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NAKATSUKASA, Masato, YAMANAKA, Atsushi, KUNIMATSU, Yutaka, SHIMIZU, Daisuke, and ISHIDA, Hidemi (1998) A newly discovered Kenyapithecus skeleton and its implications for the evolution of positional behavior in Miocene East African hominoids. Journal of Human Evolution 34: 657-664.

KUNIMATSU, Yutaka (1997) New species of Nyanzapithecus from Nachola, Northern Kenya. Anthropological Science, 105(2): 117-141.

KUNIMATSU, Yutaka (1992) Allometry of the nuchal plane in hominoids, and its reduction in relation to bipedalism in hominids. In: Topics in Primatology, vol.3 (eds. Matano, S, Tuttle, R. H., Ishida, H., and Goodman, M.), University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, pp209-220.

KUNIMATSU, Yutaka (1992): A revision of the hypodigm of Nyanzapithecus vancouveringi. African Study Monographs, 13: 231-235.

KUNIMATSU, Yutaka (1992): New finds of a small anthropoid primate from Nachola, northern Kenya. African Study Monographs, 13: 237-249.

HAYAMA, Sugio, NAKATSUKASA, Masato, and KUNIMATSU, Yutaka  (1992) Monkey performance: the development of bipedalism in trained Japanese monkeys. Acta Anatomica Nipponica, vol.67, No.3: 169-185.

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KUNIMATSU, Yutaka, SAEGUSA, Haruo, NAKAYA, Hideo, RATANASTHIEN, Benjavun, NAGAOKA, Shinji, and TSUBAMOTO, Takehisa (2000) Field notes on the fossil localities in northern Thailand visited during the field season of February 1999. Asian Paleoprimatology 1: 115-136.

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