flexible association patterns of other apes. Thus, it may be argued that a significant predisposition for social flexibility was a trait already present in the last common ancestor of all apes and humans.

アラン・ムートニック  (テナガザル保全センター)
 飼育下におけるテナガザルの繁殖の目的は2つある。種や亜種の多様性を維持すること、ならびに生存に適した遺伝子集団を創ることである。これらは保護された自然生息地に、生まれた子供たちを解放するという最終的なゴールをともなっている。テナガザル類の正確な種同定は幾つかの種および亜種においては難しい。その要因としては下記の7項目があげられる:1)毛色の幅が広い、2)毛色が雌雄で異なる、3)毛色が成長にともなって変化する、4)栄養不良や飼育環境(屋内のみの飼育あるいは直射日光照射など)によって毛色が影響を受ける、5)性器周辺の尿による脱色や変色、6)種および亜種の発声の相違を区別する難しさ、7)押収されたテナガザルの起源の不鮮明性、などである。これらの問題点を考慮すると、いろいろな機関がテナガザル類同定の困難にでくわすことは何ら驚くことではない。今回の発表するテナガザル類の種および亜種に関わる分類の現状は、世界中の博物館に所蔵されている毛皮、ならびにテナガザル保全センターや世界中の動物園に収容されている個体の比較から決定されたものである。テナガザル15種が、必ずしも全種ではないが、飼育繁殖計画にある。これまでこの計画において、シロテテナガザル(Hylobates lar)、ミューラーテナガザル(Hylobates muelleri)、アジルテナガザル(Hylobates agilis)、シャーマン(Symphalangus syndactylus)、およびホオジロテナガザル(Nomascus leucogeny)の亜種間雑種が認められた。これらの子供たちは自然界に解放することはできない。テナガザルの飼育繁殖は幾つかの種や亜種において重要である。このたび自然界で最も希な種であるキタホオジロテナガザル(Nomascus l. leucogenys)が、飼育繁殖計画において好結果をおさめた。自然界で100,000頭を超える個体数が絶滅に瀕する危険性にあるテナガザル種に、飼育繁殖計画が集中したことは非常にすばらしいことである。
Gibbon (Hylobatidae) Species Identification, and Conservation Efforts
Through Captive Management
Alan Mootnick ( Gibbon Conservation Center )
Two of the purposes for breeding gibbons in captivity are to retain species and subspecies diversity and to create a viable gene pool, with the ultimate goal of releasing offspring into protected native habitat. Accurate identification of an individual gibbon’s species may be complicated within some gibbon species and subspecies by 1) by a wide range of coat colors, 2) the existence of different colors for the two sexes, 3) the occurrence of coat color changes at various stages of their life, and in all species by 4) the impact of malnutrition and housing (e.g. indoors only or in full sunlight) on coloration, 5) the bleaching or staining from their own urine in the groin, 6) the difficulty of distinguishing the different species and subspecies vocalizations, 7) and the loss of information from a confiscated gibbon’s origin. Given these problems, it is not surprising that facilities may encounter difficulties in the identification of gibbons. For this presentation, gibbons’ specific and subspecific status was determined through the comparison of study skins housed in museums worldwide and live specimens housed at the Gibbon Conservation Center and zoos worldwide. Of the 15 gibbon species, not all of the species are in a captive breeding program. There has been subspecific hybridization in captive breeding programs with the lar gibbon (Hylobates lar), Mueller’s gibbon (Hylobates muelleri), agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis), siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus), and white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys), and those offspring should not be released in the wild. The captive breeding of gibbons is more important in some species and subspeices than in others. At this time the northern white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus l. leucogenys) is the rarest primate in the wild, which is in a successful captive breeding program. It would be in the best interest for a captive breeding program to concentrate on the gibbon species that are in greater danger of becoming extinct than species which numbers exceed 100,000 in the wild.

リンダ・ブレント (チンプヘイブン)
 倫理的、資金的、そして科学的観点から、チンパンジーを医学研究に使うことはアメリカ国内で大きな問題となってきた。チンパンジーのHIV研究を縮小するとともに、政府はチンパンジーの適切な管理に関する提言をまとめた報告書を提出した(National Research Council, 1997)。この報告書の中に、研究に使われたチンパンジーをサンクチュアリで長期的かつ経済的に飼育することを支援する内容が盛り込まれている。チンプヘイブンは1995年に設立され、研究対象から外れた個体やペットとして飼われた個体、ショーに使われた個体に人道的な待遇を与えることを目的とした施設である。研究から引退したチンパンジーのための法律制定の流れの中で、チンプヘイブンは2002年に政府によって国立チンパンジー・サンクチュアリ・システムを設立運営する組織として選定された。チンプヘイブンのこれまでの活動による飼育・管理・研究の結果に基づいて、他の施設のデザインから事務政策にいたるまでの助言をおこなっている。個体のデータに基づいて需要を見極め、各個体の生涯にわたるコストを算出し、プロジェクトの見通しを立てる作業もおこなう。チンプヘイブンはルイジアナ州の北西部に位置し、現在は115個体のチンパンジーを飼育している。医学研究や行動研究から引退したチンパンジーである。施設の設計は、種に特有の行動の発現を重視し、社会的グループ化、採食、ネスト作り、遊動などに配慮したものになっている。運営面では、環境エンリッチメントの科学的研究、トレーニング、グループ形成などを審査実施する体制が整えられている。予備的な行動データおよび健康面でのデータから、目標が十分に達成されていることが示された。チンパンジーの群れ作りが進められ、その過程で個体がケガをする率も低く、迅速に進行した。18−19個体からなる2群は、森のある広大な放飼場に暮らしている。野生由来の個体では、ネスト作り、自然植生の採食、境界のパトロール、木登りなどがより頻繁に観察されている。チンプヘイブンに移送される前に70.8%だった異常行動率は22.5%まで減少した。こうした異常行動は、自傷行動や糞便の壁塗りなど慢性的なものが大半だった。チンプヘイブンはチンパンジーの種特有の行動を引き出すのに成功しており、研究から引退したチンパンジーを飼育する他のサンクチュアリにとってモデルとなる施設といえる。
Chimp Haven and the U.S. National Chimpanzee Sanctuary System
Linda Brent (Chimp Haven, Inc. )
For ethical, fiscal and scientific reasons, the use of chimpanzees in medical research has been the subject of intense debate in the United States. With the reduction in the use of chimpanzees for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) studies, the government commissioned a report which outlined recommendations for appropriate management (National Research Council, 1997). Included in the report was support for sanctuaries to provide long term, cost-effective care for research chimpanzees. Chimp Haven was formed in 1995 with the mission to provide humane care for chimpanzees no longer wanted in research, as pets or in entertainment. Chimp Haven was selected by the government to construct and operate the National Chimpanzee Sanctuary System in 2002, which resulted from the passage of a law to institute and fund retirement for research chimpanzees. From the design of the facility to the operations and policies, Chimp Haven has relied on experience and research on chimpanzee care and management to guide decisions. Demographic data were used to determine need, estimate lifetime costs for chimpanzee care, and develop the scope of the project. The Chimp Haven sanctuary is located in northwest Louisiana and currently cares for 115 chimpanzees retired from medical or behavioral research. Facility design emphasizes opportunities for species-typical behaviors, including social grouping, foraging, nesting, and ranging. Operating procedures involve the review and application of scientific studies on environmental enrichment, training, and group formation. Preliminary scientific and subjective evaluation utilizing behavioral and health data indicate success in reaching goals. The chimpanzees were integrated quickly into groups with very low rates of wounding, and two large groups of 18-19 individuals have inhabited multi-acre forested enclosures. Natural behaviors, such as nesting, foraging on native vegetation, boundary patrols, and climbing trees, have been observed more commonly in wild-born chimpanzees. The incidence of abnormal behaviors dropped from 70.8% of subjects prior to transfer to 22.5% at the sanctuary, with chronic abnormal behaviors (e.g., self aggression, feces painting) accounting for the majority of cases. The Chimp Haven sanctuary has been very successful in giving the chimpanzees opportunities to express species-typical behavior, and offers a model for the development of other sanctuaries needed to care for former research chimpanzees.

松沢哲郎 (京都大学霊長類研究所)
Chimpanzee Sactuary Uto and the Chimpanzees in Japan
Tetsuro Matsuzawa ( Primate Research institute, Kyoto University )
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