Primate Research Institute > Population Genetics Section Japanese
Koga Akihiko
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University Kanrin, Inuyama, Aichi 484-8506 Japan
TEL +81-0568-63-0526 FAX +81-0568-62-9554
Koga A, Cheah FS, Hamaguchi S, Yeo GH, *Chong SS (2008) Germline transgenesis of zebrafish using the medaka Tol1 transposon system. Developmental Dynamics 237 (9): 2466-2474.
Kodama K, Takagi S, *Koga A (2008) The Tol1 element of the medaka fish, a member of the hAT transposable element family, jumps in Caenorhabditis elegans. Heredity 101 (3): 222-227.
Hikosaka A, *Koga A (2007) PCR detection of excision suggests mobility of the medaka fish Tol1 transposable element in the frog Xenopus laevis. Genetical Research 89 (4): 201-206.
*Koga A, Higashide I, Hori H, Wakamatsu Y, Kyono-Hamaguchi Y, Hamaguchi S (2007) The Tol1 element of medaka fish is transposed with only terminal regions and can deliver large DNA fragments into the chromosomes. Journal of Human Genetics 52 (12): 1026-1030.
*Koga A, Shimada A, Kuroki T, Hori H, Kusumi J, Kyono-Hamaguchi Y, Hamaguchi S (2007) The Tol1 transposable element of the medaka fish moves in human and mouse cells. Journal of Human Genetics 52 (7): 628-635.
*Koga A, Iida A, Hori H, Shimada A, Shima A (2006) Vertebrate DNA transposon as a natural mutator: The medaka fish Tol2 element contributes to genetic variation without recognizable traces. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23 (7): 1414-1419.
Iida A, Shimada A, Shima A, Takamatsu N, Hori H, Takeuchi K, *Koga A (2006) Targeted reduction of the DNA methylation level with 5-azacytidine promotes excision of the medaka fish Tol2 transposable element. Genetical Research 87 (3): 187-193.
Tsutsumi M, Imai S, Kyono-Hamaguchi Y, Hamaguchi S, Koga A, *Hori H (2006) Color reversion of the albino medaka fish associated with spontaneous somatic excision of the Tol1 transposable element from the tyrosinase gene. Pigment Cell Research 19 (3): 243-247.
Iida A, Takamatsu N, Hori H, Wakamatsu Y, Shimada A, Shima A, *Koga A (2005) Reversion mutation of i b oculocutaneous albinism to wild-type pigmentation in medaka fish. Pigment Cell Research 18 (5): 382-384.
Iida A, Tachibana A, Hamada S, Hori H, *Koga A (2004) Low transposition frequency of the medaka fish Tol2 element may be due to extranuclear localization of its transposase. Genes & Genetic Systems 79 (2): 119-124.
Iida A, Inagaki H, Suzuki M, Hori H, *Koga A (2004) The tyrosinase gene of the i b albino mutant of the medaka fish carries a transposable element insertion in the promoter region. Pigment Cell Research 17 (2): 158-164.
Koga A (2004) Transposition mechanisms and biotechnology applications of the medaka fish Tol2 transposable element. In: Advances in Biophysics Vol. 38, edited by H. Ikeda, S. Iida and E. Ohtsubo. Japan Scientific Societies Press & Elsevier, pp 161-180., Tokyo.