Kawamoto Y, Kawamoto S, Matsubayashi K, Nozawa K, Watanabe T, Stanley MA,
Perwitasari-Farajallah D
Genetic diversity of longtail macaques (Macaca fascicularis) on the island of
Mauritius: an assessment of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms.
J Med Primatol 37(1): 45-54 (2008)
Kawamoto Y, Tomari K, Kawai S, Kawamoto S
Genetics of the Shimokita macaque population suggest an ancient bottleneck.
Primates 49(1): 32-40 (2008)
Feeroz MM, Hasan K, Hamada Y, Kawamoto Y
STR polymorphism of mtDNA D-loop in rhesus macaques of Bangladesh.
Primates 49(1): 69-72 (2008)
Kurachi M, Kawamoto Y, Tsubota Y, Chau BL, Dang VB, Dorji T, Yamamoto Y,
Nyunt MM, Maeda Y, Chhum-Phith L, Namikawa T, Yamagata T
Phylogeography of wild musk shrew (Suncus murinus) populations in Asia based on
blood protein/enzyme variation.
Biochem Genet 45(7-8): 543-63 (2007)
Koyama N, Aimi M, Kawamoto Y, Hirai H, Go Y, Ichino S, Takahata Y
Body mass of wild ring-tailed lemurs in Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, with
reference to tick infestation: a preliminary analysis.
Primates 49(1): 9-15 (2008)
Kurachi M, Yamagata T, Namikawa T, Kawamoto Y, Tanaka K, Mannen H, Takahashi
Y, Nomura K, Kinoshita K, Tsunoda K, Nishibori M, Yamamoto Y, Samdrep C, Sherpa
D, Tsering G, Dorji T
Morphological, mitochondrial DNA and blood protein/enzyme variations of wild
musk shrews (Suncus murinus) in Bhutan.
Rep Soc Res Native Livestock 24: 195-205 (2007)
Kawamoto Y, Kawamoto S, Kawai S, Shirai K, Yoshida A, Hagihara K, Shiratori
D, Naoi Y
Status report of hybridization in an introduced population of rhesus macaques (Macaca
mulatta) with native Japanese macaques (M. fuscata) in the Bousou Peninsula,
Chiba, Japan.
Primate Research 23(2): 81-89 (2007) (in Japanese)
Kawamoto Y
Local differentiation of Japanese macaques in view of genetics. In:
"Science of Primate Evolution" (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto
University ed.), pp. 440-450, Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 2007. (in Japanese)
Kawamoto Y
Genetic diversity and geographical differentiation in Japanese macaques. In:
"Mammalogy in Japan vol. 2: Middle- and Large-size Mammals and
Primates" (Takatsuki S and Yamagiwa J eds.), pp. 223-251, University of
Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 2008. (in Japanese)
Kawamoto Y
Genetic characteristics and domestication of camelids in highlands of Andes.
The 47th Meeting of Ethnic and Natural History Studies, April 21, 2007, Kyoto.
Kawamoto Y, Kawai S, Saito A, Kawamoto S
Application of Y chromosomal microsatellite polymorphism to the study of
Japanese macaques.
The 8th Seminar for Japanese Macaque Study, May 19-20, 2007, Inuyama.
Kawamoto Y, Kawamoto S, Kawai S, Saito A, Hamada Y, Mouri T, Kunimatsu Y,
Ohsawa H, Goto S, Nigi H, Muroyama Y, Morimitsu Y, Shirai K, Suzuki K
Population genetic study on the hybridization between Taiwanese and Japanese
macaques in Wakayama, Japan.
The 23th Annual Meeting of Primate Society of Japan, July 16, 2007, Hikone.
Hamaka Y, Mouri T, Kunimatsu Y, Chatani K, Ohsawa H, Goto S, Nigi H, Shirai
K, Morimitsu Y, Kawamoto Y
Morphological examination on the Taiwanese-Japanese macaque hybrids in Wakayama
The 23th Annual Meeting of Primate Society of Japan, July 16, 2007, Hikone.
Kawai S, Kawamoto Y
The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Macaca fuscata and comparison with
other macaques.
The 23th Annual Meeting of Primate Society of Japan, July 16, 2007, Hikone.
Morimitsu Y, Kawamoto Y
Examination of genetic monitoring method for the conservation of the local
populations of the Japanese macaque in Kanagawa prefecture.
The 23th Annual Meeting of Primate Society of Japan, July 16, 2007, Hikone.
Kawamoto Y
Genetic monitoring of local populations of monkeys for conservation and
Public Symposium "Mammal studies linking outcomes from captive animal
observation and experimental analysis to fieldwork", The Annual Meeting of
the Mammalogical Society Japan (2007), September 16, 2007, Tokyo.
Hamada Y, Son VD, Vu TH, Hoandg LV, Hung NV, The NV, Malaivijitnond S, Goto
S, Kawamoto Y
Comparison of hybridization of rhesus and longtail macaques between Thailand and
The Annual Meeting of the Mammalogical Society Japan (2007), September 15-17,
2007, Tokyo.
Chida H, Higashi H, Kawamoto Y, Tamate H
Genetic population structure of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in Yamagata
and its surrounding areas.
The Annual Meeting of the Mammalogical Society Japan (2007), September 15-17,
2007, Tokyo.
Kawamoto Y, Feeroz MM, Hasan MK
Mitochondrial DNA diversity in rhesus macaques of Bangladesh
International Symposium "Evolution and Diversity of Macaques: Research
Progress and Prospects", February 15-16, 2008, Inuyama.
Kawamoto Y
Genetic monitoring for preventing hybridization between native and exotic
macaque species in Japan
International Symposium "Evolution and Diversity of Macaques: Research
Progress and Prospects", February 15-16, 2008, Inuyama.
Kawamoto Y
Genetic studies on camelids in Andes.
Mini-symposium "Synthetic Study of Camelids and Their Utilization in
Andes", The 186th Meeting of Chubu Anthropology Society, March 29, 2008,

International Symposium "Evolution and Diversity of Macaques: Research
Progress and Prospects",
February 15-16, 2008, Inuyama